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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 hour ago, Chairslinger said:

Sure, if you think particle board and wooden nails are going to keep out liquored up, pissed off 300 pound buffalo in red hats.


He's most decidedly not a MAGA chud, but I know a very large guy of Sicilian ancestry who goes by Buffalo. :lol:

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Some good legal analysis of how Kavanaugh of all people is shaping up to be the swing vote on this thing if Joe can't manage a landslide.


I think the tone of the article is a bit complacent on the possibility of a complete, hypocritical clusterfuck that could ensue if Kavanaugh or others see an opening, but that's not what it's about so I can forgive it.


It's a good nuts and bolts explanation of the back and forth the cases have already went through in PA, NC, and WI.

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2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


I appreciate that! But I no longer feel understood by IGN/BadCartridge/D1P, and I don't feel close to the users here anymore. Maybe because I'm not on Discord, or don't play games online with other users here, whatever it is. But I feel more often misunderstood and misinterpreted than anything else, and people clearly don't see any longer what I mean or where I come from.


I take time to respond carefully (to one degree or another) and I see most of that work is kind of pointless. Not to derail the thread or anything. :p 


Brah you're fine. Post.


48 minutes ago, Squeesnightmare said:


As someone else who only lurks (to an unhealthy degree), I can't say I've really seen evidence of any sort of "silencing campaign". If anything, people otherwise saying "No matter what, Trump will probably remain president (somehow)" seem to be in a majority. If not, they're quite vocal. 


This place has been very dramatic, and I almost feel like some users thrive off the chaos. "Nothing matters!" seems to have been the unofficial slogan of this board for at least the past year. It can become overwhelming, and without calling anyone out personally, it does seem to be impacting some users negatively. 


I think everyone is wary of what Trump might try to pull, but until it happens it's not "news", it's wild speculation.... and it's been speculated, constantly. If anything, I'd say it's harder to be optimistic about a Biden win around here. I, personally, don't see what good it does to "constantly redress" when the only purpose it serves it to cause anxiety. 


But hey, what the hell do I know? 


Holy shit this is exactly it. YES.

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I'm don't really want to jump on the @Greatoneshere stroking train :pbut I will say that I like the guy, despite his pretentiousness. I think he should post if he wants.


I don't really have anything new to add, just that I fall in the cautiously optimistic category. I really should stop lurking this thread, because my anxiety is getting bad. I feel like my stomach is in knots most of the day.

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I need to get this all off of my chest.


It's no secret I'm one of the doomsayers on this board.  The 2016 election shocked pretty much all of us on this board, and I was no exception.


But 2016 wasn't a dark and bleak year for me just because of that.  During that same fall, I had quit my job to work at a more lucrative position, and I thought things couldn't be better.  Long story short, I was let go less than three weeks later with little to no explanation why.  Broke and living with my parents, the only work I could get for the time was a seasonal position at Best Buy, and I hated every moment of it.  It wasn't until February of 2017 that my old job had an opening and was able to take me back.  Right around that time, though, my younger brother was arrested for drug issues.  I won't go into too much detail about that here, but the event that led to his arrest was also traumatic for me, and I imagine my parents as well.


From then on, I haven't felt right.  I feel like the one-two-three punch of that fall and winter broke something in me.  Now I can't feel optimistic about anything.  I always assume the worse of everything.


When I got my job back, I felt like I was going to lose it soon.  When I finally had the chance to meet a longtime friend I had met online back in 2008, I assumed it was a cruel and elaborate ruse.  When the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, I couldn't celebrate it at all, because I was sure that some NFL referee bullshit was going to take it away.  When I actually got an offer for an even better job that allowed me to move out, I assumed they would let me go within a week (even now, I still feel that my manager it going to give me a phone call telling me I'm out.)  When I got my beloved cat, I was convinced that he would hate me, and that I should just give him back to the humane society so that he would have a better owner.


And that leads us to now.


I wholeheartedly believe that, no matter what the election results, whether if Biden barely pulls it out or win in at 400+ electoral vote landslide, Trump will remain president.  I don't know how, I don't know why, but that's what I believe. 


I don't believe that we'll ever find a vaccine for Covid.  I don't believe that things will ever go back to normal.  I don't believe anything positive will ever happen ever again.


This is not normal.  i shouldn't think this way.  And I hate it.

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23 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

I need to get this all off of my chest.


It's no secret I'm one of the doomsayers on this board.  The 2016 election shocked pretty much all of us on this board, and I was no exception.


