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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 minute ago, Anathema- said:


I guess you laughing at inappropriate things is how you wound up on the side trying to take credit for trump's ineptitude. It must be nice to live in a world where this is all one big joke and not something deathly serious. 


Your reactions are inappropriate; we agree there.


After four years of witnessing the silliest and most overdone, tiresome doom posting, you're fortunate some of us aren't snarkier.

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The fact of the matter is that the last four years have been UTTERLY TRAUMATIZING in some way for many of us, and I wish I could say that his departure from the White House will be the end of it, but we all know that it's not. Not by a longshot.


So if a little "doomposting" -- even if the scenarios are statistically remote -- allows people to work out some of that anxiety, then doompost away!

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12 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

The fact of the matter is that the last four years have been UTTERLY TRAUMATIZING in some way for many of us, and I wish I could say that his departure from the White House will be the end of it, but we all know that it's not. Not by a longshot.


So if a little "doomposting" -- even if the scenarios are statistically remote -- allows people to work out some of that anxiety, then doompost away!

Especially when the last four years have had actual tangible effects on some of us and those that we love. Permanent legal residents who were fearful of being deported after living here their ENTIRE lives. Seeing the Government not only stoke racial tensions but actually cozy up to White Nationalists... seeing NYC look like a scene from The Division with dead bodies being stored on frozen truck trailers and buried in fucking fields in America in 2020 due in large part to the ineptness of this government. 


That's not even mentioning the complete challenge to democracy that the Republikkklan Party was attempting OUT IN THE OPEN. So yeah... some of us were a tad bit alarmed. I don't see how any sane person who is even relotely paying attention and has a rudimentary understanding of history wouldn't be. Fine if you weren't... but to gloat over those who were (and still are) seems a little...out of touch I guess? I don't know. I don't get this board sometimes to be honest.

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I kind of wonder if most people are just talking past each other here. A great deal of worry can be placed on events that you don't think are likely to happen if the impact is big enough and it is at least plausible. But I think the "don't worry" group (if I had to give it a name) is interpreting people who expressed their worry about shenanigans stealing the election as an assertion that the event is likely when that hasn't seemed to have been the case to me. There might be a similar misinterpretation in the reverse.


Once the results indicated the gap would be fairly large I think everyone felt a lot safer from the chance of a "steal" taking place as well. But even with that gap, Trump and far too much of the GOP *still* tried.

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12 minutes ago, legend said:

But even with that gap, Trump and far too much of the GOP *still* tried.

They're still trying; the president is still whipping his base up into a frenzy on the basis of lies and bullshit, and some legislators are responding to that. They're far less likely to succeed (chances of success is infinitesimally above zero) than they would have been had this been significantly closer, or even if they had tried this shit in the days immediately after the election, but they're still trying. We're not past this yet, though it feels like it.

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3 minutes ago, legend said:

I kind of wonder if most people are just talking past each other here. A great deal of worry can be placed on events that you don't think are likely to happen if the impact is big enough and it is at least plausible. But I think the "don't worry" group (if I had to give it a name) is interpreting people who expressed their worry about shenanigans stealing the election as an assertion that the event is likely when that hasn't seemed to have been the case to me. There might be a similar misinterpretation in the reverse.


Once the results indicated the gap would be fairly large I think everyone felt a lot safer from the chance of a "steal" taking place as well. But even with that gap, Trump and far too much of the GOP *still* tried.


This is me here. I'm firmly in the "there's a chance and we should acknowledge and maybe even worry about it" camp, but the win was just large enough to keep the worst from happening. My issue with the margins was that it was only just large enough. I would have been happier if the win margin were larger and that we didn't have to rely on Federalist Society judges to save us from a  stolen election. I still think that just because Trump failed doesn't mean we shouldn't shore up the laws in this country to stop it from happening by someone actually competent.

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37 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I'd love to know the exact right amount of doom posting that is ok and what crosses the line


The right amount is not what's been happening.


Up to the board to figure out where the happy medium is; it's already enough work responding to every silly worst case scenario that could possibly happen for every event until the heat death of the universe so I'm not working harder to figure that out as well.

