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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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8 hours ago, Jose said:

After Dodger moved out of Cali to Arizona to escape the Dems, we could soon have two Arizona Democratic senators. Stop it, universe. I can only get so erect.

Yes it’s wonderful that liberals are going to ruin Arizona the same way they ruined California. I can’t wait for half of this state to become Mexican ghettos like California. Maybe in 20 years downtown Phoenix will be covered in literal shit, drug needles, and homeless people like San Francisco. Or homeless camps like Los Angeles. Yes, liberals complete and total domination of CA politics has worked out so great I can’t wait for it to come here too.

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7 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Yes it’s wonderful that liberals are going to ruin Arizona the same way they ruined California. I can’t wait for half of this state to become Mexican ghettos like California. Maybe in 20 years downtown Phoenix will be covered in literal shit, drug needles, and homeless people like San Francisco. Or homeless camps like Los Angeles. Yes, liberals complete and total domination of CA politics has worked out so great I can’t wait for it to come here too.

You should move to Kansas. Republicans have done wonders for the economy and Healthcare there!

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9 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Yes it’s wonderful that liberals are going to ruin Arizona the same way they ruined California. I can’t wait for half of this state to become Mexican ghettos like California. Maybe in 20 years downtown Phoenix will be covered in literal shit, drug needles, and homeless people like San Francisco. Or homeless camps like Los Angeles. Yes, liberals complete and total domination of CA politics has worked out so great I can’t wait for it to come here too.



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1 hour ago, Dodger said:

Yes it’s wonderful that liberals are going to ruin Arizona the same way they ruined California. I can’t wait for half of this state to become Mexican ghettos like California. Maybe in 20 years downtown Phoenix will be covered in literal shit, drug needles, and homeless people like San Francisco. Or homeless camps like Los Angeles. Yes, liberals complete and total domination of CA politics has worked out so great I can’t wait for it to come here too. 


Are you saying Mexican people are homeless? Because I've never seen a Mexican homeless person. Usually they are the ones working and you see a black or white person begging or sleeping on the street. All they want to do is charge their phone or  want something for free.

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31 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Why not Arkansas? It’s dominated by Republicans and despite you having a high paying job that you could transfer to anywhere you still bought a house there. 

Sure, come to arkansas. You'd fit in well with the republican bigots here who hate immigrants. 


But we're talking about you. How you left California because you kept bitching about the Democrats ruining the state and moved to a red state that's turning blue, so you'll bitch about that, too. 


I have my own reasons for staying here, though I have the ability to move, when I'm ready. 

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1 hour ago, Dodger said:

Yes it’s wonderful that liberals are going to ruin Arizona the same way they ruined California. I can’t wait for half of this state to become Mexican ghettos like California. Maybe in 20 years downtown Phoenix will be covered in literal shit, drug needles, and homeless people like San Francisco. Or homeless camps like Los Angeles. Yes, liberals complete and total domination of CA politics has worked out so great I can’t wait for it to come here too.


Mexican ghettos comprise HALF of California.  Whoa, dude. Tell me more!

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I never really understood the whole, "Liberals in California really screwed things up!" 


Have you seen Kansas? Mississippi? Alabama? Ohio? West Virginia? Kentucky? Louisiana? 


Shorter lifespans and higher obesity rates are on average higher in conservative states and conservative counties. "Mah freedom allows me to not eat Michelle Obama's cafeteria food and stick with cinnamon bear claws!" Somehow they're better than New York or Colorado or Washington or Oregon? There are only a few states governed "conservatively" that I'd not mind living, including Florida despite all its grief.


But even then, the best places aren't the conservative ones. Nobody is thinking Arcadia or Lakeland or Bell are paradise compared to Orlando, Tampa, West Palm or Miami, all cities that routinely vote in Democrats. Nobody is talking about how amazing Bradenton is compared to the rest of the state with how hard the opioid epidemic hit them. People aren't rushing to live in Marion County, and South Florida isn't rushing to move to the Panhandle.


Georgia? It's Atlanta and Savannah, the more liberal areas, and then it's, like, Fallout 4 without the dog. 

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38 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I never really understood the whole, "Liberals in California really screwed things up!" 


Have you seen Kansas? Mississippi? Alabama? Ohio? West Virginia? Kentucky? Louisiana? 


Shorter lifespans and higher obesity rates are on average higher in conservative states and conservative counties. "Mah freedom allows me to not eat Michelle Obama's cafeteria food and stick with cinnamon bear claws!" Somehow they're better than New York or Colorado or Washington or Oregon? There are only a few states governed "conservatively" that I'd not mind living, including Florida despite all its grief.


But even then, the best places aren't the conservative ones. Nobody is thinking Arcadia or Lakeland or Bell are paradise compared to Orlando, Tampa, West Palm or Miami, all cities that routinely vote in Democrats. Nobody is talking about how amazing Bradenton is compared to the rest of the state with how hard the opioid epidemic hit them. People aren't rushing to live in Marion County, and South Florida isn't rushing to move to the Panhandle.


