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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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14 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

I need to get this all off of my chest.


It's no secret I'm one of the doomsayers on this board.  The 2016 election shocked pretty much all of us on this board, and I was no exception.


But 2016 wasn't a dark and bleak year for me just because of that.  During that same fall, I had quit my job to work at a more lucrative position, and I thought things couldn't be better.  Long story short, I was let go less than three weeks later with little to no explanation why.  Broke and living with my parents, the only work I could get for the time was a seasonal position at Best Buy, and I hated every moment of it.  It wasn't until February of 2017 that my old job had an opening and was able to take me back.  Right around that time, though, my younger brother was arrested for drug issues.  I won't go into too much detail about that here, but the event that led to his arrest was also traumatic for me, and I imagine my parents as well.


From then on, I haven't felt right.  I feel like the one-two-three punch of that fall and winter broke something in me.  Now I can't feel optimistic about anything.  I always assume the worse of everything.


When I got my job back, I felt like I was going to lose it soon.  When I finally had the chance to meet a longtime friend I had met online back in 2008, I assumed it was a cruel and elaborate ruse.  When the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, I couldn't celebrate it at all, because I was sure that some NFL referee bullshit was going to take it away.  When I actually got an offer for an even better job that allowed me to move out, I assumed they would let me go within a week (even now, I still feel that my manager it going to give me a phone call telling me I'm out.)  When I got my beloved cat, I was convinced that he would hate me, and that I should just give him back to the humane society so that he would have a better owner.


And that leads us to now.


I wholeheartedly believe that, no matter what the election results, whether if Biden barely pulls it out or win in at 400+ electoral vote landslide, Trump will remain president.  I don't know how, I don't know why, but that's what I believe. 


I don't believe that we'll ever find a vaccine for Covid.  I don't believe that things will ever go back to normal.  I don't believe anything positive will ever happen ever again.


This is not normal.  i shouldn't think this way.  And I hate it.

Man, talk to your doctor about anti-depressants. If yoy can’t afford them, have no drug plan, etc, message me and Ill send you the money for them. Just get the help you need to rake care of yourself and feel better. 

Oh, and run, the dopamine increase helps a lot.

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Totally normal:





Cumberland County officials received an email this week from the Trump campaign requesting highly specific details about the county’s ballot security. The email, obtained by The Sentinel, went so far as to ask for the address and room numbers of ballot storage locations, and requested that the information be sent to the Gmail account of a Florida-based Trump operative.


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2 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:



Kansas has been one of the most fascinating states for me since reading What's The Matter With Kansas years ago. There were some big progressives initiatives that took place in that state. The suburbs have really trended Democratic in Kansas, and with Democrats' ability to actually be competitive in statewide or Senate elections (not always winning, but most certainly competitive), I've long wondered if there could be an eventual path in that state despite its voting history for Republicans. 

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

Trump trying to rile his base by saying Biden would nominate Hillary to SCOTUS



Because nominating someone in their 70s to SCOTUS is what presidents do. Hillary should be charging rent money for staying in their heads for so long.


Trump should be in dem ads until every Republican that supported him or ever said a kind word about him is out of office dead. And their children. And their children's children. May he be a shitstain on that party and their memories for time and eternity. So let it be written. So let it be done.

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26 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



Wow, people really did get tired of trudging up the Hill at the end there in 2016, didn't they....


Saturday before the election last time, I was freaking out. It's not so much that I couldn't believe what happened to the numbers; it's that I worried that's what would happen after the Comey letter. Watching it happen in real time was :sick:

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5 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Saturday before the election last time, I was freaking out. It's not so much that I couldn't believe what happened to the numbers; it's that I worried that's what would happen after the Comey letter. Watching it happen in real time was :sick:


It sucked.


But based on the numbers you posted, Biden has triple the lead in the polls that Hillary had.  The only way Trump should win now is either due to massive polling errors, massive vote tampering/suppression, or both.


And the fact that I'm still worried about either of those happening feels like shit.

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7 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:


It sucked.


But based on the numbers you posted, Biden has triple the lead in the polls that Hillary had.  The only way Trump should win now is either due to massive polling errors, massive vote tampering/suppression, or both.


And the fact that I'm still worried about either of those happening feels like shit.


Take a shower and go do something fun or productive. Forget about this shit man.

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10 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Maybe it's because I work in healthcare and encounter giant morons on a daily basis, plus I grew up in a small town, surrounded by religious crazies, but he didn't get to me that badly. Don't get me wrong, he could make a person want to pull their hair out, but he generally wasn't that antagonistic, didn't mess with peoples' personal lives, stuff like that. He was just frustratingly stupid.


Damn, though, even the people I've despised here, I haven't actually wanted them to die! :p


Hahaha to be fair I should be clear - I guess I didn't want him to actually die, just fuck off from D1P, internet death. :p But your post makes sense, that's a lot of stupid you have to deal with yeesh.


10 hours ago, cusideabelincoln said:

Well I'll reiterate, even though it looks like you've already made up your mind, that you should contribute.  And don't take the lack of proper debate personally; people will argue right over each other's heads, although maybe it has been happening more often here than it used to.  Either way, there are lurkers like you have been that would get value out of your theoretically thoughtful posts, so keep 'em coming*.



Thanks man, I will take this to heart - I appreciate it, it helps! :)


8 hours ago, Anathema- said:

And OG trolled the fuck out of people, the only ones who hate him are the ones who never caught on. Seriously some of the most brilliant trolling I've ever seen. It was a thing of beauty. 


I engaged him numerous times - I don't think he was trolling - and if he was, why wasn't he permabanned a lot sooner? I fought with moderators repeatedly at the time to ban him and apparently he was trolling in some perfect way that didn't break any codes of conduct somehow. Mind blowing. :p 


5 hours ago, Slug said:



I'll come back! I do miss it. :mhug:


3 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Actually I thought it was a pleasant surprise to see @Squeesnightmare blast from the IGN past!


@Greatoneshere is yesterday's news now. :talkhand:


Hahahaha it happened so fast! :lol:

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3 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Saying polls are wrong is kinda like saying a weather forecast is wrong. It’s not definitive and not meant to be. Saying it’s 90% likely for Biden means there’s a 10% chance for Trump - if Trump somehow pulls an upset, that’s the 10%.



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