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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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There’s no question that Trump has brought out the worst in everyone and normally I would agree that mocking someone for disability or age is wrong.  It’s sad to see what America has become. We have a spoiled dumb feeble child that has talked shit for 4 years and people are sick of it.  He’s dangerous and has proven it. 4 more years is completely unacceptable. We need to kneecap his movement by making it a one term presidency with a landslide loss. 

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1 hour ago, Massdriver said:

There’s no question that Trump has brought out the worst in everyone and normally I would agree that mocking someone for disability or age is wrong.  It’s sad to see what America has become. We have a spoiled dumb feeble child that has talked shit for 4 years and people are sick of it.  He’s dangerous and has proven it. 4 more years is completely unacceptable. We need to kneecap his movement by making it a one term presidency with a landslide loss. 

You're assuming that he and his "movement" is the cause and not merely a symptom of the political, economic, social, intellectual, and moral rot that has existed at the heart of American society for decades (if not for its entire existence).


Him losing will only be a temporary respite in this war -- and make no mistake: this is a war -- because they will learn from the mistakes and evolve.  The next one will actually be competent and as we've seen the "liberals" of the Democratic Party will be all-too-willing to roll over.


This ends in fire and blood, not tomorrow, not next year, maybe not in the next decade.  But that's how it all ends - there can be no other way.

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Trump needs to go, but to think of him as anything other than a symptom you're going to be in for a rude awakening.


Things are only going to get worse as a traditional middle class life is increasingly out of reach without going tens of thousands of dollars into educational debt, and even then it's a roll of the die, weighted by your race, gender, and sexuality. And that's not even considering there's the climate change that's already baked in, let alone with "nothing will fundamentally change" left to do, and all the associated problems therein.


This is a broken record at this point, but this country is falling apart.

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Climate change all but guarantees the WORST POSSIBLE outcome for everything.


There will be an inevitable bloody clash for the dwindling resources of arable land and fresh water between the urban refugees from the flooded coastal cities and the rural refugees from the drought-stricken interior.


The sooner people acknowledge and accept the reality that the United States of America is finished, then there remains a small glimmer of hope that the inexorable fallout can be somewhat mitigated.

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1 hour ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

You're assuming that he and his "movement" is the cause and not merely a symptom of the political, economic, social, intellectual, and moral rot that has existed at the heart of American society for decades (if not for its entire existence).


Him losing will only be a temporary respite in this war -- and make no mistake: this is a war -- because they will learn from the mistakes and evolve.  The next one will actually be competent and as we've seen the "liberals" of the Democratic Party will be all-too-willing to roll over.


This ends in fire and blood, not tomorrow, not next year, maybe not in the next decade.  But that's how it all ends - there can be no other way.

I agree he's just a symptom of a much more systemic problem. Trumpism isn't going away even if he loses. The goal here is to marginalize it as much as possible with the upcoming election and make some of the people that fell into it that aren't as dedicated as the rest question it. More than half of the GOP will still be TRUMP (build the wall, populist right wing stuff) all day and night after a loss, but it would temporarily weaken the movement. 

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7 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

Well, shit.


Watch him get someone reasonably competent :(


Why would someone reasonably competent want to go work for this clown show just to inevitably get thrown under the bus? 

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I'd like to say that I appreciate all the preceeding and find myself agreeing with both sides that we should always be careful about discrimination, how unintended consequences of our language can enable it -- and fuck trump. 


It might seem contradictory at first to agree with both but let me offer this as a reconciliation.  The president of the United States has made a political question about virility and capacity that's tasteless in the best of times but central to his sales pitch.  Trump is the one who is wrong to ask the question. We should be careful with answering, in order to not lose ourselves, but we must answer.  He's an empty suit, there's great value in exposing that to his potential voters; a value greater than the risk of furthering abelism. 

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2 minutes ago, Littleronin said:

I'm think Mulvaney's workload is looking a little light these days. 

Wasn't Mulvaney in the dog house with Trump before he left?


7 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:


But our media has to play the stupid both sides game, so they won't press this.

Apparently Bill Barr did as well.

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Trump is simply an unwitting puppet, serving the dual purpose his puppet masters gave him: to establish the conditions for the end of the dollar as the global reserve currency, and begin the West’s handover of global hegemony to the East.

The Chinese are praying to His Holiness Karl Marx that Trump is re-elected so they can seize their chance to return Asia to the imperial throne atop global civilization that it occupied for most of history.


