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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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19 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


You ignored my entire post. I'm not sure why I bother.


"Blue states also have problems. News at 11." 


Okay bro, no shit.


The point isn't whether blue states have problems (they obviously do), the point is whether they are more stable and doing better in terms of GDP than red states. Guess what: they are. 

If you think electing democrats to say Mississippi will suddenly turn that state around, then I don't know what to tell you.


Blue states are almost all coastal states. Coastal states are historically centers for trade and commerce for pretty fucking obvious reasons. It doesn't matter who is in charge of the government, a coastal is going to have more advantages than South Dakota. So telling me that coastal blue states have more GDP than landlocked red states doesn't really prove anyone's point. 

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Just now, Dodger said:

If you think electing democrats to say Mississippi will suddenly turn that state around, then I don't know what to tell you.


Blue states are almost all coastal states. Coastal states are historically centers for trade and commerce for pretty fucking obvious reasons. It doesn't matter who is in charge of the government, a coastal is going to have more advantages than South Dakota. So telling me that coastal blue states have more GDP than landlocked red states doesn't really prove anyone's point. 


Kansas was doing fine until they went full retard Republican. 

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4 minutes ago, Dodger said:

If you think electing democrats to say Mississippi will suddenly turn that state around, then I don't know what to tell you.


Blue states are almost all coastal states. Coastal states are historically centers for trade and commerce for pretty fucking obvious reasons. It doesn't matter who is in charge of the government, a coastal is going to have more advantages than South Dakota. So telling me that coastal blue states have more GDP than landlocked red states doesn't really prove anyone's point. 


That is the worst reading of economics I've ever seen. Inland states can't be as successful as coastal states? Then why are coastal red states doing worse than coastal blue states?


And it has already been born out by every demonstrable metric that when a state goes blue, 9 times out of 10 the state's GDP improves. How do you deny those kind of statistics? How do you deny that everyone on this board disagrees with your assessment, some here are quite smart to boot. We're all wrong and you're right?


That doesn't make ANY sense. But sure, keep banging a drum that everyone on here disagrees with, even though on many other topics we all disagree with each other plenty. But sure, we're all wrong.

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9 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


That is the worst reading of economics I've ever seen. Inland states can't be as successful as coastal states? Then why are coastal red states doing worse than coastal blue states?


And it has already been born out by every demonstrable metric that when a state goes blue, 9 times out of 10 the state improves. How do you deny those kind of statistics? How do you deny that everyone on this board disagrees with your assessment, some here are quite smart to boot. We're all wrong and you're right?


That doesn't make ANY sense. But sure, keep banging a drum that everyone on here disagrees with, even though on many other topics we all disagree with each other plenty. But sure, we're all wrong.

I'm not fiscally conservative. See, here's the problem. You all consider yourselves to be "Nordic model socialists" which is great, because I consider myself one as well. But you kind of ignored what made those countries successful other than seeing hey more government and welfare and thought  let's just copy that shit and it will all be a great success.


While you all see yourselves as Nordic Model Socialists, you're all really California San Francisco shitty liberals. Voting for modern Democrats will not lead us to be like Norway, it will lead us to be like San Francisco. I don't want to slash the size of the government because I automatically think all government spending is evil and wrong. Far from it. I just don't want modern Democrats in charge.


I know this is just my anecdotal experience, but I spent the first 35 years of my life in California. California is now practically unlivable for anyone making south of six figures, for various reasons. I watched areas that were nice middle class areas when I was child become ghettos. Large portions of California now have this run down, depressed, dirty, grimy feel to it.


Then last year the company I work for announced it was relocating all of it's CA offices to Arizona, and you could either move with a generous relocation bonus or go down with the ship and get a severance. I haven't worked for the company that long so my relocation bonus was more than double what my severance would have been. Plus I was tired of California anyway.


Then I came to Arizona. All I heard about Arizona was you all laughing about it in random Florida vs Arizona threads, so I was apprehensive this place was too a shit hole. So I came out here on vacation before I made the decision. The difference is night and day. Arizona is actually clean and well kept. The roads are actually well paved and not falling apart. I've seen almost zero graffiti here, where as it's fucking everywhere in California. People are nice and friendly. Instead of getting the death stare everywhere I go like I did in CA, people are warm and friendly. I don't feel like a foreigner in my own country.


The Phoenix area is exploding as many companies are relocating here as CA has too many taxes and regulations. These are big companies offering good paying jobs. Northrup Grumman is building a huge campus literally across the street from where I work. Intel is here as well. Phoenix has it's own tech sector popping up.


The problem is of course, people will flee CA and come here for the lower cost of living. They will of course keep their shitty modern Democrat politics with them, so Arizona will fall to the blue wave in 10-20 years, and end up just like CA. All those burdensome regulations the companies that relocated here fled from will be voted into place by the transplanted population and business will begin to falter like it does in CA. And of course, people will vote to open the border and abolish ICE and chant no human is illegal and everything else. Then they'll look around wonder what the hell happened to Arizona. The problem is that 20 years from now, there won't be anywhere else to flee to.

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13 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Then I came to Arizona. All I heard about Arizona was you all laughing about it in random Florida vs Arizona threads, so I was apprehensive this place was too a shit hole. So I came out here on vacation before I made the decision. The difference is night and day. Arizona is actually clean and well kept. The roads are actually well paved and not falling apart. I've seen almost zero graffiti here, where as it's fucking everywhere in California. People are nice and friendly. Instead of getting the death stare everywhere I go like I did in CA, people are warm and friendly. I don't feel like a foreigner in my own country.


