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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Some other assumptions from the article in question.



“Pete’s strategy was dependent on others faltering,” Democratic strategist Joel Payne said. “If Biden’s out of the race, if Warren’s out of the race, Pete’s the guy. But he could never get the other shoe to drop to allow him to build a bigger coalition. His strategy was always a dependent-on-others strategy.”



But the bungling of the Iowa caucus results hurt Buttigieg’s ability to capitalize on his top finish. The emergence of Michael Bloomberg and the half-billion dollars he’s spent on advertising gave voters another alternative to Biden. And Iowa didn’t shrink the field the way it traditionally does, leaving Amy Klobuchar in position to continue on into New Hampshire.



Some Democrats say the Buttigieg campaign’s strategy, however, was flawed from its inception. Buttigieg never connected with black and Latino voters, two of the most important voting blocs in the party, and so the belief that strong performances in two overwhelmingly white states would translate to support from voters of color was unfounded, they argue.


“There was always a fatal fundamental flaw in his campaign which was the lack of a diverse coalition,” Payne said. “Even Bernie was able to build out his with Latinos. Biden has always had African American voters and Pete didn’t have that. Pete always lacked that second act that included building out a coalition.”



He spoke favorably about Medicare for All and the Green New Deal and frequently discussed major structural reforms like adding justices to the Supreme Court or doing away with the Electoral College.


But when Biden’s campaign sputtered, Buttigieg shifted out of the progressive lane, presenting himself as a pragmatic, details-focused politician. He laced into Elizabeth Warren for not detailing how she would pay for Medicare for All and devised his own health-care proposal he calls Medicare for All Who Want It.


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3 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


Both parties need to go back to the party picking the nominee anyways.  That means you are less likely to get someone like Trump getting the nomination.

No, wrong. More democracy is better than less democracy. Elites are morons with exceptional pedigrees. Can't have popular legitimacy without direct popular input.

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23 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


More democracy got the UK brexit.  

The elite thinking they can both have brexit and not is what gave Boris Johnson a commanding majority in the house of commons. As long as civil liberties aren't infringed, democracy lets people choose to shit the bed, rather having the choice made for them.


Also David Cameron called for the election to try and hold on to power by harnessing the UKIP energy While not actually being for brexit so just lol at this whole premise

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1 hour ago, Anathema- said:

More democracy is not automatically better than less democracy wtf should we be electing judges too?

We already do, and it isn't much worse than the most undemocratic body in the country rubber stamping every 35 year old Federalist society goon for a job for life submitted by the elected president who won three million fewer votes than the loser.

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On Wednesday, it was announced that Public Enemy would be performing at a Bernie Sanders rally this Sunday in Los Angeles ahead of Super Tuesday. However, not everyone in the legendary group is on board.

In a cease and desist letter obtained by SPIN, Flavor Flav, through his attorney Matthew H. Friedman of the Las Vegas law firm Ford & Friedman, accused the Sanders campaign of using the Public Enemy name and “likeness, image and trademarked clock in promotional materials” without his permission.


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