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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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10 minutes ago, Jose said:

When they show that clip from 40 years ago at every chance, what is he supposed to do? How is he supposed to respond?Again, his defense of some of Cuba's policies was prompted. He did not bring it up.

Say his views have changed on Cuba and pivot to European social democracy as what he is looking towards.

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28 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


Your positions are arrived at honestly and well thought-out. And not extreme. It's not like you're a certain video disc format or an Indian guy whose imaginary girlfriend is going to prove all of us wrong about evolution.


Girlfriend turn pregnant wife turned mother in the span of three months or so. I was quite impressed with that turnaround.


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54 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

but explaining and understanding why something came about doesn't mean you justified it morally

Then there are many cases where violence can never be justified, even when there is no legitimate peaceful way to change the status quo. The Cubans traded a right wing dictatorship (backed and protected by American merchant interests) into a left wing one. And given the track record of the CIA towards democraticlly elected leftist governments in Latin America, it's none too surprising that there is/was political repression.


31 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

Say his views have changed on Cuba and pivot to European social democracy as what he is looking towards.

"Why is bernie pivoting from answering questions about Cuba? What is he trying to hide?" He can't win. 

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53 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

Say his views have changed on Cuba and pivot to European social democracy as what he is looking towards.

Sanders has made too big of a stink about how he’s held the same views forever. He also really hasn’t changed :p 

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3 hours ago, Jwheel86 said:

Can we just forget Florida and go for a state where Democrats win statewide? Something like this-


I think Pennsylvania could easily slip out of Sanders’ hands, if he’s the nominee.  It just became the #2 oil producing state behind Texas due to the fracking boom, and Sanders has ‘ban fracking everywhere’ as a key policy proposal.

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Leaked Bloomberg audio calls his endorsement of Obama "backhanded," calls Warren's ideology scary.



In his comments from 2016, however, Bloomberg said he believed Utah Senator Mitt Romney would have made a better president.


"The second Obama election, I wrote a great backhanded endorsement of Obama saying I thought he hadn't done the right thing, hadn't done, hadn't been good at things that I think are important and Romney would be a better person at doing that," Bloomberg said. "But Romney did not stick with the values that he had when he was governor of Massachusetts."


Bloomberg liked that Romney was more socially liberal -- pro-immigration, pro-gay rights, pro-choice -- but didn't like that he changed positions on those issues.



Bloomberg also referred to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren in his remarks, implying that Warren was "scary" because of her progressive policies.


"The left is arising," Bloomberg said. "The progressive movement is just as scary. Elizabeth Warren on one side and whoever you want to pick on the Republicans on the right side?"


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Here's some more of what he talked about:


On banks:



"Well, to start, my first campaign platform would be to defend the banks, and you know how well that's gonna sell in this country," Bloomberg said in his remarks.

"But seriously," he went on, "somebody's gotta stand up and do what we need. A healthy banking system that's going to take risks because that's what creates the jobs for everybody. And nobody's willing to say that. The trouble is, these campaigns in this day and age, really are about slogans and not about issues anymore. And in this election you're going to see people are voting and they either love or hate, mostly hate both, but who you hate the least. That's what they're going to vote for. And they're not going to vote on issues."


Income inequality:



"Look at the income inequality," he said. "Anytime we've had this before, society blows up and they do set up the guillotines and the guillotines don't have to be chop your head off. They could be confiscatory taxes, they could be seizing the endowments of uh, educational institutions and um, philanthropic organizations, all of which those proposals are out there. You know, you're going to have to do something about this income inequality and a lot of it comes from zero interest rates."

Elsewhere in the talk, Bloomberg suggested a New Deal-type solution to income inequality, saying "maybe the answer is another WPA because the corporate world's not going to do it there."

"The ways you get Congress to work for you is the ways you deal with your family," Bloomberg said. "You bribe them. You say to your kid, you say to your kid to 'clean your room or you don't get your allowance.' That's a bribe, I'm sorry."


On donating to Pat Toomey:



In other comments, Bloomberg explained he backed Pennsylvania Republican Sen. Pat Toomey's reelection that year, even though he disagreed with him on most issues, because he supported his signature issue of guns. Democrats have criticized Bloomberg for his support of a small number of Republican candidates as late as the 2018 midterm elections.


On coal:



"Anything's better than coal, and then you push in the problem," he said. "What do you do with the poor coal miner who's out of a job? I understand that nobody's suggesting we shouldn't help the coal miner. But if I say to you, uh, Alex, there's 100,000 lives or maybe all the lives on the planet versus, you know, 200 jobs, it seems like an easy decision to make. I'm not suggesting we walk away from the coal miner. I'm suggesting you don't stop being intelligent and stop using the most polluting thing that we have in this country, in the world. And it's going to be a tough battle."


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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

Leaked Bloomberg audio calls his endorsement of Obama "backhanded," calls Warren's ideology scary.



Bloomberg liked that Romney was more socially liberal -- pro-immigration, pro-gay rights, pro-choice -- but didn't like that he changed positions on those issues.




2016 Bloomberg thought Warren was scary? You ain't seen nothing yet, bitch.

  • Haha 1
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1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

I’m wondering if the Trump attack machine won’t start revving up its anti-Bernie weaponry in earnest if he does really well on Super Tuesday.  That’d either get them a head start on their general election strategy or help foment a brokered convention, which would also help them.

Trump is already seeding the brokered convention narrative

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