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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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I personally use psilocybin as a great way to help with depression and/or sleep deprivation. Basically a brain restart button. When I'm having sleep troubles, I'll microdose. Not enough that I actively trip, but I get this body high that puts me right into a deep, dreamless sleep. For depression, I'll block out a day where I just trip balls, and after the trip will also subsequently have a deep, dreamless sleep. Then the next day I'll feel like a new person. It's like giving yourself a weekend in a few hours.


You can't do it all the time, as your tolerance level gets crazy high pretty fast, but they have helped me a lot in different situations.


Speaking of which, legalizing psilocybin is on the ballot in Oregon this year, which is pretty cool.

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It’s the reason I smoke a lot of weed. My sleep pattern sucks and work anxiety on top of that. My wrist still hurts since surgery and my regular merchandising job still puts too much pressure/pain with the weight I would have to do. I can’t do a 10hr shift and work a few tons and do it 3 more days straight. They got me doing smaller stores with less of the bigger items for me to worry about hurting my wrist with. Yet I now have a unknown schedule that keeps me up at night. I could be in one town nearby or be like last week and have me driving in downtown Toronto. The weed sadly is hit or miss with me sometimes but it sure as hell takes down my stress level. Would love to try a good psilocybin after seeing a 60 minutes segment with my mom about it. Even thought about possibly growing some sort of mushroom too with my weed

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31 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

I'm heading to bed, but I just wanted to pop in and say thank you guys. 


And yes, please keep tabs on me on Election Day.  I may need someone to talk to assuming the worst happens.

Hey man, I can't add a lot here but I just want to say I am glad you're reaching out and asking for/getting help. It takes a lot to do that!


Message me any time you feel like talking.

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I just wanna say, this is the greatest group of people to go through this with ever. Let's get @marioandsonic back and take care of our own. THIS is how we repudiate Trump. It's corny but it's true. We're from so many different places and areas. Fuck this orange fucking clown from stopping us from loving and accepting each other? Lame and corny? Absolutely. Best thing you've ever wanted? Yes.

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21 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I'd  take OG back before some of the others. He was dumb, but he wasn't toxic.


Ooooof, you're such a better person than me. I wanted that guy to die. Seriously. Thank you for being better than me. I hated that guy with every part of my soul. To be fair, I didn't deal with a lot of the worst back when whereas I feel like you did. 

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8 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Ooooof, you're such a better person than me. I wanted that guy to die. Seriously. Thank you for being better than me. I hated that guy with every part of my soul. To be fair, I didn't deal with a lot of the worst back when.

Maybe it's because I work in healthcare and encounter giant morons on a daily basis, plus I grew up in a small town, surrounded by religious crazies, but he didn't get to me that badly. Don't get me wrong, he could make a person want to pull their hair out, but he generally wasn't that antagonistic, didn't mess with peoples' personal lives, stuff like that. He was just frustratingly stupid.


Damn, though, even the people I've despised here, I haven't actually wanted them to die! :p

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9 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


It's not due to the Politics board. It's in general. Though that's kind of you to say! But I think I'm just sort of done. I have a lot to say, but if no one listens, heeds, or even changes their minds after all your (theoretically thoughtful) posts, then why am I bothering with all that energy and time? Could just be doing other things. It used to be fun to debate in the games and movies boards, but debate is mostly gone, etc. But thank you! :)


If it helps any, I'm just as on the edge of my seat and been following everything here as much as the rest of ya. But yeah, I don't feel I contribute fruitfully anymore to the internet.


Well I'll reiterate, even though it looks like you've already made up your mind, that you should contribute.  And don't take the lack of proper debate personally; people will argue right over each other's heads, although maybe it has been happening more often here than it used to.  Either way, there are lurkers like you have been that would get value out of your theoretically thoughtful posts, so keep 'em coming*.


6 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

I need to get this all off of my chest.


It's no secret I'm one of the doomsayers on this board.  The 2016 election shocked pretty much all of us on this board, and I was no exception.


But 2016 wasn't a dark and bleak year for me just because of that.  During that same fall, I had quit my job to work at a more lucrative position, and I thought things couldn't be better.  Long story short, I was let go less than three weeks later with little to no explanation why.  Broke and living with my parents, the only work I could get for the time was a seasonal position at Best Buy, and I hated every moment of it.  It wasn't until February of 2017 that my old job had an opening and was able to take me back.  Right around that time, though, my younger brother was arrested for drug issues.  I won't go into too much detail about that here, but the event that led to his arrest was also traumatic for me, and I imagine my parents as well.


From then on, I haven't felt right.  I feel like the one-two-three punch of that fall and winter broke something in me.  Now I can't feel optimistic about anything.  I always assume the worse of everything.


When I got my job back, I felt like I was going to lose it soon.  When I finally had the chance to meet a longtime friend I had met online back in 2008, I assumed it was a cruel and elaborate ruse.  When the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, I couldn't celebrate it at all, because I was sure that some NFL referee bullshit was going to take it away.  When I actually got an offer for an even better job that allowed me to move out, I assumed they would let me go within a week (even now, I still feel that my manager it going to give me a phone call telling me I'm out.)  When I got my beloved cat, I was convinced that he would hate me, and that I should just give him back to the humane society so that he would have a better owner.


And that leads us to now.


I wholeheartedly believe that, no matter what the election results, whether if Biden barely pulls it out or win in at 400+ electoral vote landslide, Trump will remain president.  I don't know how, I don't know why, but that's what I believe. 


I don't believe that we'll ever find a vaccine for Covid.  I don't believe that things will ever go back to normal.  I don't believe anything positive will ever happen ever again.


This is not normal.  i shouldn't think this way.  And I hate it.



I hope you take the advice from the several people offering it; I never realized so many are/have been on medications or counseling.  It's encouraging to hear people need help, as I am one to not really want or ask for help.  But I understand what you're going through as I went through an event that broke me 10 years ago, and I've been stumbling through my life since then.  I had some really down moments, and then I've recovered, and small bumps and highs since, but these last 2 years have kicked my ass for some reason.  I keep waiting to power through it, but I'm close to my breaking point and I think I need medication because I just don't physically feel right anymore.  But we got this buddy!  Four years is too long for you to feel broken.


I personally wouldn't categorize your take on this election as doom and gloom my good sir; that should not be something you need to worry about it.  It's a legitimate worry anyone should have, just don't let it get out of balance.  On a more positive outlook, at least you are aware of your nature.  Can you imagine not being self-aware, and then shift your goalposts to the far right?  You'd be one of those silly flat-earth, QAnon, hoax conspirators, and that would just be incredibly sadder.

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5 hours ago, vaxick said:


Oh god, I wasted too many hours arguing with the world's biggest Apple fanboy.


Edit: Well shit, he still exists and he's still masturbating to Apple products.  Also, he's conservative as fuck. 




Remember when kept saying he was the most anti-Trump person on this website?

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