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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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4 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Which is why I'm glad we have Dem activists and Dem governors who are welcoming it. It should be a nationwide issue.

That’s all fine and dandy but it needs to be a top down issue. People need to be released from prisons and records need to be expunged and that’s not gonna happen unless the top 2 are involved.

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1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

As in not understanding that they’re just a snapshot of the polled population‘s views at a given moment of time?  Or that statistically the outcome of an electoral event they’re meant to predict the behavior of the electorate in can in theory ultimately reflect either the upper or lower bound of the MOE? Or that pollsters attempt to approximate an accurate view of the polled population in an election that encompasses a large variety of distinct regional populations by ‘weighing’ certain demographics rather than relying on the plain old ‘simple random sample’ we learned about in stats class?  None of which really contradicts what I’m saying? Or are you referring to some other aspect of the process?  Explain.


I feel like the guy that says: 



As in not understanding that they’re just a snapshot of the polled population‘s views at a given moment of time?


can't possible be the same person that says:



Like I said, the polls are predictively meaningless until right before the election. Even Silver admits it—probably without knowing he admits it—when you read between the lines.


Polls are what they are. You know what they are. If you're frustrated because you want them to predict the future, that's on you, homeslice.

  • stepee 1
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12 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

The only hope of reversing the damage Trump has done is to beat him so resoundingly that the Republican party decides the long term damage is not worth possible short term gain with any future celebrity, populist, authoritatians(it still feels weird applying that label to a politician, let alone a president, but I can't think of a better way to sum him up).


I thought after losing in 2012 that the Republican party would take a hard look at all the racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. within the party, and find ways to move forward, and choose a candidate for the next election that better expressed 21st century ideals. Look who they fucking went with. 

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2 minutes ago, Brick said:


I thought after losing in 2012 that the Republican party would take a hard look at all the racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc. within the party, and find ways to move forward, and choose a candidate for the next election that better expressed 21st century ideals. Look who they fucking went with. 


I thought they were gonna do that having no power anywhere after 2008. Then 2012 I thought that even Hannity talking about possibly moderating their immigration views would lead to progress.


Fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can't get fooled again.

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What I got from the speech:


Trump drove the good things he inherited to the ground. Biden has dealt with pandemics masterfully; Trump doesn't know what he's doing. Biden, with Obama, presided after years of continuous job growth; Trump's butchered response to COVID has sunk the economy further into a ditch while other countries did a better job. Trump spreads hate and racism; Biden was the number 2 for the first black president and picked the first black woman for VP on a major party ticket. We're in a ditch, and we need to build back better (the slogan). Biden knows how.

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20 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

Harris was probably the safest pick for sure.  Good for Biden.  


They haven't won me over though.  They'll have to earn my vote.  I won't to be forced to vote for the lesser of two evils.




I mean, no one is going to force you to refrigerate your milk either, but you should still refrigerate your milk.

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As far as campaign-oriented slogans go, perhaps nothing will ever be more stupifyingly bone-headed than this gem from the Democrats in 2016:


"Love Trumps Hate"


How the hell did a slogan that can be easily changed in mockery to mean the EXACT OPPOSITE of its original intent with the addition of a single apostrophe ever see the light of day?

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2 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

As far as campaign-oriented slogans go l, perhaps nothing will ever be more stupifyingly bone-headed than this gem from the Democrats in 2016:


"Love Trumps Hate"


How the hell did a slogan that can be easily changed in mockery to mean the EXACT OPPOSITE of its original intent with the addition of a single apostrophe ever see the light of day?


Pokemon Go-to-the-polls

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12 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:




Seems like an outlier. For instance: https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/511751-poll-trump-trails-biden-by-4-points-in-new-national-survey 

Biden +4 Hill/HarrisX





Biden leads Trump by 6 points in Florida, 50 to 44 percent, and the former vice president leads by 5 points in Michigan, 48 to 43 percent, according to the "States of Play" survey from CNBC and Change Research. Biden is also up by 4 points in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, 48 to 44 percent and 47 to 43 percent, respectively. 

The former vice president's lead is slimmer in Arizona, where he is ahead of Trump, 45 to 44 percent.


Trump, meanwhile, holds a narrow lead over Biden in North Carolina, 48 to 47 percent. 

The same survey showed Biden holding a 6-point advantage over Trump at the national level, 50 to 44 percent. 




Biden +6 on the CNBC/Change Research poll


The race appears to be tightening to me, but it is less than I thought according to the average here: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_biden-6247.html

Trump gained some ground but increases seem to be leveling off.

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:




Interesting. Pushed undecided registered voters to their leaning and Biden gets 9% added to his 49% committed. Trump gets 4% added to his 38% committed. These values are close to trumps approval/disapproval, which is what you would expect as you get closer to the election

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6 hours ago, Massdriver said:

Seems like an outlier. For instance: https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/511751-poll-trump-trails-biden-by-4-points-in-new-national-survey 

Biden +4 Hill/HarrisX





Biden +6 on the CNBC/Change Research poll


The race appears to be tightening to me, but it is less than I thought according to the average here: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_biden-6247.html

Trump gained some ground but increases seem to be leveling off.

RCP is garbage by the way, because they randomly pick and choose polls to include and exclude, and will drop high quality polls despite it being in the same timeframe, while including shit like HarrisX, which is just rasmussen.

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