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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

There is nothing wrong with being overly critical of his overt attempts to signal for a coup (this board, the public, and media aren't making a big enough deal of it tbh), but just posting his tweets isn't that


But that's what we get.

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6 minutes ago, Jason said:


You're really dissing on this board's collective intelligence if you think showing what he's saying to add context to what the GOP is up to is equivalent to the media breathlessly hyping up his words without providing any context.


Dude, you literally just report his tweets all the time. Sometimes with a couple words in exclamation points beforehand if we're (un)lucky. Hold yourself to the same standard that you hold the world to.

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5 minutes ago, Jason said:


I didn't think I needed to spoon-feed this crowd the context, especially given the thread I'm posting in.

It's easy to telegraph his intentions from informative and context providing tweets, don't always need the original source.



Also I hate seeing his big dumb fucking face

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Just now, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

It's easy to telegraph his intentions from informative and context providing tweets, don't always need the original source.



Also I hate seeing his big dumb fucking face


I definitely have DJT fatigue. Big time.

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What do Pelosi and Schumer have on other democrats?! Let's just assume, for a moment, that they both were at the peak of what ever game they imagined they ever were. Even under those conditions, how can they not see that their selfish clutching at power undermines other voices in the party? You know why we have an 11 billion year old as our president elect? Name recognition and a long, VISIBLE, history in the party.  Failing to groom the next generation of household names is so damn short sighted. 

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11 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

What do Pelosi and Schumer have on other democrats?! Let's just assume, for a moment, that they both were at the peak of what ever game they imagined they ever were. Even under those conditions, how can they not see that their selfish clutching at power undermines other voices in the party? You know why we have an 11 billion year old as our president elect? Name recognition and a long, VISIBLE, history in the party.  Failing to groom the next generation of household names is so damn short sighted. 

They know exactly how it works they just don’t give a fuck.

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What do people make of this Newsmax thing?  Is this just the same usual hysterics where they bitch about something being too liberal then bail after a week or two and come crawling back?  I have not and will not watch or pay attention to Newsmax so I have no clue if they have any shot of really capitalizing on this sudden exodus or if the chuds will grow tired of it like parlor or any of the other alternatives.

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2 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

What do people make of this Newsmax thing?  Is this just the same usual hysterics where they bitch about something being too liberal then bail after a week or two and come crawling back?  I have not and will not watch or pay attention to Newsmax so I have no clue if they have any shot of really capitalizing on this sudden exodus or if the chuds will grow tired of it like parlor or any of the other alternatives.

Let them fight. 

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13 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:




I'm glad this story is getting more coverage. I don't think Trump will be successful here, but he's certainly going to try and that alone is worth so the coverage in the world. However, the current stance from many in the media and elsewhere seems to be that there's no way Trump would actually attempt this. I just don't understand how anyone can look at Trump and the GOP and think to themselves "there's no way they'd stoop so low". Why should they be given the benefit of the doubt? With that kind of thinking being in the forefront, we deserve Schumer leading things in the Senate.

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6 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

It's a bargaining chip, like, "See we got McCain's wife on our team so all you other GOP'er should get on board with my plans"


But the only people who actually give a shit about the McCains are the McCains.

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15 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


I'm glad this story is getting more coverage. I don't think Trump will be successful here, but he's certainly going to try and that alone is worth so the coverage in the world. However, the current stance from many in the media and elsewhere seems to be that there's no way Trump would actually attempt this. I just don't understand how anyone can look at Trump and the GOP and think to themselves "there's no way they'd stoop so low". Why should they be given the benefit of the doubt? With that kind of thinking being in the forefront, we deserve Schumer leading things in the Senate.





Trump basically committed an underpants gnome coup.


All the angling around mail in ballots, slowing them down, discrediting them, trying to stop the count was the plan.


The part in the middle that was the question mark was basically the courts stepping in to find a way to turn the chaos into a Trump win. Seems Trump didn't have a concrete plan for that, he just assumed. That's probably why his one spox went out there and tried to call in the favor from Barrett on live TV. Luckily, so far, they have declined to do so. A lot harder to steal 4 or 5 states than it is 1.


But there should be no doubt that a coup was attempted. Because Trump's attempts are often so slow, clumsy, and pathetic too often gets him a pass on these things. Reminds me a lot of the Mueller investigation, actually. Trump fired more people to hobble the investigation than Nixon ever did, but it's never talked about anymore and certainly not remembered alongside the Saturday night massacre.

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53 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

What do people make of this Newsmax thing?  Is this just the same usual hysterics where they bitch about something being too liberal then bail after a week or two and come crawling back?  I have not and will not watch or pay attention to Newsmax so I have no clue if they have any shot of really capitalizing on this sudden exodus or if the chuds will grow tired of it like parlor or any of the other alternatives.


Newsmax is getting some pretty crazy ratings. Interesting how you hear OANN talked about so much more (or at least I do) and they fare far worse.

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


Nobody fucking gives a shit about the McCains except the McCains, Cindy's endorsement didn't swing AZ. 


How do you know this?



"The Cindy McCain endorsement can have real impact," said one prominent Republican in the state.


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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


Person A says something.

Jason sees something that he thinks contradicts that, so he posts it and references Person A's post.

Jason repeats this 1000 times until Person A leaves.


I'm sure Jason will find some other tweet later and go, "BUT I THOUGHT TRUMP COULDN'T STEAL THROUGH TWITTER!"


4 minutes ago, Jason said:

Trump is just yelling at clouds though, right? 




It works.

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19 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:





Trump basically committed an underpants gnome coup.


All the angling around mail in ballots, slowing them down, discrediting them, trying to stop the count was the plan.


The part in the middle that was the question mark was basically the courts stepping in to find a way to turn the chaos into a Trump win. Seems Trump didn't have a concrete plan for that, he just assumed. That's probably why his one spox went out there and tried to call in the favor from Barrett on live TV. Luckily, so far, they have declined to do so. A lot harder to steal 4 or 5 states than it is 1.


But there should be no doubt that a coup was attempted. Because Trump's attempts are often so slow, clumsy, and pathetic too often gets him a pass on these things. Reminds me a lot of the Mueller investigation, actually. Trump fired more people to hobble the investigation than Nixon ever did, but it's never talked about anymore and certainly not remembered alongside the Saturday night massacre.


That's exactly it. Trump is bad at planning things, but just because he has thus far been pretty bad at planning this coup doesn't mean his attempt shouldn't be considered a scandal that should live forever in highschool history classes and then promptly forgotten about.


Americans aren't going to learn anything by this other than, maybe, how to work it for someone else that's far more competent. However, just acting like it's not happening because it hasn't been very successful until now or because norms is crazy to me.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

What the fuck are her qualifications other than having been married to John? :guillotine:




My guess is that her "role" is akin to that of an executive producer on a TV show: barely anything. It's just to piss off Trump. He should put Hunter on his transition team to, the MAGA-chuds would explode.

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I bet Trump has already called Cucker to scream at him:



The Fox News host said that while he believes fraud allegations must be pursued, those that he said can be confirmed still might not change the outcome of the election.


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