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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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12 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


He confuses the ever-living fuck out of me. Seems like a decent guy but... MAGA

Agreed, and the article sort of addresses this. The tl;dr version is, he's more or less a hostage of the GOP of his own doing. He sees himself as decent and honorable too, and maybe he is, but the fact that he has hitched his horse to the Trump wagon requires him to play the part. I hadn't read much on Crenshaw, so thanks for posting that @osxmatt.

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Biden propses "Widespread" Student Loan Forgiveness



Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, has just come out with a proposal to forgive and wipe out student loan debt for millions of student loan borrowers. Here are the details.

Biden’s proposal would forgive all undergraduate federal student loan debt for borrowers who attended public colleges and universities, as well as historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and private minority-serving institutions (MSIs).

Borrowers who earn an income of less than $125,000 per year would be eligible for student loan forgiveness.

Biden also supports $10,000 in across-the-board federal student loan forgiveness as a response to the Coronavirus crisis. Senate Democrats had proposed this idea, but Senate Republicans rejected it in the final version of the CARES Act.


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1 hour ago, Jason said:

ITT people rationalizing rape apologism because of Trump.


I don't have a stake in it since I can't vote, but would you consider it apologism to say something like "I believe Biden is guilty and I wish he weren't the nominee (or hope he could be replaced), but if it's Biden vs Trump in November then I will vote for Biden as the stakes are too high"?

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8 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I don't have a stake in it since I can't vote, but would you consider it apologism to say something like "I believe Biden is guilty and I wish he weren't the nominee (or hope he could be replaced), but if it's Biden vs Trump in November then I will vote for Biden as the stakes are too high"?


I mean what I think in general is that I think it's important to seriously evaluate these claims for credibility, but that wasn't a super popular opinion to take when Franken was being run out. The hypocrisy here is my point. 

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3 minutes ago, Jason said:


I mean what I think in general is that I think it's important to seriously evaluate these claims for credibility, but that wasn't a super popular opinion to take when Franken was being run out. The hypocrisy here is my point. 

 What was there to evaluate with Franken? We SAW what happened with him... there were pictures. In retrospect, running him out of the Senate probably was too much for what he did, but there was no question that he did it. Unless he was accused of something else that I'm not remembering?

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23 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

 What was there to evaluate with Franken? We SAW what happened with him... there were pictures. In retrospect, running him out of the Senate probably was too much for what he did, but there was no question that he did it. Unless he was accused of something else that I'm not remembering?

There was some other stuff she claimed he stuck his tongue in her mouth or something during a set prep where they kissed.

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27 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

 What was there to evaluate with Franken? We SAW what happened with him... there were pictures. In retrospect, running him out of the Senate probably was too much for what he did, but there was no question that he did it. Unless he was accused of something else that I'm not remembering?


For starters, the people acting like he was somehow groping Tweeden through a flak jacket. And everyone ignoring that a right wing blogger who thinks O'Reilly shouldn't have gotten fired from Fox immediately tried to dogpile onto Tweeden's claim. And that Roger Stone knew about Tweeden's claim before it was published. 


And we never actually saw pictures of Franken grabbing anyone's ass. We saw pictures of him with women claiming it happened. Apparently Franken is a ninja who only gropes women in front of the camera and manages to grope women without the cameraman ever noticing. 

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9 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

There was some other stuff she claimed he stuck his tongue in her mouth or something during a set prep where they kissed.


Plus the photo of the sleeping soldier was really creepy. Not kick him out of the Senate creepy, but creepy.

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


For starters, the people acting like he was somehow groping Tweeden through a flak jacket. And everyone ignoring that a right wing blogger who thinks O'Reilly shouldn't have gotten fired from Fox immediately tried to dogpile onto Tweeden's claim. And that Roger Stone knew about Tweeden's claim before it was published. 


