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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


Watch USPS service in Wisconsin mysteriously grind to a complete halt that miraculously resolves itself on November 10.



I strongly expect that anything short of a huge landslide win for Biden will be litigated up to SCOTUS on specious grounds where they will hand him the presidency with a BvG on steroids ruling.


There was already a ton of potential for Trump to pull some litigious bullshit on any number of made up technicalities. Now that they don't even need Roberts to sign on to whatever fuckery they've got in store I am not super optimistic.

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9 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Exactly. They could have let the Presidency temporarily pass to the House Speaker while the recount occurred in FL, but they chose not to.


And they knew they were handing down such a shit ruling that they put it in the ruling that it wasn't precedent for anything else.

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1 hour ago, Massdriver said:

I don't think that SCOTUS is as corrupt as some people here. They won't make something up out of thin air to keep Trump in power. 



No, it's up to Trump's lawyers to make something up out of thin air.


SCOTUS only has to rule on it :p


Things like the most recent Obamacare case and the replay of the Louisiana trap laws show just how little the 4 conservatives minus Roberts care about having any ledge of legitimacy to stand on if it means getting to their outcome driven opinion. 


Like I said, I think a genuine landslide still renders it moot. But there's a margin in there for a judgement call. It was already not 50-50 with Roberts and it just slid right. 


If a case came before the court and essentially leaned Biden's way 51-49, do you honestly think Thomas and Alito would vote to hand Biden the presidency?


Whose gonna be that 5th vote to hand Biden the presidency? The guy who thinks states can literally establish official religions? The guy who vowed revenge against the Democratic party on national television?

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Roberts threw out the main enforcement mechanism of the voting rights act because the formula used to decide what states and localities were subject to preclearance was 40 years old, despite the law being renewed by congress nearly unanimously in 2006 and signed into law by the president, only 7 years prior to the case coming before the court. That’s it. That’s the reasoning. 

the roberts court will absolutely make up whatever they need to in order to advance their version of the conservative agenda. Every conservative member of the court is a federalist society goon, don’t ever forget it. 

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On CNN Monday, chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin warned of a possible scenario in which close states with right-wing legislatures could find a pretext to overturn the election and hand their electoral votes to President Donald Trump. “What is so remarkable is how many different tentacles there are,” said Toobin. “Bush v. Gore was just […]


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30 minutes ago, Jason said:

On CNN Monday, chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin warned of a possible scenario in which close states with right-wing legislatures could find a pretext to overturn the election and hand their electoral votes to President Donald Trump. “What is so remarkable is how many different tentacles there are,” said Toobin. “Bush v. Gore was just […]


Call in the National Guard to close off the capitol building and keep the legislature from convening.

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

On CNN Monday, chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin warned of a possible scenario in which close states with right-wing legislatures could find a...


Also I can tell you how the courts conservatives will rule



so next look where republicans have both houses and proceed accordingly

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And for those of you keeping score at home, republicans hold both state houses in AZ, wi, mi, pa, nc, ga, fl, oh, tx and even the governor of az, ga, fl, oh, and tx 


not saying this will happen, but the republicans have means, motive, opportunity, and a lack of meaningful repercussions due to undemocratic gerrymandering, a broken constitution (encompassing the election of the president to the judicial system and more) and general authoritarian tendencies of one party and sheepishness of the so called opposition 

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Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has reportedly raised more than $16 million in an effort to help convicted felons in Florida register to vote. 


This is good, but it's important to note that this is money that he has raised, not his own money.

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3 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:



Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has reportedly raised more than $16 million in an effort to help convicted felons in Florida register to vote. 


This is good, but it's important to note that this is money that he has raised, not his own money.


Still absolutely amazing.

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<p>Texas now has 16.6 million voters, an increase of more than 400,000 since March. And since 2016, Texas has added 1.5 million voters to its rolls.</p>



It certainly isn't going to hurt! Or maybe it will...

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7 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

So the whole, "Joe has dementia!" angle that the Trump family is pushing is a strategy his advisors are worried about.



Counter-point: a single slip-up from Joe will now be pushed on every pro-Trump news organization and be all over social media, while ignoring any idiocy from Trump.

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Some good numbers for Trump in Florida and Arizona from WaPo:




These do have an R+5 turnout model (Kelly is up by 1 on McSally in this one). But that's not impossible.


At the same time, St Pete Polls released a Florida poll as well with good Biden numbers and a big sample size (haven't seen crosstabs):



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Just now, Spork3245 said:

Counter-point: a single slip-up from Joe will now be pushed on every pro-Trump news organization and be all over social media, while ignoring any idiocy from Trump.

I mean, they tried to use the fact that he read off a script for the VP Harris announcement as a sign of dementia... you know, because people being organized and prepping for announcements is somehow a sign of dementia.

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