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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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3 hours ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:



Like I said, he’s going to be doing a lot more of this:


Sanders: ‘I am not a communist

I expect it will only get a lot worse if he becomes the nominee, and there is plenty of ammo to exploit that he is sympathetic to communist regimes and socialist governments. I can't believe he's the front runner, but I guess this is the future.

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5 hours ago, Massdriver said:

I expect it will only get a lot worse if he becomes the nominee, and there is plenty of ammo to exploit that he is sympathetic to communist regimes and socialist governments. I can't believe he's the front runner, but I guess this is the future.


You're right, the tranquilizing drug of gradualism will save us from immediate, multiple, existential threats and crises. If he ends up being a terrible president, you can always vote another one in in 4 years and repeal whatever he did - we should at least give it a try. Whatever we've been doing for the last 20 years hasn't been working as it's led us to the systemic and institutional issues we suffer on multiple fronts today (moderate presidents with mostly minor/incremental changes to a stagnating, slowly corrupting kleptocracy). 


Like, let's at least try something different before saying it won't work. He's an authentic, honest actor (30-40 years of consistent political and social values) in a typically corrupt industry, if nothing else that should give you some solace. And given how long and successfully he's been in the industry as a politician, it's not like he's not at, bare minimum, capable of the job of president.

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The fact that you can have one of the most (although definitely not THE most) disgusting examples of capitalism as President and then be scared of a guy because he's a "communist" is hilarious. Nothing about this nation works for the vast majority of its citizens. We are sucking more and more and lagging behind the rest of the world in numerous critical areas but keep on digging that hole because we've turned Capitalism into a religion.

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5 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

The fact that you can have one of the most (although definitely not THE most) disgusting examples of capitalism as President and then be scared of a guy because he's a "communist" is hilarious. Nothing about this nation works for the vast majority of its citizens. We are sucking more and more and lagging behind the rest of the world in numerous critical areas but keep on digging that hole because we've turned Capitalism into a religion.

As an aside, I understand Trump is a narcissistic charlatan, that we have a lot of people that are suffering, and that we have a host of problems to solve, but to say “nothing about this nation works for the vast majority of its citizens” is overstating the case.

We’re still doing pretty well by global standards.  We have to balance acknowledging the concerns of those who are struggling with acknowledging what is working—Trump is what you get when too many people buy into the America-as-dystopia narrative.  No matter who succeeds Trump—whether it’s Bernie or someone else—We need a leader who is going to harness people’s optimism, not just stoke their anger.


And I think Bernie’s smart for disavowing communism.  I actually have no problem with the (stateless, libertarian) ‘end-state’ of communism as described by guys like Proudhon...but that’s not what the word communism is associated with nowadays. And the last thing any sane person would ever want would be to live under the Stalin’s and Mao’s of the world, or even the modern-day Chinese authoritarian state.


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Biden was asked if Democrats could win under Bernie's 'Democratic Socialist" label:


"Look, if I don't get the nomination and Bernie gets it, I'm gonna work like hell for him, but it's gonna be a bigger uphill climb."


I've been curious if Biden would shy away from backing Sanders especially after Hillary's comments. 



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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I still don't know how this will shake up, but what if Klobuchar got at least 2nd and leaped over Buttigieg, or at least was tied with him? I wonder how that would affect South Carolina and Nevada.

I would vastly prefer Klobuchar as the moderate candidate over Pete or Biden. Still miles behind Sanders or Warren though.

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6 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


Emerging conflict of interest, lol. It's not emerging, it is a conflict of interest. Maybe we should repeal Citizens United, among other things? Maybe . . . 

And if you're a journalist, you risk your career by being anything other than deferential to him 


Bloomberg is the only candidate worse than Pete

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

And if you're a journalist, you risk your career by being anything other than deferential to him 


Bloomberg is the only candidate worse than Pete


Agreed! Bloomberg should be throwing all his money into either (a) his candidate of choice, or (b) just shut the fuck up. Tom Steyer should have done the same, Beto should have run for Senate in Texas, Stacey Abrams should have done . . . something, etc. etc.

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18 minutes ago, Jose said:

Billionaires aren't often spending a ton money to help out liberal causes. Stop letting perfect be the enemy of good, you fuckers.


He's spending it on himself to become president, not "liberal causes". Unless I'm missing something. This is far from wanting perfection, your standard is just so low.

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10 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


Emerging conflict of interest, lol. It's not emerging, it is a conflict of interest. Maybe we should repeal Citizens United, among other things? Maybe . . . 

To the best of my knowledge, Citizens United has no effect on individuals spending their own money on their own campaign.

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12 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


He's spending it on himself to become president, not "liberal causes". Unless I'm missing something. This is far from wanting perfection, your standard is just so low.


I think Jose means the money he's spent on stuff like gun control, which has combated the money the NRA has spent.


The overlying problem I'm assuming you have with it is the fact that we have to count on rich people to counter rich people, which I agree with. And I am concerned about the conflict of interest.

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For the grief Liz gets/got for being a republican until the 90's (and was never elected as one) Bloomberg seems to be getting a pass because of the money he can spend on one singular issue: gun control.


It's not even like he consistently gives money to the Dems: he just recently (2016) spent millions helping Republican Pat Toomey keep his Senate seat in PA, which he won by 1.5%. Mike was elected as a republican. He praised George W Bush for fucks sake.


He's awful, and this barely scratches the surface. Fuck Mike Bloomberg

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

For the grief Liz gets/got for being a republican until the 90's (and was never elected as one) Bloomberg seems to be getting a pass because of the money he can spend on one singular issue: gun control.


It's not even like he consistently gives money to the Dems: he just recently (2016) spent millions helping Republican Pat Toomey keep his Senate seat in PA, which he won by 1.5%. Mike was elected as a republican. He praised George W Bush for fucks sake.


He's awful, and this barely scratches the surface. Fuck Mike Bloomberg


Yup, gun control is exactly it, and it was a big deal to me because the NRA's money has been hard to beat for a long time.


However, I didn't know jack shit about contributing to Toomey. O_____O

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23 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


He's spending it on himself to become president, not "liberal causes". Unless I'm missing something. This is far from wanting perfection, your standard is just so low.







I dont want either of these dudes anywhere near the presidency, but let them do their thing.


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What's gonna keep him from a third party run if Sanders or Warren (the two with a wealth tax proposal which could seriously, materially impact him on a personal level) is the Democratic nominee? Has this former Republican been asked if he has committed to supporting the Dem nominee, or only to go after Trump?

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