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:


The right amount is not what's been happening.


Up to the board to figure out where the happy medium is; it's already enough work responding to every silly worst case scenario that could possibly happen for every event until the best death of the universe so I'm not working harder to figure that out as well.

It's almost like before the election, and a very short time after the polls closed, there was a world of infinite possibilities, and since no one can tell the future, there was just a lot of anxiety here that ultimately mirrored what I've seen from a lot of normies online.

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7 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

They're still trying; the president is still whipping his base up into a frenzy on the basis of lies and bullshit, and some legislators are responding to that. They're far less likely to succeed (chances of success is infinitesimally above zero) than they would have been had this been significantly closer, or even if they had tried this shit in the days immediately after the election, but they're still trying. We're not past this yet, though it feels like it.


6 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


This is me here. I'm firmly in the "there's a chance and we should acknowledge and maybe even worry about it" camp, but the win was just large enough to keep the worst from happening. My issue with the margins was that it was only just large enough. I would have been happier if the win margin were larger and that we didn't have to rely on Federalist Society judges to save us from a  stolen election. I still think that just because Trump failed doesn't mean we shouldn't shore up the laws in this country to stop it from happening by someone actually competent.


Yeah we definitely still have to worry about the fact that the country is now in a place where the GOP has endorsed on-going attempts to steal the election and have just less than half the country thinking it was stolen because states had the audacity to count mail-in votes during a pandemic. We have serious work ahead to figure out how to fix this, if it even can be.


I do think everyone here also agrees that the country has a lot of work to do too though, so yay, except for the part where the thing we're agreeing on is that country needs to be fixed :p 

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18 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

It's almost like before the election, and a very short time after the polls closed, there was a world of infinite possibilities, and since no one can tell the future, there was just a lot of anxiety here that ultimately mirrored what I've seen from a lot of normies online.


Legend is right that people are talking past each other. This is a good example.


In 2017, I was laughed at and sometimes mocked for suggesting that Democrats were set to make big gains in fall 2017 and 2018 based on the huge swings in social elections. "LOL MORAL VICTORIES" this and "LOL AT DOUG JONES POSSIBLY WINNING" that. As usual, Wade was the only one who put his money where his mouth is. But nothing good was going to happen because nothing matters and whatever SNL lines people were reciting.


In 2019 and 2020, it was all about how Trump would successfully steal the election, from the same people who said Hillary was so bad she lost to Trump of all people. We went from that to Trump organizing a well oiled machine that would have him remain president forever. No self reflection as to the contradiction.


Every positive piece of news in the lead up to the election was met with a creative and usually ridiculous cartoony plan Trump would hatch. There was no discussion about anything but that.


The only time worries made sense to consume the board was election night during Florida. And even then there were some positive signs.


At a certain point, people gave themselves anxiety for no reason. The idea that those of us who were trying to cool the ridiculous theories about every facet of not just the election, but the world for the past two years, weren't affected at all or didn't know anyone affected, is as ridiculous as the constant doom and gloom. I think @MarSolo said of one of my posts about the good things I've seen in the past four years that it could make for a great pep talk. End of the day, sulking and doom posting relieves no tension and destroys the discourse for every other topic on the board.

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19 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Legend is right that people are talking past each other. This is a good example.


In 2017, I was laughed at and sometimes mocked for suggesting that Democrats were set to make big gains in fall 2017 and 2018 based on the huge swings in social elections. "LOL MORAL VICTORIES" this and "LOL AT DOUG JONES POSSIBLY WINNING" that. As usual, Wade was the only one who put his money where his mouth is. But nothing good was going to happen because nothing matters and whatever SNL lines people were reciting.


In 2019 and 2020, it was all about how Trump would successfully steal the election, from the same people who said Hillary was so bad she lost to Trump of all people. We went from that to Trump organizing a well oiled machine that would have him remain president forever. No self reflection as to the contradiction.


Every positive piece of news in the lead up to the election was met with a creative and usually ridiculous cartoony plan Trump would hatch. There was no discussion about anything but that.


