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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Wow the ads worked really well for Bloomberg. Amazing that he has so much support from minorities after overseeing aggressive police tactics in minority neighborhoods and he has boasted about his belief in these tactics. It really sucks that he seems to be getting the traction. I want criminal justice reform from the center lane! Fuck old Biden and “Mike”. 

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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


Yes, nothing but Bloomberg ads here in Florida.


This is in large part of the Citizens United Supreme Court case. There are barely limits to anything. It was actually in the past week-ish that I learned of another case, McCutcheon v. FEC. Quick wiki summary if you don't know about it:


"McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, 572 U.S. 185 (2014), is a landmark campaign finance decision of the United States Supreme Court. The decision held that Section 441 of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), which imposed a limit on contributions an individual can make over a two-year period to national party and federal candidate committees, is unconstitutional."

Bloomberg spending on himself is not an issue Citizen United touches on. There haven’t ever been limits on candidate donations to their own campaigns.

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1 hour ago, Massdriver said:

Wow the ads worked really well for Bloomberg. Amazing that he has so much support from minorities after overseeing aggressive police tactics in minority neighborhoods and he has boasted about his belief in these tactics. It really sucks that he seems to be getting the traction. I want criminal justice reform from the center lane! Fuck old Biden and “Mike”. 


That's gotta really bother Pete.

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9 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


The corrupting influence of billionaire money. No one should have this much wealth

They’re not totally wrong.  Bernie is the closest you get to the ‘Trump of the left’.  He’s just less xenophobic in his populist nationalism, and (so far as we know atm) less of a misogynistic, morally bankrupt  piece of shit.

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16 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

If you want a moderate, you have two decent candidates in Buttigieg and Klobuchar, I don’t know what Bloomberg has to offer you except baggage.  All the arguments premised on the idea that being the mayor of a city in no way makes you qualified to be president apply as much to him as to Mayo Pete.

The city Bloomberg ran is larger than several states, which has neighborhoods larger than south bend.


Bloomberg is, on paper, qualified enough, but is also a racist, sexist billionaire trying to purchase the presidency and offers no functional difference than Trump.

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2 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

They’re not totally wrong.  Bernie is the closest you get to the ‘Trump of the left’.  He’s just less xenophobic in his populist nationalism, and (so far as we know atm) less of a misogynistic, morally bankrupt  piece of shit.

It's from a pro choice group trying to say that Trump and Bernie are the same with regard to abortion. Bernie has a damn near spotless record on abortion rights. This is a bad take.

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19 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The city Bloomberg ran is larger than several states, which has neighborhoods larger than south bend.


Bloomberg is, on paper, qualified enough, but is also a racist, sexist billionaire trying to purchase the presidency and offers no functional difference than Trump.


Ok, let's not go that far. Bloomberg only cares about protecting his wealth, not increasing it through the presidency. A Bloomberg presidency, while not ideal, would still be preferable to the guy intimating witnesses over Twitter, openly bribing New York into stopping their investigations into his businesses, and with an ego so frail he'd cause a recession over it.

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39 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


Ok, let's not go that far. Bloomberg only cares about protecting his wealth, not increasing it through the presidency. A Bloomberg presidency, while not ideal, would still be preferable to the guy intimating witnesses over Twitter, openly bribing New York into stopping their investigations into his businesses, and with an ego so frail he'd cause a recession over it.

Bloomberg is already openly bribing politicians. Trump and Bloomberg hold the same regressive views on women and minorites. They're friends. This shit is a game for them. Nevermind the personality flaws that Trump has (which is just a light that the dumb moths in the media are drawn to while the house is on fire) Bloomberg is the smarter, wealthier version of Trump that people have been rightfully fearful of.


In short,


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7 minutes ago, Jose said:

But like the ad doesn't talk about Bernie's abortion views? The subject of the ad has nothing to do with abortion?

I still have not been able to find the actual ad, but if it's not about abortion, why is an abortion rights advocacy group attacking Bernie about non abortion things?

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34 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Bloomberg is already openly bribing politicians. Trump and Bloomberg hold the same regressive views on women and minorites. They're friends.


I don't really think they're friends. For one, anyone Trump was "friends" with is tossed aside at a moment's notices; he has temporary acquaintances and allies. And Trump was bad enough that Bloomberg actually backed Hillary and spoke at the 2016 convention, which isn't something he's done at any convention far as I know.

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19 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

What is bullshit? They confirmed they are working on an attack ad.



Well it would have been helpful to lead with this. The whole thing seemed so weird and fake. Why would a pro-choice group attack a pro-choice candidate? 

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3 minutes ago, elbobo said:

Super Tuesday cannot get here soon enough so hopefully this shit sorts out... who am I kidding we are going all the way to a brokered convention. 


the race will continue to tighten. after all reputations are on the line so this 93% bullshit can be thrown out the window and romney will win

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22 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I don't really think they're friends. For one, anyone Trump was "friends" with is tossed aside at a moment's notices; he has temporary acquaintances and allies. And Trump was bad enough that Bloomberg actually backed Hillary and spoke at the 2016 convention, which isn't something he's done at any convention far as I know.

He literally hosted the 2004 Republican convention in NYC and had a speaking role endorsing gwb


Even if they aren't "friends" in the common sense, they're billionaires who share social circles, class concerns, and personal interests, like golf and the company of Jeffery Epstein.

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21 minutes ago, Jose said:


Well it would have been helpful to lead with this. The whole thing seemed so weird and fake. Why would a pro-choice group attack a pro-choice candidate? 

And check out their Twitter banner, two Clinton's:


Check out EMILY's List (@emilyslist): https://twitter.com/emilyslist?s=09


They're closely aligned with the Clinton/establishment camp.


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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Bloomberg is already openly bribing politicians. Trump and Bloomberg hold the same regressive views on women and minorites. They're friends. This shit is a game for them. Nevermind the personality flaws that Trump has (which is just a light that the dumb moths in the media are drawn to while the house is on fire) Bloomberg is the smarter, wealthier version of Trump that people have been rightfully fearful of.


In short,



And yet he's still better than Trump. Even if they were the same, he still wouldn't have a party backing every awful piece of legislation he could imagine. He'd also have more than just one Mitt Romney on the left voting to impeach him if he did even a tenth of the corrupt shit Trump regularly pulls. How are we pretending that their presidencies would be functionally identical?

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Bloomberg is already openly bribing politicians. Trump and Bloomberg hold the same regressive views on women and minorites. They're friends. This shit is a game for them. Nevermind the personality flaws that Trump has (which is just a light that the dumb moths in the media are drawn to while the house is on fire) Bloomberg is the smarter, wealthier version of Trump that people have been rightfully fearful of.


In short,



But he's my kind of authoritarian!

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