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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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9 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Remember when everyone here was like “aww man all these Trump appointed judges are going to be like YES MEIN FUHROR and give him the election even though he loses in a landslide!!”?


Don't jinx it.  You know they want to take this all the way to the SCOTUS.


I doubt the SCOTUS would rule any different than the lower courts, but still.


And imagine how Trump would react.  Would he just ignore the SCOTUS ruling and declare himself the winner anyway?

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1 minute ago, marioandsonic said:


Don't jinx it.  You know they want to take this all the way to the SCOTUS.

They couldn’t take a bag of flaming dog shit to SCOTUS at this point, especially with Rudy as the head lawyer.


By the way, if you were in the Italian mob, how embarrassed are you that it was supposedly RUDY that took you down?

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2 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

They couldn’t take a bag of flaming dog shit to SCOTUS at this point, especially with Rudy as the head lawyer.


By the way, if you were in the Italian mob, how embarrassed are you that it was supposedly RUDY that took you down?

Honestly, it won't happen.   The most likely scenario at this point is that Trump and his cronies and his MAGA followers will just spend the next two months kicking and screaming that they won right up to Biden's inauguration, and even then Trump will insist that he won for the rest of his days.

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17 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Remember when everyone here was like “aww man all these Trump appointed judges are going to be like YES MEIN FUHROR and give him the election even though he loses in a landslide!!”?


Thank you Captain Hindsight.

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3 minutes ago, Joe said:

Captain Hindsight? How is it hindsight if many of us were shouting from the rooftops that that shit had no chance of happening?


Shouting loudly about what you wish to happen doesn't mean you had foresight and people aren't dumb-dumbs because they were worried about an outcome that didn't come to pass. There was never a guarantee things would go this way, especially if the election had been a closer call than it wound up being.

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Just now, Jason said:


Shouting loudly about what you wish to happen doesn't mean you had foresight. There was never a guarantee things would go this way, especially if the election had been a closer call than it wound up being.

Not wish. It did not have a chance of happening. You and others were still saying it would happen even after the vote totals were in.

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1 hour ago, Joe said:

Not wish. It did not have a chance of happening. You and others were still saying it would happen even after the vote totals were in.


We were worried that Trump would attempt to do it, and he did. What didn't work out for him was that the results were too far apart and his legal cases too flimsy to allow conservative judges to tilt things in his favor. Many of us were concerned that Trump needs to lose by a lot to not allow any judicial/elector shenanigans from taking place. Hindsight is that he did lose by a lot, but he still went with the gameplan. A more competent authoritarian in a closer election would have been able to steal it. Laws in this nation shouldn't allow for such things, but norms and all.

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57 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

A closer election with one, and only one, close state could have had a different result. One state with hundreds of votes different determining the winner is different than 6 states with hundreds of thousands of votes different


So why were we still worried when the election was clearly not going to be decided by one state that had a difference of 100 votes? 



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21 minutes ago, Joe said:

So why were we still worried when the election was clearly not going to be decided by one state that had a difference of 100 votes?


Because he still tried and it was impossible to know for sure it wouldn't work until after we saw it fail.


I don't understand why you have so much trouble understanding why there was any concern at all. It's one thing if you weren't as worried as we were, or thought we were worrying too much, but you're still acting like we were crazy for being worried at all, and you were acting like that even before the election.

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It’s been four fucking years of “he can’t possibly do that... well fuck he just did” on repeat.  The idea that any of this was impossible can only be dismissed casually out of hand if you suddenly blanked out everything from 2016 until now out of your mind.


There is a world, where with a far more competent legal team and less at stake for Republicans without runoff elections or a barely liberal candidate taking office where this could have been a very, very different situation.  Yes we should all be incredibly glad that Trump values loyalty over competence and handed the bag to a motherfucker so old and incompetent that he makes head trauma patients seem like constitutional scholars.  These morons were so busy figuring out how to fleece idiots out of money while the Titanic sank that they didn’t for one second try to bail out water.  They presented literally nothing.  An actual competent team of attorneys more motivated by ideologies would have done a much different possibly better job.

Trump dies by making the blunder of assuming that he was behind the wheel of the machine instead of a passenger it begrudgingly tolerated.  Most of these judges understand on a fundamental level that overturning the election is flipping the table and they’re in the position for life.  Why throw out the ability to influence the course of the nation for decades for a moron that has maybe four years?  The chuds will fall back in line with the red sooner rather than later, flushing the semblance of a functioning democracy down the drain gains you nothing.

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5 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Except the concern was “Trump is gonna figure out how to convince the Supreme Court to just be like lol fuck you voters!”


