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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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David (sounded like an older African-American): "I'm voting for Joe Biden on Election Day to throw that son-of-a-bitch Donald Trump and his buddy Putin out of office".


He told me that he's going to be taking a public bus to his polling site so I gave him the phone number if he needed a ride to the polls.  I gave him the number twice and then had him repeat it back to me to make sure he got it right.

  • stepee 1
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20 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Thats not really what hes saying though, what he actually said is this, if Biden loses everything plus PA hes the underdog, lol.  Also if Biden picks up either ME2 or one of NE districts he wins with AZ, if he keeps MI/WI and loses PA along with the rest.


  • "Maybe a lot of little things add up and Biden loses Pennsylvania by half a point, and then he doesn't quite pull off Arizona or North Carolina. He does have other options. ... But still, without Pennsylvania, then Biden becomes an underdog."

Isn’t that kinda obvious tho? 

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1 hour ago, rc0101 said:

Anyone remember GAF? Someone told me to go look over there and yeah it’s turned into a Qanon site basically. 


1 hour ago, PaladinSolo said:

I'd honestly forgotten Neogaf ever existed, but judging from whos creating all the topics there it looks like a Russian troll/bot operation as the most outlandish are from a single poster.


If you weren't aware: About two years ago, sexual assault and harassment allegations came out against the owner of NeoGAF. He refused to sell or step down, so pretty much all of the admins, mods, and senior posters abandoned ship and quickly formed resetera.com. I believe something like 90%+ of the users migrated, leaving mostly MAGA chuds. This is why GAF is a cesspool now. Some say Resetera went too far to the left, but there are still issues there (like anywhere) with racism, etc. However, Resetera is a pretty good place, and has a giant userbase (I would imagine it's one of the largest remaining message boards left on the internet for games and current events discussion). 


D1P is my home and always will be, but Resetera is a great secondary place for discussion.

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Happy to be proven wrong, but this just seems like being in denial about how far gone the federal courts are. They don't seem to care about what any established legal precedent says, so I don't see why they would care what the state Supreme Court says. That circuit court opinion about the Minnesota ballots cited Kavanuagh's dissent from like 2 days beforehand that was full of errors, one of which Kavanaugh actually admitted and corrected. They're just making it up as they go!

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24 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

I've had two respondents in a row who didn't wish to be called on the Sabbath Day.

I'm in the middle of my calls right now. The site I signed up for actually has me calling on behalf of specific candidates in PA. I get a link to talking points for those candidates, but I will say it's trickier than I thought it would be. I'm having fun, even if I have only had a brief conversation with one voter. She asked me which party the candidate was in, when I told her Democrat she replied "Oh yeah, I'm voting for her." haha

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26 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

All 9 justices of the Texas Supreme Court are Republican. I’m pleased this was tossed and the votes will be counted. 

It would be something if the Federal court went against this, lol.  Honestly i don't see how this could happen, the other cases were cause they extended when ballots could be accepted, while this isn't doing anything differently other than you're in your car, you still have to do all the normal voting stuff, the actual voting is the same.

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I think I've spoken to 3 Democrats. 1 Independent (he was easily the youngest person I spoke with) and 3-5 Trump supporters/just nasty people. One of which was quick to tell me that they used to be a Democrat but now won't ever vote for them again. Being that I'm calling PA, this is not easing my fears about Trump taking the State. 

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