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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:

Also, how does Florida vote for a  $15 minimum wage, and also Trump?


In 2016 they voted for medical marijuana legalization by a bigger margin than they voted for Trump. It's truly the stupidest state. 

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2 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

Guys...I think I'm done.  It's over.  It's all over.

Peace out man, seriously turn off your phone, your tv, and your computer and head to bed. The only positive to staying up is slowly seeing a potential Biden win come in. If you go to bed the news will still be there without the hours of anxious anguish. I’m lighthearted as fuck here, but I might do the same here in an hour if NC and PA end up badly 

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1 minute ago, Comet said:

The amount of immigration from CA, CO, IL and other places to Texas is insane. That’s what would make the state flip, not a growing Hispanic community (that doesn’t vote).

This is 100% accurate. What will be interesting is if 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics do begin voting in major numbers in the next 10-15 years and how they realign the parties.

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


It just seems surprising for the downballot effect on the Senate race (or going the other way, the upballot effect for Biden) to be basically nonexistent if it splits that way.



We're talking about Grahmn's seat, right?


Couldn't this be an issue of Grahmn never quite getting away from all the harsh things he said about Trump in the '16 primary? 


I know at different points people from every side of the aisle have hit him with it.

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4 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Not even close, bud. Trump has to run the table on a LOT of states that aren’t yet rounding into shape for him. But maybe get offline for a bit.


Listen to him, @marioandsonic.  Get off the internet and do something that calms you or you have fun doing. One of us can always message you here or even text you later to see what's up.

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“It's incredibly demoralizing, especially given the cataclysmic state of America, to know that the memes our team is making are being unfairly spiked in the Facebook algorithm.”


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1 minute ago, Chairslinger said:



We're talking about Grahmn's seat, right?


Couldn't this be an issue of Grahmn never quite getting away from all the harsh things he said about Trump in the '16 primary? 


I know at different points people from every side of the aisle have hit him with it.


Yeah, Graham.

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Unable to watch the news yet.  Plan on going on an all night pot bender and doom surfing between msnbc,cnn and fox. 

should be fun. Sounds like things aren’t going as well as they should be, but still feeling pretty okay? Overall?

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Biden latino numbers (rgv) are fucking pathetic

Yup. HRC won the border counties in TX by 50-55 points and Biden is leading only 10-15 in many now. Wow.

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