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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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The Secret Service is already protecting Biden and Harris plus the military has put a no fly zone over Biden's house. If Trump does hold onto power surely some disgruntled Secret Service agent will put him out after delivering too much fast food 😂 Joking aside I still think if things progress too far Pence will 25th the orange fuck and claim to be a hero of the democracy.

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19 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Yeah, I'm not too worried he actually stays in power, but I don't begrudge people for being concerned about this, if nothing else because a smarter person might be able to do this better.


So let's humor ourselves with those crying eyes while reading this article.




We need actual laws/whatever put into place so this can never be a danger again. No matter how "small" or unlikely the danger is, it shouldn't exist, period. Fuck "norms" and "precedents".

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Just now, Spork3245 said:


We need actual laws/whatever put into place so this can never be a danger again. No matter how "small" or unlikely the danger is, it shouldn't exist, period. Fuck "norms" and "precedents".

I'm not sure what law you can put in place to prevent this, but the norms and precedents are irrelevant in the transfer of power.

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3 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

I'm not sure what law you can put in place to prevent this, but the norms and precedents are irrelevant in the transfer of power.


Let's start with eliminating the electoral college, or, at least, locking state electors to go with the states popular vote (is that the correct wording? I don't know - you know what I mean :p ).

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2 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


Let's start with eliminating the electoral college, or, at least, locking state electors to go with the states popular vote.

I mean the second part is already pretty much a thing, sure they could technically vote for someone else, but why would Biden's electors not vote for him?  Clinton only lost electors because she lost and it was meaningless.

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5 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

I'm not sure what law you can put in place to prevent this, but the norms and precedents are irrelevant in the transfer of power.


Outlaw faithless voting  altogether. The idea behind the EC was proven to be worthless in 2016 and probably many years before that. They didn't stop an unqualified populist from becoming President, so let's just end that possibility altogether.


I won't even entertain the possibility of the EC being abolished.

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Just now, Reputator said:


Outlaw faithless voting  altogether. The idea behind the EC was proven to be worthless in 2016 and probably many years before that. They didn't stop an unqualified populist from becoming President, so let's just end that possibility altogether.


I won't even entertain the possibility of the EC being abolished altogether.

I mean sure, but the odds that electors chosen by Dem/Biden in states are not going to vote for him especially since hes going to win is like 0.

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3 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

I mean the second part is already a thing, sure they could technically vote for someone else, but why would Biden's electors not vote for him?  Clinton only lost electors because she lost and it was meaningless.


It's only meaningless because currently faithless electors are rare - I'm stating that it shouldn't be a thing at all.

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35 minutes ago, DPCyric said:

The Secret Service is already protecting Biden and Harris plus the military has put a no fly zone over Biden's house. If Trump does hold onto power surely some disgruntled Secret Service agent will put him out after delivering too much fast food 😂 Joking aside I still think if things progress too far Pence will 25th the orange fuck and claim to be a hero of the democracy.


I would NOT be surprised at all if Trump orders the Secret Service to stop protecting Biden, and for the military to cease the no-fly zone over Biden's house. 

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Just now, PaladinSolo said:

I mean sure, but the odds that electors chosen by Dem/Biden in states are not going to vote for him especially since hes going to win is like 0.


The argument is over whether this COULD be a problem with someone more competent, not necessarily what's happening at this moment. What we're seeing are the first murmurings of it. A not insignificant portion of the GOP want to eliminate democracy in this country.


They don't have the means to do it now, but the current path leads them to install their own electors, the step after that is to get rid of penalties for faithless votes. The rigging doesn't stop after this year.

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Just now, Fizzzzle said:

Faithless electors already basically tried a coup in 1956. Or maybe it was 1960. One of the years Strom Thurmond ran. It's only illegal in a handful of states I believe.


Yeah, and in 2016 some electors voted for Bernie. They just shouldn't exist. I get that two hundred years ago you had to send a guy all the way to Congress to let them know how their state's election went, but that's just not necessary now.

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2 minutes ago, Reputator said:


The argument is over whether this COULD be a problem with someone more competent, not necessarily what's happening at this moment. What we're seeing are the first murmurings of it. A not insignificant portion of the GOP want to eliminate democracy in this country.


They don't have the means to do it now, but the current path leads them to install their own electors, the step after that is to get rid of penalties for faithless votes. The rigging doesn't stop after this year.

Again faithless electors don't really happen because its someone from the winners party voting for him, its why Trump didn't have any, the EC has nothing to do with whats happening, other than votes mattering more in X state than in Y state.  

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1 minute ago, Reputator said:


The argument is over whether this COULD be a problem with someone more competent, not necessarily what's happening at this moment. What we're seeing are the first murmurings of it. A not insignificant portion of the GOP want to eliminate democracy in this country.


They don't have the means to do it now, but the current path leads them to install their own electors, the step after that is to get rid of penalties for faithless votes. The rigging doesn't stop after this year.


Jokes on you. Half the states in this country already don't have penalties in place for faithless electors.

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1 minute ago, Ghost_MH said:


Yeah, and in 2016 some electors voted for Bernie. They just shouldn't exist. I get that two hundred years ago you had to send a guy all the way to Congress to let them know how their state's election went, but that's just not necessary now.

Well, the faithless electors in 2016 weren't actively trying to sabotage the election. Their votes didn't ultimately matter, they were just making a point. The ones in 1960 (it was 1960, I double checked) were actively trying to stage a coup that didn't work. And they voted Strom Thurmond as vice president, not president, so I misremembered there.


Faithless electors haven't really swung an election. Yet. Still, the fact that it COULD happen and a lot of states don't have anything to protect it from happening is disconcerting.

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3 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Again faithless electors don't really happen because its someone from the winners party voting for him, its why Trump didn't have any, the EC has nothing to do with whats happening, other than votes mattering more in X state than in Y state.  


Just because it "doesn't really happen" doesn't mean it should be possible. I'm having a hard time grasping why you're against making faithless electors completely not a thing from a legal standpoint.

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6 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Again faithless electors don't really happen because its someone from the winners party voting for him, its why Trump didn't have any, the EC has nothing to do with whats happening, other than votes mattering more in X state than in Y state.  


Arguing we should remain profoundly naïve that the current status quo will remain status quo in the current climate of GOP attitudes is....not a good argument.

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1 hour ago, Joe said:




Statistics continue to cast real doubt on the probability of a President Trump loss in the election. The statistical case is, admittedly, circumstantial rather than conclusive. But the numbers also…



Yeah, Benford's law is all the right-wing press (and the folks in their comments sections) can talk about now.  It proves the election was fraudulent!



As the president's path to 270 Electoral College votes narrows virtually every day, some members of his campaign say statistical evidence of fraud in Wisconsin could give him a victory.


I can't imagine a case based on statistical probabilities will ever hold up in court but even if it doesn't pretty soon we could have a sizeable portion of the country believing with 100% conviction that the election was fraudulent and Biden can never be a legitimate president.  And it'll be way more mainstreamed than the birther stuff, because Trump will never back down and will never put down his megaphone.


Maybe after the electors actually vote Biden in the congressional Republicans will finally turn on Trump out of what's left of their sense of civic duty, but I fear by then it will already be too late and Trump's base will be so enflamed that there'll be no putting out the fire.


Again, keep in mind that as I type these words my rational faculty keeps going "Dude, come on.  That can't happen here.  You're being stupid."  I pray in a couple months I'm making a whole bunch of posts to the effect of "Remember all that stupid shit I said when Trump looked like he was engaging in a soft coup?  God that was dumb."

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