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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Literally every thing the left tries to do to improve society is seen as socialism. This is where I very much agree with the Bernie and RSF crowd. We may as well just go for the fucking jugular because anything we try will always be mislabeled as socialism. 

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2 hours ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

In 2016 the media was too busy covering email servers to give Bernie attention.  I’m sure they’ll find another extremely important issue to cover nonstop 

Out of all the dumbass takes on 2016, the notion that Bernie didn’t get attention is sure one of them. 

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DNC debate rules are released


1) Max debate participants at 20.

2) Candidate needs at least 1% in three national polls or polls of early primary states, OR raise money from at least 65,000 donors from 20 states, including 200 unique donors per state.

3) If more than 20 candidates meet this criteria, the party will give preference to candidates who clear both the polling and fundraising thresholds, and if that’s still too many people, invitations will go to candidates who have the highest polling averages.
4) If the number of qualifying candidates is too unwieldy for a single debate, the Democratic National Committee said it’ll hold primary debates on multiple nights if necessary, assigning candidates randomly to the two debates rather than dividing them based on polling like Republicans did in 2016.



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On 2/20/2019 at 3:58 AM, SaysWho? said:

I remember making that EXACT point about Bernie and the crime bill whenever it was brought up to me about Hillary and... crickets. She was held more responsible for The Crime bill even though she had no legislative powers at the time than he was despite the fact that he was a sitting member of the Senate and voted for it :|

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Bernie better hope he doesn't have another black problem.





But nonwhite voters make up nearly half of Democratic voters, and older voters are more likely to vote in primaries than younger ones. These splits helped give Clinton an insurmountable advantage. She won an astonishing 99 percent of southern counties with large black populations, helping her sweep the South and lock Sanders out of the nomination.



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20 minutes ago, Chris- said:


I think that people often overlook how popular the Clinton family as a whole is with the black voting community. Even though we may realize that (Bill) Clinton was not a very progressive President, much like Obama he has built a cult of personality in some voting blocks, and this helped out Hillary Clinton quite a bit. I don't think it's that Sanders was unpopular amongst black voters, merely that Clinton was very popular.

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23 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I think that people often overlook how popular the Clinton family as a whole is with the black voting community. Even though we may realize that (Bill) Clinton was not a very progressive President, much like Obama he has built a cult of personality in some voting blocks, and this helped out Hillary Clinton quite a bit. I don't think it's that Sanders was unpopular amongst black voters, merely that Clinton was very popular.


DSA stans on Twitter are citing his Jewish heritage to bolster his inter-sectional cred, so there is a 0.00000000% chance the white millennial socialists have learned how to endear the 'revolution' to black voters (Exhibit A: RedSoxFan9).

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5 minutes ago, Chris- said:


DSA stans on Twitter are citing his Jewish heritage to bolster his inter-sectional cred, so there is a 0.00000000% chance the white millennial socialists have learned how to endear the 'revolution' to black voters (Exhibit A: RedSoxFan9).


But comparing him and his supporters isn't fair. Many supporters of politicians don't particularly like other supports of the same politician.

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


But comparing him and his supporters isn't fair. Many supporters of politicians don't particularly like other supports of the same politician.


I believe it was Gandhi that once said "I like your Bernie Sanders. I dislike your Berniebros. They are so unlike your Bernie Sanders."

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Just now, CitizenVectron said:


But comparing him and his supporters isn't fair. Many supporters of politicians don't particularly like other supports of the same politician.


It absolutely is fair. How many voters will ever meet Bernie Sanders, let alone his top surrogates? A fraction of a percent. Pretty much all voters will meet his supporters though, and how those supporters (whether they are officially with the campaign or not) act reflects upon him. I actually think Sanders is pretty sensitive and thoughtful when it comes to matters of race! But in 2016 it was not difficult to find instances online of Bernie supporters being paternalistic and tone-deaf toward POC ('Actually, free college should be extremely important to the black community...'), and there's no reason to think that has changed (example: RedSoxFan literally referring to The Root - a black-oriented site in a prominent media group - as 'fake news').


Of all the candidates in the field, I like Bernie's platform the most and he seems like the most genuine of the bunch. I am leaning toward voting for him (especially since I am starting to get over the only real hang up I have about him, which is his age). But unlike last time around, I likely will not make a donation to him (which I did even though I voted for Clinton) and I would never think of supporting him in any other way, whether that was volunteering for the campaign or even explaining to someone why I am voting with him, because I want nothing to do with those people.

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On 2/19/2019 at 7:37 PM, Jwheel86 said:

What is the advantage of keeping rich kids out? Is the bureaucracy needed to keep rich kids out worth it, especially since lower income students will fall though the cracks because they were unaware aid existed? That bureaucracy would probably cost more than just letting rich kids in. The current aid system screws over people because of dependent status. Tuition free is simple, clean, can't be messed with by future GOP Congresses. 


Tuition Free would likely lead to fewer going to college since colleges would lose willingness to go to into debt as a means to gatekeep, I'm okay with this. I went to an okay regional university and my freshman class was loaded with kids who should not have been there, as evident by the freshman drop out rate, even though the freshman gen ed classes attempted to make up for NC Public Schools. This would finally force us to address K-12 since we can't just grind them through the university system.


I would adopt the Early College model nationwide. Students earn an Associates or Vocational Certification while doing High School. My niece applied for it here and they take 10 kids from each 20th percentile based on Applications score, so it's not just the top students. Any degree program and class is available to them totally free, even books. 

My understanding is it would be cheaper to keep rich people out, even with the bureaucracy in mind. I would like to see evidence that the bureaucracy would cost more. This is rarely the case. 


I'm on board with Early College and vocational certifications in high school. This is where resources should be focused.

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