But 2016 wasn't a dark and bleak year for me just because of that.  During that same fall, I had quit my job to work at a more lucrative position, and I thought things couldn't be better.  Long story short, I was let go less than three weeks later with little to no explanation why.  Broke and living with my parents, the only work I could get for the time was a seasonal position at Best Buy, and I hated every moment of it.  It wasn't until February of 2017 that my old job had an opening and was able to take me back.  Right around that time, though, my younger brother was arrested for drug issues.  I won't go into too much detail about that here, but the event that led to his arrest was also traumatic for me, and I imagine my parents as well.


From then on, I haven't felt right.  I feel like the one-two-three punch of that fall and winter broke something in me.  Now I can't feel optimistic about anything.  I always assume the worse of everything.


When I got my job back, I felt like I was going to lose it soon.  When I finally had the chance to meet a longtime friend I had met online back in 2008, I assumed it was a cruel and elaborate ruse.  When the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, I couldn't celebrate it at all, because I was sure that some NFL referee bullshit was going to take it away.  When I actually got an offer for an even better job that allowed me to move out, I assumed they would let me go within a week (even now, I still feel that my manager it going to give me a phone call telling me I'm out.)  When I got my beloved cat, I was convinced that he would hate me, and that I should just give him back to the humane society so that he would have a better owner.


And that leads us to now.


I wholeheartedly believe that, no matter what the election results, whether if Biden barely pulls it out or win in at 400+ electoral vote landslide, Trump will remain president.  I don't know how, I don't know why, but that's what I believe. 


I don't believe that we'll ever find a vaccine for Covid.  I don't believe that things will ever go back to normal.  I don't believe anything positive will ever happen ever again.


This is not normal.  i shouldn't think this way.  And I hate it.


Bro, I am all too familiar with being depressed and having a terminally negative attitude, especially as a recovering drug addict myself. You just have to know that it doesn't benefit you in any way to think like this. And it's not about throwing on a happy face and pretending everything is going to be okay, either. You need to let go of the things you can't control and just accept the fact that the universe is going to play out the way it was meant to. I would hold on to your faith in the democratic process - there are plenty of people in this country fighting the good fight, and it's not over yet.

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1 minute ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

@marioandsonic - that's called depression, and you should absolutely take advantage of any counseling options that are available to you.

I thoguht he'd said he's been in therapy for a while. Maybe I'm mistaken. I'd also recommend talking to your doctor about medications. This is severe depression.

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1 minute ago, marioandsonic said:

 I have been participating in telehealth for a while now.  But I haven't looked into medication or anything.

Just from what you've said, I'm surprised it hasn't been recommended to you. I went through a dark time in 2016, in my personal life, so not just the election, and antidepressants really helped me.

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2 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

 I have been participating in telehealth for a while now.  But I haven't looked into medication or anything.


A bit of a devil's advocate here, but I'd recommend giving the vitamin 5-HTP a try before going the RX route.  I was on SSRI's for an extremely long time myself, and while they do work, they also leave you feeling quite numb.  I found counseling and going the natural route to be more productive overall to me weening myself off of needing anything.

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I think it may be a condition where medication would be really good for you, but obviously talk with your doctor. My brother started having mental health issues this year related to COVID but he feels great now.

Yeah, but this has been going on for at least four years for him. And it doesn’t seem to be triggered by one specific event. 

Obviously, I’m not an MD and can’t prescribe, but I’m definitely shocked medication hasn’t been brought up after all this time. 

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13 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

 I have been participating in telehealth for a while now.  But I haven't looked into medication or anything.



Others have given you some good advice to follow, but one very important point that should be stressed.


Your cat doesn't hate you, that's just how they look at everybody.






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30 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

 I have been participating in telehealth for a while now.  But I haven't looked into medication or anything.


Absolutely try some medication, it can help a lot. While I haven't been through depression per se myself, I have gone through some really bad anxiety issues within the last few years which is generally in the same medical boat. I got some medication and after a few months I was kind of reset and okay without it. Maybe you'd need it for longer, but since it seems like it was triggered for you, rather than a lifetime issue, it might not be something you'd have to be on for long.


That said, not every medicine is a good fit for someone, and it may take some searching, but I highly recommend you try,

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The first step in dealing with depression is realizing you're dealing with it. That allows you to take a step back and separate yourself from what you're feeling. Beyond that, talk to a doctor or deal with it how you want to. I personally deal with it by keeping a regimented schedule where I have a certain amount of time every day to focus on things like hobbies that make me feel better about everything, like playing music.


Obviously, everyone is different and will have different remedies (I also suspect that I have ADHD, so being given something to focus on, especially physical, really helps me reel my brain in).

