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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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8 hours ago, johnny said:

Yeah, I’ve never heard a single person irl say they dislike Bernie. Even when I talk to a republican they respect how consistent he has been lol. I am in Cali though. 

Has anyone ever responded to Kurt Eichenwald’s suggestions about the ‘dirt’ the Republicans will throw at Sanders?  I only just encountered it this week: 



So what would have happened when Sanders hit a real opponent, someone who did not care about alienating the young college voters in his base? I have seen the opposition book assembled by Republicans for Sanders, and it was brutal. The Republicans would have torn him apart. And while Sanders supporters might delude themselves into believing that they could have defended him against all this, there is a name for politicians who play defense all the time: losers.

Here are a few tastes of what was in store for Sanders, straight out of the Republican playbook. He thinks rape is A-OK. In 1972, when he was 31, 

Sanders wrote a fictitious essay in which he described a woman enjoying being raped by three men. Yes, there is an explanation for it—a long, complicated one, just like the one that would make clear why the Clinton emails story was nonsense. And we all know how well that worked out.

Then there’s the fact Sanders was on unemployment until his mid-30s, and that he stole electricity from a neighbor after failing to pay his bills, and that he co-sponsored a bill to ship Vermont’s nuclear waste to a poor Hispanic community in Texas, where it could be dumped. You can just see the words “environmental racist” on Republican billboards. And if you can’t, I already did. They were in the Republican opposition research book as a proposal on how to frame the nuclear waste issue.

...if true it’s...not encouraging.

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I don’t think Trump spent a lot of time defending his past while campaigning, he has embraced his scumminess his entire public life.

Sanders positions himself as being pure, always right, so things that don’t track with that can stick more than repeatedly pointing out that a self admitted bad guy is a bad guy.

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In fact, only one of the recent polls we do have came from a pollster with a well-established track record.


But here’s what those surveys show, from most recent to oldest:


  • A Feb. 19-21 Atlas Intel poll had the best news for Sanders of any recent Nevada survey, as it found him with an overwhelming 24-point lead over Buttigieg (38 percent to 14 percent). After Buttigieg were Steyer and Biden with 11 percent each, then Warren in third with 9 percent and Klobuchar in fourth with 5 percent. Even once you adjust for Atlas Intel’s Sanders-leaning house effects, Sanders’s support is 35 percent.
  • In a Feb. 19-21 poll, Data for Progress found Sanders comfortably ahead of the rest of the field with 35 percent. This was more than twice Warren’s and Biden’s 16 percent, while Buttigieg was close behind with 15 percent. Klobuchar and Steyer pulled 8 percent each. After accounting for house effects, the results were only slightly different: Sanders was down to 33 percent, Biden up to 17 percent, Warren down to 14 percent and Buttigieg down to 13 percent. It’s worth noting that Data for Progress conducted another Nevada poll Feb. 12-15 that had similar results.
  • Emerson College’s polls usually have been pretty good for Sanders, and the pollster’s final Nevada survey (conducted Feb. 19-20) was no different — it found Sanders in first with 30 percent. The rest of the field was grouped between 10 and 17 percent, with Buttigieg at 17 percent, Biden at 15 percent, Warren at 12 percent, Klobuchar at 11 percent and Steyer at 10 percent. Adjusting for Emerson’s house effect, Sanders still leads, but with 25 percent instead; no other candidate shifted more than 1 point up or down in our model.
  • Breaking with other pollsters, Point Blank Political released a poll that showed Steyer ahead with 19 percent. Following him were Klobuchar (16 percent), Biden (14 percent), Sanders and Buttigieg (13 percent each) and finally Warren (7 percent). This poll, conducted Feb. 13-15, is the one Nevada survey that doesn’t put Sanders in the lead.
  • Finally, WPA Intelligence polled Nevada on Feb. 11-13 on behalf of the Las Vegas Review-Journal and AARP Nevada. The results: Sanders 25 percent, Biden 18 percent, Warren 13 percent, Steyer 11 percent, Buttigieg and Klobuchar 10 percent.



Bottom line: According to the polls we do have, Sanders is in a pretty solid position to win Nevada. Yet there’s enough uncertainty surrounding the result — particularly as Nevada is a caucus state — to leave the door open for an unexpected outcome.



Also, Nevada's really hard to poll. That could work in Sanders' favor as he's polling well with Hispanic Americans, but I ain't putting money down on anything.

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25 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


He spent the whole campaign doing that.

Bernie’s  ‘authenticity’/personal likability is the biggest advantage he has over the other candidates and probably the key to deflating the whole ‘he’s a crazy socialist!’ line of attack.  Maybe he could try to play all that stuff off as ‘fake news’, but that doesn’t strike me as a winning strategy.


I’m just kind of floored that this dirt hasn’t been addressed yet if it’s true, given how long he’s been in the limelight.

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21 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Bernie’s  ‘authenticity’/personal likability is the biggest advantage he has over the other candidates and probably the key to deflating the whole ‘he’s a crazy socialist!’ line of attack.  Maybe he could try to play all that stuff off as ‘fake news’, but that doesn’t strike me as a winning strategy.


I’m just kind of floored that this dirt hasn’t been addressed yet if it’s true, given how long he’s been in the limelight.


Trump's business appeal was his biggest advantage despite being a failure at so much and defrauding so many people with his businesses.


That, to me, was even more impressive since character campaigns seem to fail a lot, and those attacks had to do with business/economics. Then again, I think looking back, one of Hillary's many mistake, and many of ours, was focusing on pussytape instead of the fact that Mr. MAGA likes to make his ties in China and failed at so many businesses.

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1 minute ago, mclumber1 said:

I predict Trump will deschedule marijuana in October to boost his chances of winning against his Democratic candidate - taking away one of their main policy positions.

If the nominee is Bloomberg or Biden, absolutely I can see that. It won't work as well against a candidate who is for full legalization.

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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

If the nominee is Bloomberg or Biden, absolutely I can see that. It won't work as well against a candidate who is for full legalization.


BIden, Bloomberg, and Klob are all against legalization aren't they?  It's sad that nearly half of the "progressive" candidates are so backwards on this issue.

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2 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


BIden, Bloomberg, and Klob are all against legalization aren't they?  It's sad that nearly half of the "progressive" candidates are so backwards on this issue.


Biden, Bloomberg, and Klob aren't progressive doe.

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Is there much data on the effectiveness of union guidance on voting by members? I don’t get a sense from the people I know that they care one bit about what the union pushes as far as candidates, though they are more likely to respond well to guidance on ballot initiatives.

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1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:

I predict Trump will deschedule marijuana in October to boost his chances of winning against his Democratic candidate - taking away one of their main policy positions.

I really doubt it, but who knows. That would be quite a move.

1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:


BIden, Bloomberg, and Klob are all against legalization aren't they?  It's sad that nearly half of the "progressive" candidates are so backwards on this issue.

Klob seems slightly more open to it than Bloomberg and Biden.

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