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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

When discussing the app specifically does it really matter the type of error if it can't be widely used?

This isn’t the first time the party has used an app for reporting, they did in 2016 as well. This year they made app based reporting their primary and preferred method. And they had backup measures in place for reporting. The reporting of the data from the precincts to the IDP HQ was never the real issue.

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2 hours ago, stepee said:

Bernies camp saying no to getting rid of caucuses and this whole shit show/app can both simultaneously suck, it’s ok.


Obviously, but they can't keep accusing the DNC of rigging everything against them when the DNC changed how the results are reported to accommodate them. 

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49 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This isn’t the first time the party has used an app for reporting, they did in 2016 as well. This year they made app based reporting their primary and preferred method. And they had backup measures in place for reporting. The reporting of the data from the precincts to the IDP HQ was never the real issue.

It was a major issue, and the first major issue for this cycle. When your primary method of reporting breaks, and then your backups have their own problems, and then having a management/training/implementation issue on top of it all, it's a complete clusterfuck from top to bottom, but the root complaint (does not seem to be yours mind you) of "tHiS Is WhAt BeRnIe WaNtEd" is just complete bullshit.


States decide how to select their delegates to the national convention. Some states moved away from caucuses to actual primaries for this cycle from the last, and that's great. Iowa wanted to be a fucking diva and go first, so they do a caucus. To provide a little transparency (and, you know, actually keep a store of actual support rather than just reporting the universally acknowledged ridiculous SDEs like in the past), Bernie's camp requested in caucuses to keep a tally of first and second round votes. Not a difficult ask, and okayed by the DNC. How this is done is left up to the state party. That the IDC failed to manage all of this is on them. They wanted to do the caucus, they then knew what was required of them, they controlled how to report the data, they controlled the process, but somehow this means it's Bernie's fault. You have to have a hole in your head to think this.

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3 minutes ago, Jose said:

Has anyone said this is Bernie's fault? I just want to know how this means the DNC rigged the system against him by following his request. 


3 hours ago, Anathema- said:

Let's all take a moment to remember that the DNC wanted to dump caucuses and Bernie's people refused. We wouldn't even be dealing with this nonsense if it weren't for the fact that one guy who did well in caucuses in 2016 wanted them around for his 2020 run.


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@Anathema-can defend his position himself of course, but I would argue that caucuses are necessarily a bad form of voting and this is actually the expected outcome of such of dumb process. In that sense, Sanders certainly bears responsibility for keeping a bad system in place because his team knew they understood the game better than any other campaign. That doesn’t absolve the IDP of their responsibility to implement the system correctly, but a correct implementation is still bad.

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5 minutes ago, 2user1cup said:

Nah they scheming, those polls are better for him because they created the narrative early that Mayo won. 


They literally changed how they report Iowa caucus results to appease the Bernie camp. Seriously, stop with the baseless accusations. It's getting super tiresome.

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1 hour ago, Jose said:


They literally changed how they report Iowa caucus results to appease the Bernie camp. Seriously, stop with the baseless accusations. It's getting super tiresome.

Pretty sure all they wanted changed was the transparency on vote counts for the different rounds.  Not sure what that has to do with the failure of the app that caused this whole mess. 

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2 hours ago, Jose said:


They literally changed how they report Iowa caucus results to appease the Bernie camp. Seriously, stop with the baseless accusations. It's getting super tiresome.

Looking at the results it is clear that Bernie won. But the math don’t make sense. 

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1 hour ago, baconbits said:

the failure of the app that caused this whole mess. 

The app isn’t what caused any of the mess. It was more the cherry on top.


1 hour ago, johnny said:

Looking at the results it is clear that Bernie won. But the math don’t make sense. 

it isn’t clear he won by the rules the IDP implemented because 1) he is currently losing, and 2) there are 100s of errors in the data from improper administration of the caucuses themselves.

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Biden's going to go after Buttigieg pretty hard, looks like. In regards to Buttigieg calling him part of the old failed Washington: "Was is a failure when I went to Congress to get Obamacare passed into law? Was it a failure of the Paris Climate Accord? The Violence Against Women Act? The Chemical Weapons Treaty? The Brady Bill? The ban on assault weapons? Was it a failure?"


"Is he really saying the Obama/Biden administration was a failure? Pete, just say it out loud." "I do believe it's a risk... for this party to nominate someone who's never held an office higher than mayor of a town of 100,000 people in Indiana."



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7 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Has anyone talked about the fact that turnout in Iowa was actually pretty lackluster?  I’d say that’s the biggest story coming out of this.  That’s way more concerning than anything else.  Low turnout will lose the election for the Dems no matter who the nominee is.


Yeah, we've been talking about that quite a bit. :p 

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Updated OP:


 Republicans who are running:




Donald Trump - US President




Bill Weld - Former Governor from Massachusetts, Former VP Candidate on 2016 Libertarian Ticket



Democrats who are running:




Michael Bennet - U.S. Senator from Colorado




Joe Biden - Former Vice President of the United States




Michael Bloomberg - Former Mayor of New York City




Pete Buttigieg - Mayor of South Bend 




Tulsi Gabbard - US Representative from Hawaii's 2nd District 




Amy Klobuchar - US Senator from Minnesota




Deval Patrick - Former Governor of Massachusetts




Bernie Sanders - US Senator from Vermont




Tom Steyer - Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager




Elizabeth Warren - US Senator from Massachusetts




Andrew Yang - Entrepreneur and founder of Venture for America





Bill de Blasio - Mayor of New York City

Cory Booker - US Senator from New Jersey

Steve Bullock - Governor of Montana

Julián Castro - Former mayor of San Antonio and Former Secretary of House and Urban Development under Obama

John Delaney - Former US Representative of Maryland's 6th District

Kirsten Gillibrand - US Senator from New York

Mike Gravel - Former Senator from Alaska

Kamala Harris - US Senator from California

John Hickenlooper - Former Governor of Colorado

Jay Inslee - Governor of Washington

Wayne Messam - Mayor from Miramar, Florida

Seth Moulton - US Representative from Massachusetts

Richard Ojeda - Former State Senator from West Virginia

Beto O'Rourke - Former US Representative from Texas

Tim Ryan - US Representative from Ohio

Mark Sanford (R) - Former Governor from South Carolina

Joe Sestak - Former U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania

Eric Swalwell - U.S. Representative from California

Joe Walsh (R) - Radio Host, Former US Representative from Illinois

Marianne Williamson - Activist

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1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Has anyone talked about the fact that turnout in Iowa was actually pretty lackluster?  I’d say that’s the biggest story coming out of this.  That’s way more concerning than anything else.  Low turnout will lose the election for the Dems no matter who the nominee is.


I mentioned it a few times. Depressing stuff.

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Just now, Massdriver said:

It's unfair for Sanders how the media spun this. On the other hand, Sanders had more cash and name recognition and he lost to a small town former mayor from the Midwest. The Sanders turn out surge didn't happen. 

I was told caucuses were bad and the results inconclusive

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