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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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I’m not thrilled with the results. It’s a mixture. A part of me wanted to see what Sanders could do out  of curiosity, and I’ve come around to not opposing single payer depending on how it is paid for.  I’m not convinced it is over for Sanders, but not looking great either. 

But a part of me is hopeful with these results. Democratic turnout is up. Biden’s got excitement behind him and his coalition doesn’t depend on an unlikely never before seen surge of young voter turnout  that apparently doesn’t exist tonight. Biden is based on a more typical formula for winning that relies on a more likely present group showing up to vote while being less likely to shave off a couple of points because of the socialist label. Biden will lose some Bernie voters as well, but I don’t think it outweighs the negative of Bernie.  I believe Biden is more likely to take Trump down than Sanders, so from that standpoint, I’m pleased.  But it’s going to be rough and I think Trump will probably win regardless of the nominee. 

Both of them are too old. Sanders has tons of things I disagree with him on, but I still think he’s an ethical, honest guy trying to do the right thing. We could do worse. Biden has his son which will be a liability for him, and he seems mentally deficient at times. 

It’s going to be rough, but that turn out!

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5 minutes ago, Jason said:


He said there were only two people checking people in with their IDs, that was the same at my polling location. That’s not the hold up. The ID checking process happens quickly. Their problem was busted voting machines. If only we could vote on paper, not needing cheap outdated computers in polling places run by senior citizens.

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13 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

What's happening in Texas is criminal with those lines.

It’s a tricky problem. Harris County this year decided to allow voters from any precinct to vote at any location in the county, dumping precinct specific voting requirements on Election Day. The goal of this was to fix an issue people had in that they often worked far from the precinct where they lived and would otherwise need to vote. The problem though with this is it makes it more difficult to estimate how many machines you need at a given voting location.

So you have some voting locations that end up being ghost towns, and others that are busy all day. Have equipment failures at a busy location and you’ve now got a catastrophe...and the problem compounds over time. Can’t happen, they’ve gotta have a better system for redistributing voting machines if they end up with long waits at some locations.

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A Bush grandson/nephew was running for the GOP House nomination in my district and missed the runoff by a few percentage points. Womp womp. 

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Anti-dairy protesters rushed the stage at former Vice President Joe Biden while he was declaring victory on Super Tuesday.

Mr. Biden, speaking in Los Angeles, was interrupted when a protester came close to him with a sign reading “Let Dairy Die.”

Mr. Biden, who won at least eight states on Tuesday, said his campaign had been declared dead — but now it’s very much alive. The bump came days after he won South Carolina largely due to his support from African American voters.



“Biden’s ties to the dairy industry and indifference to the suffering of farmed animals — something he basically never talks about — flies in the face of everything he claims to stand for,” the group said in part. “We’re asking him to stand with animal rights advocates, environmental activists, and ordinary citizens — and against the inherent violence of the dairy industry.”


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12 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:


I was wondering what that was about... where was secret service?  Do former V.P.'s get Secret Service protection?

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10 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


I was wondering what that was about... where was secret service?  Do former V.P.'s get Secret Service protection?


Former vice presidents, their spouses, and their children under 16 years of age, for up to 6 months from the date the former vice president leaves office (the secretary of homeland security can extend the protection time)


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Sen. Elizabeth Warren has lost her home state of Massachusetts to Joe Biden, a jarring and perhaps final insult to her presidential campaign on another disappointing primary night.

The defeat will present new and immediate questions for Warren as she decides whether to continue her campaign. With 18 states having voted by Tuesday, Warren has yet to register a win or top-two finish. Over the coming days, many on the left are likely to call for her to leave the race, hoping that her departure might boost Sen. Bernie Sanders of neighboring Vermont, her fellow progressive.


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