Georgia? It's Atlanta and Savannah, the more liberal areas, and then it's, like, Fallout 4 without the dog. 

Just think of how much better your life would be in your state, if some people had hookworm!  


Its fun when you tell people you're from NY and they say something like "Oh i love the city" or something and having to tell them I've never been to it, lol. 


Lets also take a look at how the GOP has run things nationally for the last 2 years, the next recession is going to be a doozy.



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12 hours ago, Dodger said:

Yes it’s wonderful that liberals are going to ruin Arizona the same way they ruined California. I can’t wait for half of this state to become Mexican ghettos like California. Maybe in 20 years downtown Phoenix will be covered in literal shit, drug needles, and homeless people like San Francisco. Or homeless camps like Los Angeles. Yes, liberals complete and total domination of CA politics has worked out so great I can’t wait for it to come here too.


Which states do you think subsidize which other states with their tax dollars? 


Blue states subsidize a lot of red states' social programs, but yeah, rich economic powerhouses like California and NYC are the problem? You take away blue states, America becomes an almost failed state economically and financially.


Get the fuck out of here with that shit. You lie as badly as Trump does. 

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13 hours ago, Dodger said:

Yes it’s wonderful that liberals are going to ruin Arizona the same way they ruined California. I can’t wait for half of this state to become Mexican ghettos like California. Maybe in 20 years downtown Phoenix will be covered in literal shit, drug needles, and homeless people like San Francisco. Or homeless camps like Los Angeles. Yes, liberals complete and total domination of CA politics has worked out so great I can’t wait for it to come here too.


Rural, conservative areas are just as devastated with opiates and poverty, they simply aren't as concentrated. The opiate crisis and wealth inequality don't exclusively target liberal bastions like urban California.

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1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:


Which states do you think subsidize which other states with their tax dollars? 


Blue states subsidize a lot of red states' social programs, but yeah, rich economic powerhouses like California and NYC are the problem? You take away blue states, America becomes an almost failed state economically and financially.


Get the fuck out of here with that shit. You lie as badly as Trump does. 

You want to guess which group of people have higher a concentration of their population in many red states compared to the national average, the same group of people which again relative to their population disproportionately commit a lot of crime and use a lot of welfare?


I've never said that California has absolutely nothing going for it. It still has great weather and beaches, and if you make six figures and can afford to live in those areas, CA ain't so bad. CA just gets bad when you make 40 grand a year and live in Baldwin Park or Downey or Norwalk or Pomona on South Central or East Los etc etc.


Yes, people want to live in a coastal state with nice weather over some cold land locked flyover state. Thanks for the great observation genius.  


I also like how there is zero refutation that CA is in fact mostly a shithole. 


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5 minutes ago, Dodger said:

You want to guess which group of people have higher a concentration of their population in many red states compared to the national average, the same group of people which again relative to their population disproportionately commit a lot of crime and use a lot of welfare?


I've never said that California has absolutely nothing going for it. It still has great weather and beaches, and if you make six figures and can afford to live in those areas, CA ain't so bad. CA just gets bad when you make 40 grand a year and live in Baldwin Park or Downey or Norwalk or Pomona on South Central or East Los etc etc.


Yes, people want to live in a coastal state with nice weather over some cold land locked flyover state. Thanks for the great observation genius.  


I also like how there is zero refutation that CA is in fact mostly a shithole. 


You ignored my entire post. I'm not sure why I bother.


"Blue states also have problems. News at 11." 


Okay bro, no shit.


The point isn't whether blue states have problems (they obviously do), the point is whether they are more stable and doing better in terms of GDP than red states. Guess what: they are. 

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I don't think anyone is going to defend Fresno from being a dump.


Even in the big cities, a lot of the problem is states and cities give homeless a one way ticket to somewhere else, and often that's CA. Add in the housing crisis (due to homeowners of all politics) and you got a recipe for disaster

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Homelessness and drugs are an issue in every single major American city. LA and San Francisco seem to have a larger problem because A) They are warm so the homeless can remain outdoors and be visible, and B) They are very large cities.


You will see less homeless in public areas year-round in places like Chicago simply because they will die, but they are still there (just hidden). I wouldn't be surprised if the % of homeless in LA was basically the same as Phoenix or Dallas or Miami, considering all are warm places. 


And studies have shown that the best way to get rid of the homeless are progressive solutions. The best solution is to give them free housing. A city in Canada did that, and a huge % of homeless people were able to get jobs and move out of the free places. Once you have a fixed address you can more easily get jobs (and be safe). But conservative places don't like to do that since it's seen as a liberal "handout." But it works. 

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Homelessness and drugs are an issue in every single major American city. LA and San Francisco seem to have a larger problem because A) They are warm so the homeless can remain outdoors and be visible, and B) They are very large cities.


Does SF Need NY’s “Right to Shelter” Law?

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