And we never actually saw pictures of Franken grabbing anyone's ass. We saw pictures of him with women claiming it happened. Apparently Franken is a ninja who only gropes women in front of the camera and manages to grope women without the cameraman ever noticing. 


I thought he got flak for this photo




Again, kicking him out of the Senate for just this may be have been too much... but it DID happen. I don't know about the ass grabbing claims or any of that other stuff but a quick google search shows that he HIMSELF admitted that he crossed the line with some of his accusers. Had he not copped to some guilt would he have been able to survive? I don't know but it's hard to claim someone is innocent when he himself says " I may not have been so innocent."



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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


I thought he got flak for this photo




That's the "groping her through a flak jacket" photo. The photo may be in bad taste but when Tweeden, a Hannity regular, makes claims that are clearly beyond what the photo she's providing as evidence supports, and Roger Stone knew ahead of time that she was going to drop this claim, I'm 100% not believing her claim. There's no justifiable way to insist that that picture shows him groping her.


17 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

There was some other stuff she claimed he stuck his tongue in her mouth or something during a set prep where they kissed.


Another thing where she wildly over-played what her supporting evidence supported. IIRC she tried to make it about "he kissed me without warning!" when it was something someone else had written into the overall raunchy skit.

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22 minutes ago, Jason said:


See, "believe all women" until it's suddenly inconvenient. :rolleyes:


How about "believe the guy who's being accused and admits to inappropriate behavior?"





Franken released a statement after reports multiple women recalled similar incidents as Menz, saying, “I’ve met tens of thousands of people and taken thousands of photographs, often in crowded and chaotic situations. I’m a warm person; I hug people. I’ve learned from recent stories that in some of those encounters, I crossed a line for some women -- and I know that any number is too many."

“Some women have found my greetings or embraces for a hug or photo inappropriate, and I respect their feelings about that,” Franken continued. “I’ve thought a lot in recent days about how that could happen, and recognize that I need to be much more careful and sensitive in these situations. I feel terribly that I’ve made some women feel badly and for that I am so sorry, and I want to make sure that never happens again.”


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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


He didn't admit to groping people. 

 Yeah I didn't say he did... I said he admitted to "Inappropriate behavior"... which was his own language. And he was referencing his "hugs and embraces" so you can infer what he was talking about. Clearly he himself acknowledged that something he was doing was problematic.

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

 Yeah I didn't say he did... I said he admitted to "Inappropriate behavior"... which is what he did. And he was referencing his "hugs and embraces" so you can infer what he was talking about. Clearly he himself acknowledged that something he was doing was problematic.


He basically said "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable". He wanted an ethics investigation and only resigned when Gillibrand decided castrating him would do wonders for her 2020 bid. 

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And on top of Roger Stone knowing in advance what Tweeden was going to say, by sheer total coincidence they accused Franken of the exact same thing Roy Moore was being accused of.


But no, not a ratfuck, totally credible.

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30 minutes ago, Jose said:

Al Franken should have never resigned. Even he admits to that. Crying over his plight is a colossal waste of time.


I brought it up in the first place because the Democrats would not have such a hot potato on their hands with this Biden situation despite the fact that there's a lot of problems coming to light with the accuser if they hadn't loudly accused anyone trying to raise similar concerns about the Franken situation as being misogynist shitlords. Especially the part where it wasn't worth waiting for the ethics investigation because women don't make this shit up so why wait?

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It's been the lead story on foxnews.com for the entire week.


It's a fascinating game of political chicken. It's kind of like Hitler accusing someone of being anti-Semitic.


The GOPs secret weapon is that they know that their base doesn't care about any of this, because they are morally bankrupt shit lords who are so fucking stupid they would vote for someone like Donald Trump. There are no rules anymore.


Politics has turned into sports anyway. There is no sanity. It's just both sides sitting around waiting for the other guys to screw up and then pointing their fingers and going Nya Nya Nya.... you did the thing you criticized us for, Nya! We win the politics! Score one for the good guys!


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