That's mostly because that's exactly what their stated stance was. There was no reading between the lines. That's exactly what they said they wanted to do. Just because they tried and failed doesn't mean much.


As I said previously, there was no reason not to take Republicans at their word. Some people were acting like there was no way Trump would actually try anything, but he did. He just failed spectacularly like one of his casinos.

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They were very clearly going for bush v gore redux (run out the clock on certifications in one state) and didn't have a contingency plan when it was apparent that it wasn't going to be that close. Nor did they have a coherent or consistent plan! Stop the count in PA and keep counting in AZ, and late to be filed legal options. The laziness and stupidity got them this time.


27 minutes ago, Joe said:


So why were we still worried when the election was clearly not going to be decided by one state that had a difference of 100 votes? 



Once the chips starting falling in the right way I have backed off this year's election fuckery, but remain concerned that a similar situation in years from now the chips could fall the other way

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Like the harassment campaign against county level functionaries in michigan and harassment of the GA sec of state (who was a big supporter of his!) are extremely troubling! How can you not see this as problematic?! This is what they actually tried to do, and just that they were dumbasses about it, yet failed, is still extremely troubling!


Hell I'm still pretty sure more republican senators have had covid than have said Biden won! It at least was the case for weeks after the election.

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7 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Like the harassment campaign against county level functionaries in michigan and harassment of the GA sec of state (who was a big supporter of his!) are extremely troubling! How can you not see this as problematic?! This is what they actually tried to do, and just that they were dumbasses about it, yet failed, is still extremely troubling!


Hell I'm still pretty sure more republican senators have had covid than have said Biden won! It at least was the case for weeks after the election.


I never said it wasn't troubling nor that it doesn't piss me off. You're reading things that aren't there.

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People, look at the previous posts in this thread. As obviously frivolous lawsuits were being filed, posters were screaming that stupid phrase even though it was clear that those lawsuits had no chance of succeeding. I get being troubled that Trump behaved in this manner and annoyed that our EC system made Trump think that his lawsuits had potential to overturn the significant vote differences in swing states. However, this does not mean that his lawsuits ever had a chance of succeeding and if you thought they did and were brazen about it, that's on you.

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34 minutes ago, Joe said:

People, look at the previous posts in this thread. As obviously frivolous lawsuits were being filed, posters were screaming that stupid phrase even though it was clear that those lawsuits had no chance of succeeding. I get being troubled that Trump behaved in this manner and annoyed that our EC system made Trump think that his lawsuits had potential to overturn the significant vote differences in swing states. However, this does not mean that his lawsuits ever had a chance of succeeding and if you thought they did and were brazen about it, that's on you.

People were screaming that “stupid phrase” because the phrase was really fucking stupid and was clearly wrong. There 100% is a mechanism, that should have never been in question: the question was/should have been “will Trump be able to successfully exploit the mechanisms available to him?” (and this wasn’t just the courts), and everyone who had worries was completely validated by his attempts - Trump not being successful is almost more to do with his and his team’s incompetence. Good faith and normalcies should not be the basis of elections and democracies.

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6 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


As @Joe and @sblfilms said, there will be no self reflection.

Perhaps the people self-reflecting should be from the condescending ones? Perhaps it should be from those who scoffed at the idea that there would even be an attempt by Trump to change the results and name called other users for even having concerns? No? K.

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I will freely admit that I was one of the constant doomsayers in this thread.  And in that regard, I was wrong...for the most part.


I figured that, with 2020 being arguably the worst year that humanity as a whole has ever faced in over a century, I figured the election would be the final kick in the balls.


I was freaking out earlier when all of the polls were wrong (again) and things looked like we were getting 4 more years of Trump.  Then, as the mail-in ballots tipped the scales to Biden, i felt as much jubilation as everyone else.


Then the lawsuits got underway, and I was worried that the GOP-packed courts would just hand Trump the win regardless.  But to my surprise, those judges, even the ones elected by Trump, told Trump and his lawyers to fuck off.  Sometimes, even when you least expect it, the system works.


Now, are these cases failing mostly due to the fact that Trump's lawyers could be easily outsmarted by Lionel Hutz in a courtroom?  Probably.  Does this cause concern for future elections if the GOP nominates a candidate like Trump but way more competent and subtle?  Hell yes.


But at this point, it's pretty much a wrap.  I'm tired of worrying about this shit, and unless something crazy happens (like Biden just straight up admits he stole the election on live TV and proceeds to spell out every single detail on how he did it), it's over.  All that will happen from now until inauguration day is that Trump, his cronies, and his cultists will spend the entire time pissing and moaning and kicking and screaming and dragging their feet and refusing to accept reality.

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