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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:


Trump could literally shit his pants on live TV during the debate and the media would pay way more attention to Biden making a minor misstatement. 

I can 100% guarantee Biden will say Trump "paid practically no federal income taxes" several times, but he will slip up once and say "Trump paid no federal  income taxes" and get 6 Pinocchios pants on fire 24/7 coverage on CNN and MSNBC to say nothing of fox

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33 minutes ago, Jason said:


Trump could literally shit his pants on live TV during the debate and the media would pay way more attention to Biden making a minor misstatement. 


I would go a step further, and maybe a step too far, but I truly believe Trump could shoot and kill Biden during the debate and Republican voters and Fox News would defend it as "he's been a part of the Washington swamp for almost 50+ years. Look at how we incarcerated a generation of black men with the 1994 crime bill! Politics are better off without him."

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6 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Trump campaign cancelling all ad buys in Iowa and Ohio:



From the sounds of it, the campaign is close to being broke and is focusing almost entirely on Florida?


Why, so Donnie can see his ads while at Mar-a-Lago? 

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Given all the dark money backing Trump, does it even matter if his campaign stops ad buys? I feel like most political ads I see are from PACs, not candidates themselves. I also just assume the Trump campaign is another piggy bank for Trump.

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3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Given all the dark money backing Trump, does it even matter if his campaign stops ad buys? I feel like most political ads I see are from PACs, not candidates themselves. I also just assume the Trump campaign is another piggy bank for Trump.


It does matter.


The reason you're not seeing more ads from the candidates is because Texas is less of a tipping point state. It's basically icing on the cake as North Carolina/Indiana were to Obama in 2008 (assuming Biden wins). In Florida, yes we're getting plenty of PAC ads, but tons of ads from the Biden and Trump campaigns themselves saturate the airwaves.


I think Dave Wasserman or Nate Silver were asked this by a follower in regards to Texas specifically.

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6 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


It does matter.


The reason you're not seeing more ads from the candidates is because Texas is less of a tipping point state. It's basically icing on the cake as North Carolina/Indiana were to Obama in 2008 (assuming Biden wins). In Florida, yes we're getting plenty of PAC ads, but tons of ads from the Biden and Trump campaigns themselves saturate the airwaves.


I think Dave Wasserman or Nate Silver were asked this by a follower in regards to Texas specifically.

To clarify, I don’t mean just in the presidential election. I see ads for the local congressional race all the time and 90% is non-candidate ads. I actually don’t think I’ve seen any candidate ad in that race from the Republican, all have been the Dem. but again, vaaaast majority is PAC ads.

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3 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Considering Sanders couldn’t win two separate primaries, I’m beginning to think progressives are a bigger minority than people think.


I'm not fully convinced that progressives exist across the country in large voting numbers once you control for Sanders supporters that love him, but don't necessarily care about policy.

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“I was super proud that day I walked out of voting,” said Jensen, who voted for Trump in the primary and general election in 2016. She’d been a lifelong Republican. “My son was with me, and he just turned 18. He voted for Trump as well. It was a year of ‘Hey, let’s do something different.’ I really thought he was going to drain the swamp, get rid of career politicians, small government, be a leader. We wanted everything to change.”


She recalled Ronald Reagan. He was an out-of-the-box, unusual choice, and so was Trump. “I was looking for that Reagan-esque, (Arnold) Schwarzenegger appeal.


“Looking back, though, it was all a big mistake.”



Her first serious inkling that he didn’t align with her values was when he nominated Betsy DeVos as secretary of education. Jensen, who is a librarian at a high school, felt that DeVos wasn’t qualified.


But there were many other troubling signs to come, including Trump’s habit of belittling people. “I started being mindful. Watching things. Growing up with traditional Christian values, it bothered me how he made fun of people,” she said.


She tried to focus on her favorite things in life: ’80s music, books, her ownership in a small cattle ranch in her native Oklahoma. She shared plenty of photos of her colorful life on Facebook. But politics crept in like a gray fog that clings to the edge of nightmares. The more Jensen learned about Trump, the less she liked. For the first time in her life, she was uncomfortable with a Republican.


Friends would cite the stock market as proof of Trump’s success, and Jensen grew increasingly annoyed.



“Not everything is based off the stock market,” she said. “Most regular people just don’t have stocks. Everything about the stock market comments irritated me.”



It’s unclear how many voters like Jensen are out there — white, middle-class people who are pro-gun and anti-abortion rights, solid Republicans in most conventional ways — and how they will affect the election’s outcome. Voters like Jensen could be only a slice of the electorate, but they still represent a flashing caution sign for the president.



“Joe Biden’s a family man and so am I, and that’s how I’m connecting with him,” said Jensen. “He loves his kids and his wife, you can tell it. For me, he’s the safer of the two candidates. And he doesn’t make fun of people.”



Abortion? “I’m pro-life, but I just feel that Republicans have become so hung up on our abortion stance that we are letting this man ruin us.”



But she hasn’t wavered. “I’m happier now. My time here is limited. I see myself four years ago, I would have never said, `Black lives matter.’ But they do. Sometimes we have to put ourselves in other people’s shoes. It does not always have to align with what your friends believe.”


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