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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

If it seems to be a matter of branding I suppose that is true, and is why I briefly flirted with the idea of supporting Liz, but she didn't prove herself left enough for my taste.


But after Bernie there is no left left in the democratic party, so him losing is a blow to the movement.

I think Bernie made huge inroads with Latinos and some progress with blacks. I don't think your movement ends with Bernie. AOC and others that are very young are stepping up.

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Democrats are not going to be the ones to get a woman elected president. This party, as currently constituted, is never going to fully get behind a woman candidate, because no real woman can match the pubescent fantasy of a woman Democrats seem to want. No woman can be explicitly feminist enough while also nonthreatening to male swing voters. No woman can be laughably overqualified compared to her male opponents while still being a “new” and “fresh” face to lead the party. No woman can be strong, sweet, tough, flexible, brilliant, accessible, fiery, motherly, and attractive, but not distractingly so, all at the same time. And if a woman can’t be all those things, well, why take the risk of promoting a woman when we can find a perfectly mediocre man just lying around waiting for somebody to give him a chance?


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21 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

Great article... particularly this line



Democrats will not elect a woman who supports the patriarchy. They also won’t elect a woman like Warren, who means to smash it. They will excoriate a woman as a “weak” “flip-flopper” who tries to do something in between. And one day we’re going to wake up and Nikki Haley or Ivanka Trump is going to be president, and we’re all going to wonder how the hell that happened. It will happen because Republicans are comfortable with their sexism, while Democrats refuse to confront their own. Democrats won’t embrace misogyny like Republicans, but won’t examine it long enough to overcome it.


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I do want to say that NYT thing is bullshit and it sucks that some people are only seeing how they operated against Clinton now that they're hitting Bernie with the same clouds and shadows nonsense, but this is part of what he'd have to face down in a GE. This is only a taste. Wait until the Castro memorials start rolling.

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Just had a conversation of mine with a friend in California who voted for Warren:


SaysWho? - Sanders and Warren were my Top 2. I did dig Yang because I've thought UBI is a great idea for a few years now and liked that he brought it into the mainstream. I've got a feeling it'll be Biden, and while I like him, I feel like it's going to be another election season where I have to tell people, "I'm positive he feels differently now trust me," when they bring up bad votes in the 80s and 90s and early 00s.


Her - Had Yang still been in the race on California primary voting day, I probably would've gone Yang gang. And get your talking points ready, because you one hundred percent will have to defend Old Joe's actions from when you and I were in elementary school.


SaysWho? - Yeah, I'm already picturing the conversation.

Me: You know Trump wants to cut social security, right?
Person: Biden said he did during his 2008 run for presidency!
Me: Yeah, but he was just saying that because that's what moderates were saying at the time. Trust me he ain't doin' shit
Person: Did he tell you that?
Me: No, but look at my face. Would I lie? :angel:

May not be persuasive.


Her: Do your damndest


SaysWho? - Im Ready Lets Go GIF by Leroy Patterson



We got this, fam.

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31 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Just had a conversation of mine with a friend in California who voted for Warren:


SaysWho? - Sanders and Warren were my Top 2. I did dig Yang because I've thought UBI is a great idea for a few years now and liked that he brought it into the mainstream. I've got a feeling it'll be Biden, and while I like him, I feel like it's going to be another election season where I have to tell people, "I'm positive he feels differently now trust me," when they bring up bad votes in the 80s and 90s and early 00s.


Her - Had Yang still been in the race on California primary voting day, I probably would've gone Yang gang. And get your talking points ready, because you one hundred percent will have to defend Old Joe's actions from when you and I were in elementary school.


SaysWho? - Yeah, I'm already picturing the conversation.

Me: You know Trump wants to cut social security, right?
Person: Biden said he did during his 2008 run for presidency!
Me: Yeah, but he was just saying that because that's what moderates were saying at the time. Trust me he ain't doin' shit
Person: Did he tell you that?
Me: No, but look at my face. Would I lie? :angel:

May not be persuasive.


Her: Do your damndest


SaysWho? - Im Ready Lets Go GIF by Leroy Patterson



We got this, fam.

I told y’all Yang was the most electable!  :p

(in all seriousness, despite not believing this when I first started trolling you guys, I actually think he *would* probably be more competitive than Biden—and less divisive than Sanders—at this point *if* the dirt the Trump attack machine would have inevitably dug up on him was only of the “meh” variety.  But that is a VERY big ‘if’)

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6 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

I told y’all Yang was the most electable!  :p

(in all seriousness, despite not believing this when I first started trolling you guys, I actually think he *would* probably be more competitive than Biden—and less divisive than Sanders—at this point *if* the dirt the Trump attack machine would have inevitably dug up on him was only of the “meh” variety.  But that is a VERY big ‘if’)


Yang's comment in I think his last debate -- Trump isn't the cause of all of our problems -- is what rang true and is what Biden should adopt (and probably won't). Naively thinking that Republicans will work with you once Trump is gone ignores:

  1. Republicans not working with him during the damn transition into Obama's first term,
  2. The base not magically dying once Trump is gone,
  3. The politics and history that got us Trump.

It's easy for another Trump clone to arrive later because Democrats keep idiotically thinking he's an aberration and McConnell is the obstacle. McConnell sucks, but so did Ryan, Cantor and Boehner. None of them wanted to work with Democrats, and all of them promoted awful policies that contribute to busts like 2008. McConnell just upped the suck, but it existed before him.

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31 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


Yang's comment in I think his last debate -- Trump isn't the cause of all of our problems -- is what rang true and is what Biden should adopt (and probably won't). Naively thinking that Republicans will work with you once Trump is gone ignores:

  1. Republicans not working with him during the damn transition into Obama's first term,
  2. The base not magically dying once Trump is gone,
  3. The politics and history that got us Trump.

It's easy for another Trump clone to arrive later because Democrats keep idiotically thinking he's an aberration and McConnell is the obstacle. McConnell sucks, but so did Ryan, Cantor and Boehner. None of them wanted to work with Democrats, and all of them promoted awful policies that contribute to busts like 2008. McConnell just upped the suck, but it existed before him.

Important to note that Mitch and Trump is the new standard, the new baseline, the new zero. It's only going to get worse from here. The fascism won't stop with 45 out of office. The GOP has wholly embraced voter suppression and anti small d democratic underpinnings of power. There's not going to be a "come to Jesus I now see the Light" moment for the GOP. Preventing that is that there's too many crises that the GOP can't/won't acknowledge and the Democratic party will acknowledge but do nothing to solve the core issues, but make marginal corrections on the periphery which hardly satiates the thirst for change, let alone correct the underlying problems. 

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16 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

I agree he isn't going to get jack shit done. Hopefully we can survive 4 years of nothing improving.

If it was only four years of not improving, instead of getting worse vis a vi climate change, that would be a massive improvement

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29 minutes ago, Jason said:


This will never happen.


Trump's mental unfitness is entertaining and cartoonish, so the media gives it a pass, assuming it's just 'showmanship' and not the result of a serious mental condition--or at least pretending that's the case, because it gets them lots of clicks.


Biden's mental unfitness reminds everyone of that relative they have whose sundowners is slowly getting worse...it's not entertaining; it's kind of tragic, and will be portrayed as such, since portraying it as such will generate more clicks than ignoring it.


I know many's first instinct will be to portray it all as a conspiracy against Biden/Dems/liberals/etc., but I think it's honestly just a result of the shit incentives of modern day media.  Said incentives have always been bad, but social media has made them monstrously bad by making it an arms race for who can get the most clicks.

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