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Early voting numbers are probably skewing Biden...


One thing I was thinking about the other day: The Electoral College is fucked, right? The only people that want to keep it in place are Republicans, because that's what helps to keep them in power. However, by keeping it, they're basically giving enough rope to hang themselves with. Texas will eventually turn blue (probably not this election, but the fact that Texas is even becoming a battleground state is telling), and once Texas flips, that's basically a nail in the coffin for the Republican party. Without California, New York, or Texas, they'll never win another presidential race again.

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1 hour ago, marioandsonic said:

I need to get this all off of my chest.


It's no secret I'm one of the doomsayers on this board.  The 2016 election shocked pretty much all of us on this board, and I was no exception.


But 2016 wasn't a dark and bleak year for me just because of that.  During that same fall, I had quit my job to work at a more lucrative position, and I thought things couldn't be better.  Long story short, I was let go less than three weeks later with little to no explanation why.  Broke and living with my parents, the only work I could get for the time was a seasonal position at Best Buy, and I hated every moment of it.  It wasn't until February of 2017 that my old job had an opening and was able to take me back.  Right around that time, though, my younger brother was arrested for drug issues.  I won't go into too much detail about that here, but the event that led to his arrest was also traumatic for me, and I imagine my parents as well.


From then on, I haven't felt right.  I feel like the one-two-three punch of that fall and winter broke something in me.  Now I can't feel optimistic about anything.  I always assume the worse of everything.


When I got my job back, I felt like I was going to lose it soon.  When I finally had the chance to meet a longtime friend I had met online back in 2008, I assumed it was a cruel and elaborate ruse.  When the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, I couldn't celebrate it at all, because I was sure that some NFL referee bullshit was going to take it away.  When I actually got an offer for an even better job that allowed me to move out, I assumed they would let me go within a week (even now, I still feel that my manager it going to give me a phone call telling me I'm out.)  When I got my beloved cat, I was convinced that he would hate me, and that I should just give him back to the humane society so that he would have a better owner.


And that leads us to now.


I wholeheartedly believe that, no matter what the election results, whether if Biden barely pulls it out or win in at 400+ electoral vote landslide, Trump will remain president.  I don't know how, I don't know why, but that's what I believe. 


I don't believe that we'll ever find a vaccine for Covid.  I don't believe that things will ever go back to normal.  I don't believe anything positive will ever happen ever again.


This is not normal.  i shouldn't think this way.  And I hate it.

Man, you sound just like me when I got laid off from a job just two weeks before we were having a baby. Something broke during that time. Anxiety (GAD or otherwise) really took hold. Old demons that I thought were long dead came back to life and were living rent free in my headspace now. I wasn’t my regular self at all. In fact, I wasn’t my regular self for a long time. I probably should have gotten help, but with a newborn and trying to find a job, I just didn’t think it was smart at the time. Eventually, somehow, I painstakingly started putting all the pieces with robust meditation and exercise. It was such a slow process and there would be times where I’d slip. I had a new job that was great and I’d carastrophize myself into thinking I’d lose it at any moment. But then after some months of hard work I realized something, the anxiety and the fear was just gone. Moreover, I could dive into those dark thoughts and be fine. I could pull myself out at any moment. 

if you’re able to, I’d really recommend getting help of some kind, any kind. If money isn’t an issue, get therapy, forget any stigmas. Antidepressants can really fucking help some people. I’ve seen day/night changes in some. If money is an issue, look for other means - be that meditation, a pastor, a mentor, or other programs. It doesn’t have to be like that, I promise. Covid will be controlled, I promise. I think Biden will win and will assume office, BUT even if I’m wrong here, we will all survive Trump just fine. It just means we live another day to fight - not that it’s over. I have had some really good moments in my life during Trump’s tenure, as have most people here. Him being re-elected is not the end of the world. It endangers our democracy further, sure, but we have to keep working on it. 

Feel free to DM me at any time. 

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I rarely open up about my own anxiety issues, but just wanted to throw some support to@marioandsonic and let you know that thankfully there are treatments for what you are experiencing. Aside from antidepressants which I recommend looking into, you might also look into cognitive behavioral therapy, which directly addresses distorted thought patterns and is supported by quite a few studies. I don’t have too much experience with depression, but I have dealt with anxiety my entire life and the way I look at it is my anti depressant gets me to a point where I’m stable enough to somewhat function. From there, therapy, self help books, and even certain philosophies of life (think Stoicism and Buddhism) have tons to offer to make your life not just bearable, but something to be thankful for.

