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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Bush is popular because of his personality since he's easy to get along with, and such a personality shines.


It was harder during the Bush years starting around 2004 when his popularity started to sink (though high enough to beat Kerry) because no amount of personality could save him from a terrible Katrina response, a war that cost mountains of lives senselessly, and politics that helped pave the way for Trump.


I can, and have, talked to people about how I think Trump is a hideous, terrible president but hasn't quite measured up to Bush's level of awfulness due to policies alone (though at least Bush was more open toward immigrants and signed a big campaign-finance bill into law), and I did say that Trump keeps doing his best to top Bush on the bad president scale. And usually people, including independents with whom I speak, will point that Bush wasn't trying to be as divisive and hateful as Trump.


And yes, his rhetoric was better. Yes, Bush is better to people than Trump as was evident with the seamless transition to Obama who campaigned on changing the course of the country from Bush's disastrous policies. And yes, as crazy as it is to think since we were polarized in the 2000s, Bush actually worked with Democrats. People just don't think along the lines of forever hating a president, which is why most former presidents become more popular after leaving office.


We can only hope the same won't be said for Trump since people hated him before.

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37 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

And usually people, including independents with whom I speak, will point that Bush wasn't trying to be as divisive and hateful as Trump.

They don't remember the 04 campaign I take it.


Between swiftboating and pushing ballot initiatives across the country to ban gay marriage this kind of talk is just looking through rose colored glasses

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20 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

They don't remember the 04 campaign I take it.


Between swiftboating and pushing ballot initiatives across the country to ban gay marriage this kind of talk is just looking through rose colored glasses


Exactly. But it didn't happen last year so it's easier to forgive.

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37 minutes ago, Dodger said:

Bush has also been a big image rehabilitation tour since he left office, which helps people think better about him. 


Bush has also always been a bit more humble, at least in his public persona. I'm sure Trump's diehards love his narcissism, but for anyone that doesn't it can be incredibly grating. It's really easy to hate his smug face and attitude.

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24 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Bush has also always been a bit more humble, at least in his public persona. I'm sure Trump's diehards love his narcissism, but for anyone that doesn't it can be incredibly grating. It's really easy to hate his smug face and attitude.


Humble and a sense of humor. Watch Obama greet former presidents and watch how Bush reacts to Obama.



I always remind people of how bad Bush was and connect the dots from his daddy's "rah rah America, ACLU is unpatriotic because they don't want the pledge in schools" and Bush II's "rah rah America, Cleland and Saddam, Kerry is a wuss" stuff as part of a long path to what got us to Trump.


But the "I'd like to have a beer with Bush" persona is real.

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19 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Humble and a sense of humor. Watch Obama greet former presidents and watch how Bush reacts to Obama.



I always remind people of how bad Bush was and connect the dots from his daddy's "rah rah America, ACLU is unpatriotic because they don't want the pledge in schools" and Bush II's "rah rah America, Cleland and Saddam, Kerry is a wuss" stuff as part of a long path to what got us to Trump.


But the "I'd like to have a beer with Bush" persona is real.


About as real as could be. I just don't trust the humanity of anyone that can work their way up to president.

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Dems could take Georgia Senate seats



Georgia voters cast their first votes Tuesday in an election cycle that could potentially have earthshaking consequences for the U.S. Senate, and Democrats are increasingly optimistic they could wrest two seats — and ultimately the Senate majority — from Republicans.


It takes 100k dead, 40 million unemployed, and riots in every major city for Dems to feel like they have a chance. But give people slightly more accessible healthcare and repubs sweep.


Failed state. USA is turbo fucked.

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13 hours ago, Jason said:



For context, he has been in Congress in 1989, serving the Bronx. He has a primary challenger from the left and was at an event last week in the Bronx talking to the borough president. He really wanted to speak, but there was a long list of speakers. Then he said, "If I didn’t have a primary I wouldn’t care.”



The borough president responded, "Don't do that to me. We're not going to do this, we're not politicizing. Everybody's got a primary, you know?" 


He released a statement later: "In the context of running for reelection, I thought it was important for people to know where I stand, that's why I asked to speak. Of course I care deeply about what's happening in this country, that's what I wanted to convey. I love the Bronx, grew up in the Bronx and lived here all my life. I would not have tried to impose on the Borough President if I didn't think it was important." 


I can see the most generous interpretation, that he wouldn't be so insistent if he wasn't in a competitive race. And I'm sure internally, anyone would think that. But considering the purpose of the event (I think it had to do with the protests in the Bronx), it's pretty tone deaf.

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1 hour ago, SlipperySlope said:

We have a history of losing at this point I think 


What's the list of conflicts that the US has engaged in and won/lost? Obviously some can't be easily categorized because their was no clear objective...though I'd probably lump those into the L column since they were wastes. I think the easy answers for major conflicts are:



Spanish-American War



Gulf War I








Gulf War II (though I guess you could say the "war" was a W, followed by a lost occupation)


Honourable Loss Mentions:

War on Drugs

War on Terror

War on Obesity

War on Poverty


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11 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

RNC preview



1. COVID breeding ground.

2. Black dude in the front is looking at the camera like he knows they've strategically positioned the only black person in the room.

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3 minutes ago, Jason said:


1. COVID breeding ground.

2. Black dude in the front is looking at the camera like he knows they've strategically positioned the only black person in the room.


Yyyup. Was going to say he was obviously pulled from the middle of the gaggle and told "stand right here and don't move or we'll shoot."

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Outside of a republican, there's not many choices that could be less apt for the times than Val Demings



Of course, the notion that police reform would best be brought by a former police chief is animated by the same logic behind going to Larry Summers to enact meaningful banking reform in the wake of a financial crisis. Which is to say, it’s the backwards thinking that has long had a home in the Democratic Party, a more self-defeating version of Nixon going to China. But the party has been at best standoffish toward the Black Lives Matter movement throughout its existence, only pivoting in the past few weeks to chase this swing in public opinion. Appointing Demings would be a return to that long-standing norm, not a surprising tactical zag from the enduring champions of police accountability.


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