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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 hours ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


I was right.


You are okay with wrecking the environment and the lives of millions so you can see growth in your investment accounts.  Cry me a fucking river 

And another shitpost. Thank you for confirming what I said. You never post anything of value and you personally attack me regularly even though I barely even post here. 

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23 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

And another shitpost. Thank you for confirming what I said. You never post anything of value and you personally attack me regularly even though I barely even post here. 


Don't take it personally. Berniebros are pretty much the worst.

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23 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

And another shitpost. Thank you for confirming what I said. You never post anything of value and you personally attack me regularly even though I barely even post here. 

I’ve tried to actually engage in discussion with him and he seems pretty uninterested. Would rather just spam the board with links to all his weird twitter follows :lol:

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I'll say that every "debt free college" stan needs to work on their messaging.


Our system sends people into debt for ten years to go to college for four years to earn what amounts to two years of experience. I have enough experience in my field to be more qualified than someone with a PhD and a couple years experience. That's just bonkers to me. It's in the best interests of the nation to provide this training to anyone who wants it for no cost. So what if a rich kid gets in? Ivy leagues are more about prestige and connections, nobody who has the chance is going to give that up. They'd just be shooting themselves in the foot. 

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7 hours ago, Massdriver said:





There are other options. It isn't a binary choice between the status quo and tuition free college. There are ways to make college affordable to the less fortunate while cutting the rich out. 


Edit: By the way, another consequence of free tuition could be colleges end up raising their standards for entry through college entrance exams which tend to favor the wealthy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/03/05/these-four-charts-show-how-the-sat-favors-the-rich-educated-families/?utm_term=.07a6666cf139


I like the idea of tuition being free or partially paid for based upon future income years later. It makes the policy cheaper and it targets the less fortunate with the subside. You also have to look at incentives in this policy or free tuition for colleges to control costs.

What is the advantage of keeping rich kids out? Is the bureaucracy needed to keep rich kids out worth it, especially since lower income students will fall though the cracks because they were unaware aid existed? That bureaucracy would probably cost more than just letting rich kids in. The current aid system screws over people because of dependent status. Tuition free is simple, clean, can't be messed with by future GOP Congresses. 


Tuition Free would likely lead to fewer going to college since colleges would lose willingness to go to into debt as a means to gatekeep, I'm okay with this. I went to an okay regional university and my freshman class was loaded with kids who should not have been there, as evident by the freshman drop out rate, even though the freshman gen ed classes attempted to make up for NC Public Schools. This would finally force us to address K-12 since we can't just grind them through the university system.


I would adopt the Early College model nationwide. Students earn an Associates or Vocational Certification while doing High School. My niece applied for it here and they take 10 kids from each 20th percentile based on Applications score, so it's not just the top students. Any degree program and class is available to them totally free, even books. 

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The media didn't consider [Bernie] a real contender the last time, so what press he got was largely positive. That's about to change.



The ultimate problem that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., faces right now, after announcing his intention to again seek the Democratic Party's nomination for president, is that Democratic voters aren’t fully aware of his record — yet.


That may seem counterintuitive after the rough 2016 primary and his supporters' blanketing of social media. But, in truth, the 2016 Clinton campaign never named him in a single negative television or digital ad. And the media never truly educated the primary voting public with the intensity reserved for candidates seen as viable: His underdog status protected him then, but he won’t have that this time around.



For example, many Democratic voters may now be surprised to learn that Sanders opposed a staggering number of gun safety measures throughout his career. He voted five times against the Brady Bill, a common-sense measure mandating a waiting period and background check before purchasing firearms. Rather than apologize, his 2016 campaign doubled down: His top aide, Jeff Weaver, characterized the Brady Bill, in Politifact’s words, a "federal overreach."


When that didn’t silence the criticism, the Sanders team pointed to the senator’s support for a substitute amendment implementing “instant” background checks instead. What they didn’t say was that the National Rifle Association actually backed that amendment as a sneaky way to neuter the larger bill; technology didn’t exist in the early 1990s to perform the “instant" checks the amendment demanded.



Democratic voters who listened to his relentless attacks on Clinton (who wasn’t even in Congress at the time) over the 1994 Crime Bill — which was partially responsible for the mass incarceration crisis facing our country — might also be shocked to learn that Sanders voted for it. The excuses for his vote were pathetic: His supporters pointed to the fact that he gave a strongly-worded speech condemning aspects of the bill before casting a vote in favor of it.


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I think the plain and clear fact is that each of these candiates has their pro's and cons.  The best idea here is for them to put forward what they support and what they envision while they..and their supporters do not attack one another.   What looks good in a Primary can be used against them effectively in a General election by Trump.  (als the HRC/Bernie stuff)  (also reposted from my discord)



These hot takes, tweets, snippets are gonna just poison the well.

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