Also there are other anti depressant classes than ssri’s if they cause side effects. 

It was just mentioned above, I strongly recommend running regularly. It is one of the best things I do for my mental health. 





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17 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Slight break in this really good discussion, but Nevvvaaaddddaaaaa.




It took a few seconds for there to be any indication that a tweet was loading and I was all :confused::confused::confused: by the text portion of this post.

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During rehab I found that the dual diagnosis group counseling had a side effect of helping me to deal with my depression better (I’ve been on depression meds since I was 18, they help but sometimes you need more) and just wanted to throw that out as something you could consider in addition to most likely medication.


Everyone else has offered some great advice. I know I’ve made a couple jokes but it’s just because I’m still in a similar boat with how I’m feeling at the moment. You’re a great guy, I’m rooting for you.


Edit: I second what MassDriver said about looking into CBT

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36 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

Early voting numbers are probably skewing Biden...


One thing I was thinking about the other day: The Electoral College is fucked, right? The only people that want to keep it in place are Republicans, because that's what helps to keep them in power. However, by keeping it, they're basically giving enough rope to hang themselves with. Texas will eventually turn blue (probably not this election, but the fact that Texas is even becoming a battleground state is telling), and once Texas flips, that's basically a nail in the coffin for the Republican party. Without California, New York, or Texas, they'll never win another presidential race again.


Nevada is a different beast. You can tell how it'll vote by the early vote, the only state you can do this. Ralston is an expert at this.

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2 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

I need to get this all off of my chest.


It's no secret I'm one of the doomsayers on this board.  The 2016 election shocked pretty much all of us on this board, and I was no exception.


But 2016 wasn't a dark and bleak year for me just because of that.  During that same fall, I had quit my job to work at a more lucrative position, and I thought things couldn't be better.  Long story short, I was let go less than three weeks later with little to no explanation why.  Broke and living with my parents, the only work I could get for the time was a seasonal position at Best Buy, and I hated every moment of it.  It wasn't until February of 2017 that my old job had an opening and was able to take me back.  Right around that time, though, my younger brother was arrested for drug issues.  I won't go into too much detail about that here, but the event that led to his arrest was also traumatic for me, and I imagine my parents as well.


From then on, I haven't felt right.  I feel like the one-two-three punch of that fall and winter broke something in me.  Now I can't feel optimistic about anything.  I always assume the worse of everything.


When I got my job back, I felt like I was going to lose it soon.  When I finally had the chance to meet a longtime friend I had met online back in 2008, I assumed it was a cruel and elaborate ruse.  When the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl, I couldn't celebrate it at all, because I was sure that some NFL referee bullshit was going to take it away.  When I actually got an offer for an even better job that allowed me to move out, I assumed they would let me go within a week (even now, I still feel that my manager it going to give me a phone call telling me I'm out.)  When I got my beloved cat, I was convinced that he would hate me, and that I should just give him back to the humane society so that he would have a better owner.


And that leads us to now.


I wholeheartedly believe that, no matter what the election results, whether if Biden barely pulls it out or win in at 400+ electoral vote landslide, Trump will remain president.  I don't know how, I don't know why, but that's what I believe. 


I don't believe that we'll ever find a vaccine for Covid.  I don't believe that things will ever go back to normal.  I don't believe anything positive will ever happen ever again.


This is not normal.  i shouldn't think this way.  And I hate it.

I appreciate you sharing this. If it’s something you haven’t talked about prior, I know how difficult that initial release can be.


I’m no expert on the topic, but there are a lot of pieces of your story that resonate with mine. I was reluctant to consider therapy or medication for many years. I’ve been seeing a psychiatrist for the past 5 years, and taking my current medication for the past 3. It isn’t the end all cure, but those two things allow me to have space to feel life on my terms. 


In the end, you know you’re body best. At the same time, it’s good to get advice from those around you. They can many times offer a more candid picture of you than you can.


Like others have said, I’m available to talk, whether it’s DM, text, call, email, FaceTime, Discord, etc.

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1 hour ago, marioandsonic said:

 I have been participating in telehealth for a while now.  But I haven't looked into medication or anything.

SSRIs helped me get through a depressive lurch in grad school.  They helped me relax and be optimistic long enough to figure out how to not engage in self-sabotaging depressive thinking, especially when I’m sleep-deprived. (which I was all throughout grad school).


Now I don’t even need them.  I’d definitely recommend looking into trying medication.  Doesn’t even need to be a life-long thing, they might just help get you through your slump, if they’re paired with a therapist, and then at some point you might even be able to ‘throw away the ladder’ once you’re feeling better.

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