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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I still have not been able to find the actual ad, but if it's not about abortion, why is an abortion rights advocacy group attacking Bernie about non abortion things?

Emily’s list isn’t just an abortion rights advocacy group, their goal is more specifically to get pro choice female Democrats elected to office. In a primary that currently still has two such candidates, they will garner support before the male candidates.

Obviously in a general election Emily’s List would prefer any of the Dem candidates over Trump.

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19 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


And yet he's still better than Trump. Even if they were the same, he still wouldn't have a party backing every awful piece of legislation he could imagine. He'd also have more than just one Mitt Romney on the left voting to impeach him if he did even a tenth of the corrupt shit Trump regularly pulls. How are we pretending that their presidencies would be functionally identical?

He'd buy them off like he's already doing. Politicians are cheap when you have his resources. How do you think he's picking up such support from black politicians despite his comments and actions on stop and frisk? Or he could personally finance challengers to his power and it wouldn't even make a dent in his wealth. He has an unfathomable amount of money to burn, and this is absolutely poisonous to democracy. it's how he bought his way into a third term as NYC mayor. This is worse than the Republicans taking cash hand over fist from corporations, as at least in theory there's more than one person's interest invested.


He said we can learn from Singapore on drug laws. How well is that going to work with over 25% of the country living in states where marijuana is legal? This is a complete liability, and Trump with get him from the left on this popular position.


He wanted to cut the number of teachers and increase class sizes. How is this any better than Republicans or Trump?


He sued NYC to stop a minimum wage hike from going through. Is he going to sign $15 minimum wage bill passed by the house? No matter what he says, his past actions say no he will not. How is this any different than Trump or Republicans? 


This is just the low hanging fruit, without even mentioning stop and frisk (which Trump has praised!)


The sole, absolute only good case for Bloomberg is that he may change course on some climate regulations and guns. That's it.

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12 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Emily’s list isn’t just an abortion rights advocacy group, their goal is more specifically to get pro choice female Democrats elected to office. In a primary that currently still has two such candidates, they will garner support before the male candidates.

Obviously in a general election Emily’s List would prefer any of the Dem candidates over Trump.

So equivocating a great pro choice candidate with Trump is a good idea.


You can't conflate a prochoice Dem with Trump, then go back and say "oops turns out they're not the same" in the general should he get the nomination. It's absurd to the point of unseriousness

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4 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

So equivocating a great pro choice candidate with Trump is a good idea.


You can't conflate a prochoice Dem with Trump, then go back and say "oops turns out they're not the same" in the general should he get the nomination. It's absurd to the point of unseriousness

You certainly can and such things happen literally every election cycle :p 

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Just now, sblfilms said:

You certainly can and such things happen literally every election cycle :p 

It's one thing for some dumbass on the internet (read: me) does it with an audience of you people. It another for a prominent pro choice group to say one of the best pro choice senators is the same as Donald goddamn Trump on abortion

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1 minute ago, elbobo said:

Lets really get crazy with this, lets say Bloomberg somehow wins a brokered convention full of shenanigans were it definitely looks like he bought the nomination does Bernie run 3rd party?


I'd be more concerned with Bloomberg despite his assurances. Read Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign. Bernie knows his influence is best when running as a Democrat, not an independent, and behind the scenes, he doesn't want to help elect Trump.

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I'd be more concerned with Bloomberg despite his assurances. Read Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign. Bernie knows his influence is best when running as a Democrat, not an independent, and behind the scenes, he doesn't want to help elect Trump.

Yep. A whole fuck load of supporters of his may not be on board, especially younger voters, who may just stay at home, and I wouldn't blame them. It'd be a confirmation of oligarchy. I'm not certain I would vote given these choices (not hyperbole)


Say what you will about Hillary Clinton, but she had some very committed, enthusiastic supporters. The Bloomberg people are there for a check. 

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They sound fairly crazy tbh, but this isn't an anti-Bernie thing. As sblfilms said, they just want to get pro-choice women elected.