Unfortunately for us, 48% of the country is still dumb enough to give them what they want.  And Given the massive amount of voter suppression we’re going to see on Election Day, plus the skew of the electoral college, that’s all Trump needs. 

Pray it doesn’t happen, and in the meantime hedge your bets by learning Mandarin.


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10 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Someone with a 40% approval rating and who won 46% of the vote last time (with a not-insignificant chunk being late-deciders) doesn't have 48% of the country behind him blindly.

You gotta Tack on the 2-3% who don’t support him blindly but will vote for him in the hopes of overturning Roe v. Wade, consequences be damned. ;)  One or two more justices and they have what they need.

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36 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

You gotta Tack on the 2-3% who don’t support him blindly but will vote for him in the hopes of overturning Roe v. Wade, consequences be damned. ;)  One or two more justices and they have what they need.


That's likely baked into the 40% approval. Hillary won in large part because the on-the-fence Republicans came home to Trump and late-deciders went heavily for Trump.


He could get 48% or 50% of the vote. But it's not because that percentage of Americans support him no matter what.

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Trump has been consistently getting around 42% in polls, the idea hes going to get to 48% in the general is pretty poorly thought out especially since hes clearly lost support since 2016, and any chance of a hidden vote is removed when Biden is winning the people who don't really like either by almost 2-1, a category that likely lost Clinton the election in the end.  Biden is also hitting 50% in polling which further erodes any "hidden" support, as a decent chunk of the last 9-8% who are left are voting 3rd party, which is usually about 3% of total votes go 3rd party, if its like 2016 then it'll be closer to 6% which would be even worse for him.

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I wonder if we've reached a point where both sides have so much money that it really doesn't matter much anymore? 




But the flip side of the enormous $817 million raised by the Trump campaign and the R.N.C. since the beginning of 2019 — and the $265 million still in the bank at the end of May — is that Mr. Trump and the Republican Party have already spent more than half a billion dollars and yet still entered the summer of 2020 trailing in the polls, with Mr. Biden cracking 50 percent in one prominent polling average. Mr. Trump spent $22.6 million on television ads from mid-March to mid-June, according to data from Advertising Analytics, a media-tracking firm; Mr. Biden just went on the air on Friday.


“The Republican war chest continues to dwarf that of Joe Biden and the Democrats,” the Trump campaign said in a statement over the weekend. (The Biden team has not released its exact cash-on-hand total, but campaign records indicate it is from $120 million to $150 million.)

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I don’t trust the polling. Like in 2016 there are plenty of Republican voters that won’t openly support Donald, but they won’t vote Democrat either. They’ll lie to a pollster to avoid look g racist. They’ll vote Donald, telling themselves its for abortion, or the economy, or whatever, anything but being racist. No matter Donald’s track record. Because they cannot accept a Democrat. 

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1 minute ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

I don’t trust the polling. Like in 2016 there are plenty of Republican voters that won’t openly support Donald, but they won’t vote Democrat either. They’ll lie to a pollster to avoid look g racist. They’ll vote Donald, telling themselves its for abortion, or the economy, or whatever, anything but being racist. No matter Donald’s track record. Because they cannot accept a Democrat. 

This didn't happen in 2016, lol.

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Is anyone worried about voter supression this fall?  With the virus causing large numbers of polling places to be closed, I am worried about this election. 


In Indiana, they let anyone vote by mail for the primary, but I haven't heard anything about vote by mail for the fall election.  I would really like to avoid going to a polling place this fall.

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13 minutes ago, erehwon said:

Is anyone worried about voter supression this fall?  With the virus causing large numbers of polling places to be closed, I am worried about this election. 


In Indiana, they let anyone vote by mail for the primary, but I haven't heard anything about vote by mail for the fall election.  I would really like to avoid going to a polling place this fall.


lol the suppression is already happening 

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I know 2020 isn't 2016 redux (all elections are different), but man, seeing articles like that brings back memories of things like:


Confidence Even as Hillary Clinton's Momentum Slows


Democrats eye Hillary Clinton's confidence after debate


Showing confidence, Hillary Clinton pushes into Republican territory


Inside the failing mission to tame Donald Trump's tongue


Donald Trump, With Bare-Bones Campaign, Relies on G.O.P. for vital tasks



I don't remember the last president who ran the same campaign as the first time and won reelection, admittedly.

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35 minutes ago, Jose said:


Fuck The Lincoln Project.f9r making dumb weight jokes instead of correcting that bullshit statement.

They do, just their focus is to do things in a way to get under his skin. Something democrats suck balls at. 

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