The only time worries made sense to consume the board was election night during Florida. And even then there were some positive signs.


At a certain point, people gave themselves anxiety for no reason. The idea that those of us who were trying to cool the ridiculous theories about every facet of not just the election, but the world for the past two years, weren't affected at all or didn't know anyone affected, is as ridiculous as the constant doom and gloom. I think @MarSolo said of one of my posts about the good things I've seen in the past four years that it could make for a great pep talk. End of the day, sulking and doom posting relieves no tension and destroys the discourse for every other topic on the board.


Once again, there's a difference between "you guys are worrying too much" and trying to dunk on people for worrying. 

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On the contrary, Trump's legendary incompetence has been the only thing keeping me sane. At the same time, his legendary incompetence hasn't stopped him from rising to the Oval Office, or ramming through a Supreme Court justice, or emboldening white supremacy across the nation, and there's no point going on listing more because we've all been here the last 4 years. Although I've never been in the camp of "nothing matters" and I'm tired of the defeatist attitude because I think that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


His incompetence continues to be the only thing keeping this from happening. It's not scary because of Trump and the irreparable damage he's done to our nation, although 4 more years of that would've been soul annihilating, it's the fact that there's nothing at all stopping someone charismatic AND competent from doing so much worse. Imagine things like how easily Russians, to go back to that old well, have completely dominated the GOP narrative. They run all their conspiracy websites, all their memes, etc. They've also began absolutely dominating YouTube style content with things like 5-minute crafts (and their 900 other channels that get millions of subs in a few months) and most of the crafts are total BS that don't actually work to boot. Just nonsense filler videos that have rocketed them to the top of YouTube/Facebook monetization, etc, putting them far above the likes of PewDiePie. Except whoops, they ran just a few pro-Russia, anti-US ads!


How is it related? It might not be, but if it's that easy to dominate an entire American political party AND dominate video platforms that are seen by hundreds of millions of Americans, why not just skip someone who might be influenced by Russia like Trump and just propping up their own candidate to run for office?


I'll be starting my own competing show to Alex Jones this Summer. 

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33 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

On the contrary, Trump's legendary incompetence has been the only thing keeping me sane. At the same time, his legendary incompetence hasn't stopped him from rising to the Oval Office, or ramming through a Supreme Court justice, or emboldening white supremacy across the nation, and there's no point going on listing more because we've all been here the last 4 years. Although I've never been in the camp of "nothing matters" and I'm tired of the defeatist attitude because I think that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


His incompetence continues to be the only thing keeping this from happening. It's not scary because of Trump and the irreparable damage he's done to our nation, although 4 more years of that would've been soul annihilating, it's the fact that there's nothing at all stopping someone charismatic AND competent from doing so much worse. Imagine things like how easily Russians, to go back to that old well, have completely dominated the GOP narrative. They run all their conspiracy websites, all their memes, etc. They've also began absolutely dominating YouTube style content with things like 5-minute crafts (and their 900 other channels that get millions of subs in a few months) and most of the crafts are total BS that don't actually work to boot. Just nonsense filler videos that have rocketed them to the top of YouTube/Facebook monetization, etc, putting them far above the likes of PewDiePie. Except whoops, they ran just a few pro-Russia, anti-US ads!


How is it related? It might not be, but if it's that easy to dominate an entire American political party AND dominate video platforms that are seen by hundreds of millions of Americans, why not just skip someone who might be influenced by Russia like Trump and just propping up their own candidate to run for office?


I'll be starting my own competing show to Alex Jones this Summer. 


It absolutely has shown that depending on "norms" is not as reassuring as depending on actual laws.

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So, back to the matter at hand, it looks like that judge that issued the injunction in Pennsylvania just issued a memorandum of opinion declaring that the whole Pennsylvania election should be declared unconstitutional, as the mail-in ballot law was (in her view) unconstitutional.

The case has already been appealed to and is being considered by the PA Supreme Court, so I imagine this is maybe trying to give some legal cover to those on the court who want to rule the same way but don't know how to rationalize massive disenfranchisement of Pennsylvanian voters yet?