I've been defending Florida for a while since I live here and moved back here; it's a great state (though it's fun to make fun of because even people who live in Florida think the weirdest stories come out of here). But everybody thinks a place is nice(r) when they move to said place. Everywhere new I go seems pristine because I haven't discovered its underbelly.


The best places in Florida are ones that are Democratic, straight-up. The worst places are the rural areas, stricken with poverty and dying small towns. Nobody really wants to move to the Panhandle versus Tampa, Orlando or South Florida in general. We're not dying to move to Bell or Sebring or Clewiston. A lot of them actually pay for landscaping and beautifying the area; so many areas in Palm Beach County look gorgeous because they use tax money to put in tons of beautiful parks and places to go.


Have you been to Denver? It's amazing. Boulder looks phenomenal. Tons of nice people and it's turned into a reliably blue state with many progressive politics. Hell, people like to make fun of NYC mainly because people are aggressive in traffic, particularly in Manhattan, but some of the nicest people I know are people from the northeast and NYC. Some of the best of small businesses, mom and pop restaurants, and family-owned establishments are all there, and it's always an amazing experience.


The idea that, "This place is nicer but redder," is really just southern pride silliness that's translated into conservative pride. Arizona is likely gorgeous. You're going to find a ton to love, I'm sure (the west in general seems like an amazing place that I look forward to revisiting this summer). I probably wouldn't mind taking a job there if I was thinking of going somewhere new. It's not because Democrats/Republicans.

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1 hour ago, Dodger said:

I'm not fiscally conservative. See, here's the problem. You all consider yourselves to be "Nordic model socialists" which is great, because I consider myself one as well. But you kind of ignored what made those countries successful other than seeing hey more government and welfare and thought  let's just copy that shit and it will all be a great success.


While you all see yourselves as Nordic Model Socialists, you're all really California San Francisco shitty liberals. Voting for modern Democrats will not lead us to be like Norway, it will lead us to be like San Francisco. I don't want to slash the size of the government because I automatically think all government spending is evil and wrong. Far from it. I just don't want modern Democrats in charge.


I know this is just my anecdotal experience, but I spent the first 35 years of my life in California. California is now practically unlivable for anyone making south of six figures, for various reasons. I watched areas that were nice middle class areas when I was child become ghettos. Large portions of California now have this run down, depressed, dirty, grimy feel to it.


Then last year the company I work for announced it was relocating all of it's CA offices to Arizona, and you could either move with a generous relocation bonus or go down with the ship and get a severance. I haven't worked for the company that long so my relocation bonus was more than double what my severance would have been. Plus I was tired of California anyway.


Then I came to Arizona. All I heard about Arizona was you all laughing about it in random Florida vs Arizona threads, so I was apprehensive this place was too a shit hole. So I came out here on vacation before I made the decision. The difference is night and day. Arizona is actually clean and well kept. The roads are actually well paved and not falling apart. I've seen almost zero graffiti here, where as it's fucking everywhere in California. People are nice and friendly. Instead of getting the death stare everywhere I go like I did in CA, people are warm and friendly. I don't feel like a foreigner in my own country.


The Phoenix area is exploding as many companies are relocating here as CA has too many taxes and regulations. These are big companies offering good paying jobs. Northrup Grumman is building a huge campus literally across the street from where I work. Intel is here as well. Phoenix has it's own tech sector popping up.


The problem is of course, people will flee CA and come here for the lower cost of living. They will of course keep their shitty modern Democrat politics with them, so Arizona will fall to the blue wave in 10-20 years, and end up just like CA. All those burdensome regulations the companies that relocated here fled from will be voted into place by the transplanted population and business will begin to falter like it does in CA. And of course, people will vote to open the border and abolish ICE and chant no human is illegal and everything else. Then they'll look around wonder what the hell happened to Arizona. The problem is that 20 years from now, there won't be anywhere else to flee to.


I appreciate the post, I really do.


But labeling me as anything is problematic. I don't consider myself anything, I select labels as shorthand, not as objective truth. Secondly, you just said yourself it's just your anecdotal evidence, thus it carries no demonstrable weight. Again, address the statistics nationwide (the truth being very clear: blue states > red states) and then we're having a conversation.


I'm sure your anecdotal experience is important to you, but it's worth nothing in terms of policy. :)

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9 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Dodger is responding to actual points, so there is no point debating him. He hasn't even responded as to why blue coastal states are better off than red coastal states.

For that matter, why is Wisconsin shittier than Minnesota? Similar states, similar demographics, similar geography (and are neighbors!) one went full retard with Scott Walker, the other stayed fairly democratic. 

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1 hour ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Oh, horse shit. He holds those shitty views, regardless. I'm past the point of civility with some of these people.


2 minutes ago, Jose said:


You should take umbrage with the utter garbage Dodger has spewed in this thread. CNut's comments are relatively tame in comparison.


I was being facetious. :demut:

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9 minutes ago, Jason said:



I was being facetious. :demut:


8 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Apparently Skillz didn't think so :p 


I actually did get that he was being facetious... I upvoted @CastlevaniaNut18 comment because she was directly attacking the notion that"calling racists out makes them racist-er" :p I get that that notion is what @Jason was... in his own way making fun of as well... I think :hmm:

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:



I actually did get that he was being facetious... I upvoted @CastlevaniaNut18 comment because she was directly attacking the notion that"calling racists out makes them racist-er" :p I get that that notion is what @Jason was... in his own way making fun of as well... I think :hmm:

...You didn't upvote any of my posts?

  • Haha 1
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