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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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The more I see things like this and Trump’s own desire to run against Sanders the more I hope it happens and Sanders wins. I love people being hoisted by their own petard.

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Trump also just said (in a tweet reply) that he wants Pete to win the nomination. If anyone actually takes what Trump wants seriously (beyond wanting it for the sake of spite, which is obviously funny) and as some sort of argument for validity...then they are probably dumb. Trump doesn't know who will be good or bad against him.

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1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:

Bloomberg volunteers are getting paid $2500 to tell others to support other candidates.




This relates to one of my biggest TV trope peeves: When a character refuses to take an evil person's money after-the-fact for working with them. A good example is Lisa Simpson when she and Mr Burns make the fish slurry plant. He offers her $10 million, I think, and she refuses on the grounds that it would be her justifying his actions. In reality, the better thing to do with the money would be to take it and then use it against the evil person.

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4 hours ago, Jose said:

Because her being in 4th place has to do with anything. Bernie is a hypocrite, just like the rest of them. He should really do away with the holier than thou attitude.


Under a different system where they could vote on the first ballot, he was asking supers to follow the vote in their respective states, like all other delegates, rather than doing their own thing. So in 2016, he advocated MS super delegates go to Hillary, CO super delegates should go to him, etc. The super delegate system in 2016 was undemocratic, but his appeals were democratic in nature (not that there isn't a valid opposing argument in that the supers should follow the national popular vote winner).


It's more democratic now, the rules have changed, and super delegates still should not exist, so you can't necessarily make the same arguments.


How this relates to Warren is that she is positioning herself as the answer to a problem she is instrumental in creating. If she was as committed to her progressive agenda as she claims, she'd drop out and endorse Bernie (who is the #1 choice of far more democrats, in polling and in actual votes). If the shoe was on the other foot, I'd like to say I'd be advocating Bernie to drop and endorse Warren (for instance if his popularity didn't recover from the heart attack and Warren was leading the polls) but I can't say that and have anyone actually believe me. *shrug* 

But the fact of the matter is if it goes to a contested convention, Biden or bloomy stand to win, not Warren no matter her posturing. Don't forget the establishment only kinda likes Warren because Bernie is running too. If he was not, she'd be given the same treatment.

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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Under a different system where they could vote on the first ballot, he was asking supers to follow the vote in their respective states, like all other delegates, rather than doing their own thing. So in 2016, he advocated MS super delegates go to Hillary, CO super delegates should go to him, etc. The super delegate system in 2016 was undemocratic, but his appeals were democratic in nature (not that there isn't a valid opposing argument in that the supers should follow the national popular vote winner).

Watch the Washington Post video linked above if you think that’s all he was arguing. 

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1 minute ago, Anathema- said:

He was clearly arguing for the superdelegates to vote for him because of "momentum" and regardless of plurality. He's allowed to make that argument in 2016 because those were the rules. Problem is that he's transparently biased and trying to pretend it's a moral stance. It's a joke. 

Isn't this exactly what super delegates did in 08?

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