EMILY’s List has faced criticisms for using divisive tactics and supporting female candidates in primary elections.[7] The most notable example of this was in 2008 when EMILY’s List signed on early to support Hillary Clinton’s campaign and proceeded to criticize Barack Obama and feuded with other pro-abortion groups for endorsing him.[8] As reporters for National Journal put it, “EMILY’s List had a lot riding on Hillary Clinton’s 2008 candidacy” and her “defeat [called] into question the very core of EMILY’s List’s strategy.”[9]


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42 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

He'd buy them off like he's already doing. Politicians are cheap when you have his resources. How do you think he's picking up such support from black politicians despite his comments and actions on stop and frisk? Or he could personally finance challengers to his power and it wouldn't even make a dent in his wealth. He has an unfathomable amount of money to burn, and this is absolutely poisonous to democracy. it's how he bought his way into a third term as NYC mayor. This is worse than the Republicans taking cash hand over fist from corporations, as at least in theory there's more than one person's interest invested.


He said we can learn from Singapore on drug laws. How well is that going to work with over 25% of the country living in states where marijuana is legal? This is a complete liability, and Trump with get him from the left on this popular position.


He wanted to cut the number of teachers and increase class sizes. How is this any better than Republicans or Trump?


He sued NYC to stop a minimum wage hike from going through. Is he going to sign $15 minimum wage bill passed by the house? No matter what he says, his past actions say no he will not. How is this any different than Trump or Republicans? 


This is just the low hanging fruit, without even mentioning stop and frisk (which Trump has praised!)


The sole, absolute only good case for Bloomberg is that he may change course on some climate regulations and guns. That's it.


Nobody is arguing he's good here. I'll be very happy when he's not in the running anymore. Everything you just said, though, calls him better than Trump. I know that's an incredibly low bar, but let's be objective here. A Bloomberg presidency is better than what we've got going now. If he were to become the nominee, would you vote for Trump? Even if Bloomberg tried to enact every last policy and legislation Trump has but didn't go around committing crimes left and right, that would still be an improvement over Trump. A pathetic improvement that proves we as Americans deserve what we get, but still an improvement. I'd even take the bland dollop of mayo over Bloomberg, but I'll take anything over Trump and arguing that they're the same oversimplifies the politics of this nation.

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51 minutes ago, Jose said:


They sound fairly crazy tbh, but this isn't an anti-Bernie thing. As sblfilms said, they just want to get pro-choice women elected.




Oh, geez, they support the candidate who does worse in the general. :p


39 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:



This is interesting. Is Biden in Nevada campaigning? I'm sure he's in the Nevada debate.

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Bloomberg’s Independence USA super PAC, which he funds exclusively, spent nearly $10.1 million supporting Republican federal candidates from 2012-16. The majority of that, $5.9 million, helped Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) win re-election in 2016 against Democrat Katie McGinty, an environmental policy expert and another Emily’s List endorsee. In 2014, the super PAC boosted Republican House candidates Bob Dold (IL; $1.9 million) and Michael Fitzpatrick (PA; $174,000). Two years earlier, Independence USA had spent $1.7 million backing Connecticut House candidate Andrew Rorabach, as well as $963,000 supporting Dold.


The former mayor has devoted still more money to outside spending groups that have backed GOP state candidates; most notably, Independence USA spent $2.3 million on ads backing then-GOP Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan in his successful re-election bid–months after the Flint water crisis began. Bloomberg also held a fundraiser for Snyder at his home in New York.

After Snyder’s win, Bloomberg said Snyder was “an extremely competent guy who took on the unions to get Detroit and Michigan going in the right direction. And he was re-elected despite being attacked by the unions.” Snyder had signed anti-union “Right to Work” legislation in late 2012. The New York City mayor also praised Snyder’s expansion of public charter schools.

If I didn't know better I'd say this was the Koch brothers. He'd sell out abortion rights in a heartbeat, there's not a doubt about that.



Meanwhile, his giant staffing expenditures are reportedly hurting other Democratic candidates. As The Intercept reports, Bloomberg has hired so many staffers, typically with generous salaries, benefits, and perks, that state and local campaigns are having trouble finding the talent they need.

Wow this won't backfire on any way. Surely we must reward this behavior all to rid the country of Trump (who is a symptom, remember, not the cause of many of our problems as a country)


There is 0 evidence that he cares about anything other than the power and prestige of Mike Bloomberg. He's an amoral billionaire, only interested in self. His nomination would render moot any character criticism of trump. But hey, he's our oligarch, right now, so we should be ok with it if he buys this election because somehow Trump is worse (if only because he's the dumb, boorish version of what Bloomberg would be)


He doesn't give a single fuck about progressive values, and is openly hostile to all of them but gun control.

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