Although from what I understand, a memorandum of opinion typically isn't used as precedent, correct?

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Just now, SaysWho? said:


It absolutely has shown that depending on "norms" is not as reassuring as depending on actual laws.

I didn't even know we relied on norms so heavily. It seems batshit insane in retrospect. But I guess they expected the person we elected President to be something approaching a respectable human. So yeah, batshit insane!

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1 minute ago, Xbob42 said:

I didn't even know we relied on norms so heavily. It seems batshit insane in retrospect. But I guess they expected the person we elected President to be something approaching a respectable human. So yeah, batshit insane!


I forgot who said it here, but the reasoning is likely that the founders thought people from their club would end up being president. THE GENIUS OF THE FOUNDERS



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The Republicans “appear to have established a likelihood to succeed on the merits because Petitioners have asserted the Constitution does not provide a mechanism for the legislature to allow for expansion of absentee voting without a constitutional amendment,” McCullough said in a written opinion issued late Friday.


Uh oh

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3 minutes ago, mrbiggsly said:

The Republicans “appear to have established a likelihood to succeed on the merits because Petitioners have asserted the Constitution does not provide a mechanism for the legislature to allow for expansion of absentee voting without a constitutional amendment,” McCullough said in a written opinion issued late Friday.


Uh oh


Excuse me, Joe and Fright have clearly laid down the law that you're a dumb dumb for being worried. 

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9 minutes ago, mrbiggsly said:

The Republicans “appear to have established a likelihood to succeed on the merits because Petitioners have asserted the Constitution does not provide a mechanism for the legislature to allow for expansion of absentee voting without a constitutional amendment,” McCullough said in a written opinion issued late Friday.


Uh oh

breaking bad rage GIF

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29 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

So, back to the matter at hand, it looks like that judge that issued the injunction in Pennsylvania just issued a memorandum of opinion declaring that the whole Pennsylvania election should be declared unconstitutional, as the mail-in ballot law was (in her view) unconstitutional.

The case has already been appealed to and is being considered by the PA Supreme Court, so I imagine this is maybe trying to give some legal cover to those on the court who want to rule the same way but don't know how to rationalize massive disenfranchisement of Pennsylvanian voters yet?


Although from what I understand, a memorandum of opinion typically isn't used as precedent, correct?


The PA Supreme Court just dismissed the lawsuit.



The lawsuit filed by Republicans Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell, among others aimed to throw out all mail-in ballots cast in the Nov. 3 election, arguing that provisions in Act 77 were unconstitutional.


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15 minutes ago, Jason said:


Excuse me, Joe and Fright have clearly laid down the law that you're a dumb dumb for being worried. 


7 minutes ago, Joe said:

Again, no one is dunking on anyone. I would just like to see irrelevant doomposting not be 90% of the discussion here, and maybe without Trump, that might actually happen.


Jason doesn't understand that he is dunking on others, and that we've been "dunked" on for four years.


Here he's doing his usual "respond to someone else sarcastically to attack another user" thing. I don't think he understood my post, tbh.

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10 minutes ago, Joe said:

Again, no one is dunking on anyone. I would just like to see irrelevant doomposting not be 90% of the discussion here, and maybe without Trump, that might actually happen.

Worry not my friend, climate change is right around the corner. 😋

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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:



Jason doesn't understand that he is dunking on others, and that we've been "dunked" on for four years.


Here he's doing his usual "respond to someone else sarcastically to attack another user" thing. I don't think he understood my post, tbh.


He never actually reads the posts he respond to. That's why he came into the Election Night thread thinking Kansas was a possibility because early vote counts even though you had been posting polls daily for months straight.

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14 minutes ago, Joe said:

Again, no one is dunking on anyone. I would just like to see irrelevant doomposting not be 90% of the discussion here, and maybe without Trump, that might actually happen.


Pretty sure this shit started up again because of this "dunking"...


On 11/27/2020 at 10:33 AM, MarSolo said:

Remember when everyone here was like “aww man all these Trump appointed judges are going to be like YES MEIN FUHROR and give him the election even though he loses in a landslide!!”?

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