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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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4 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:

I did catch that on the live feed, but he didn't get a chance to say what the lies exactly were, an important distinction.


And all Congressmen should be doing as he did.


Griffith was losing his head over being called a liar even though he knows they lied. It's ridiculous and the media in this country feeds these people's egos by also refusing to call them liars when they straight up lie.

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24 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:




Then why aren't their (Democratic) colleagues directly calling them out?






Fuck political theater, by both sides. Such a simple rebuttal with a simple fact would shut a lot - but not all - Electoral Vote objectors up.


I'm 100% with you. The problem (again, as I understand it, someone correct me if I've been wrong on any point, my memory is fuzzy) is multifold. The media has a goldfish memory and plays neutrality instead of objectivity, so facts from summer of 2020? Pfffft, it's January 2021 man. And Democrats? They don't know how to fight. 


The problem is, when Democrats do bring these things up, or when the media does, Republicans play the victim card: "the state legislatures didn't mean to approve those changes! That's why we filed (bogus) legal cases before the election to try to reverse these changes in these key swing states, but the corrupt Democrat courts shot us down and so that's why this election is stolen (these are legal cases before the election, not the many that followed the election)!" The logic is a loop - an ouroboros. Republicans are all about obfuscation, so it's impossible to hold them accountable - fascism 101. And that's the problem, unless you are plugged into politics as we are, the citizenry just can't keep up to hold these fascists who lie and obfuscate to account. In fact, as I recall, the (Republican controlled) PA state legislature itself tried to undo its own earlier 2020 changes when they realized it may help PA go blue, but it was too late and they were shot down. Legal laws and allowances are real, and Republicans are so stupid they fucked themselves by allowing more democracy than they intended (good for us though).


Further ways to feel depressed: Americans take their civic duties and responsibilities so cavalierly that even in this 2020 presidential election, perhaps the most important election of all time, only 66-72% actually turned out to vote that could vote (an incredibly high turnout for history) but 30% still didn't vote and said: "eh fuck it". YIKES. So yeah, I don't expect the citizenry to understand that the lies Republicans are objecting to now will be understood as such since no one knows or remembers that state legislatures approved and then in court upheld these legal allowances and changes. 


It's quite stunning. 

  • stepee 1
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  • SaysWho? changed the title to Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term impeached twice popular-vote losing president
On 1/7/2021 at 8:24 AM, Subzwari1987 said:

Now this just needs to happen on Twitter to complete the seal. 

     So ridiculous that his account hasn't already been banned for life. Any other account spouting lie after lie, and warning after warning would've been gone. Shows his channel makes them money too.....Good By Mr. Trump and good riddance!!! Only way ever to somewhat make this made feel how America feels about him truly was to make him a single term President. He will have to face some humility at some point some day. I loved Loved how silently he remains as many die every day from a horrid Pandemic, golfs his way into the sunset, humiliated, the sore loser that he has always been.  This man is a joke, and yes I voted Democrat and yes I'm proud, but this has damaged us tremendously not just in our hearts and on our land, but to the countries that look to us as the example, a lot hate us for it, some praise us for it most can only wish the people were as free as we are to obviously sat or do anything we feel like. I'm just so over this man, good by! So relieved the way Graham speech went, brought tears to my eyes. I'm blown away by how divided 4 years we have become as a nation. God Bless America

  • stepee 1
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37 minutes ago, Subzwari1987 said:

Now this just needs to happen on Twitter to complete the seal. 


If he doesn't removed the two tweets they flagged his account will remained locked. They also said next violation will lead to a permanent ban (which you know he will do).

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14 minutes ago, chakoo said:

If he doesn't removed the two tweets they flagged his account will remained locked. They also said next violation will lead to a permanent ban (which you know he will do).


Just do it already, you fucking cowards.


Imagine being trusted with launch codes and not your Facebook account.

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Twitter has been pretty open about only keeping Trump's account up because he's the President. I'd say he'd have been banned within days of leaving office. If they're going to lock his account now, just do away with him already.


Then again, they only just banned Lin Wood, who has deserved a perma for a while.

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4 minutes ago, osxmatt said:






Oh, I am sorry Captain Capitalism didn't you mean to say, "I applaud this private company and the free market for spitting me out like the diseased, corrosive piece of untouchable garbage I proved I was on live national TV yesterday"?


Gotta love how private companies are allowed to do anything to make money except distance themselves from repugnant rightwing hacks.


Talk about entitlement. Not your Constitutional right to publish a book, Josh.

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