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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:

Judging by the speeches, my guess is that Sanders won, Biden got stomped, and Warren/Klobuchar did some degree of decent.

It seems like there's enough reporting to confirm that Biden got smoked. I honestly have no idea from there. If just scroll through Twitter and read off the results from individual caucuses, it's hard to divine any real pattern in how they went.

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Biden’s team is already planting the seeds of doubt into the final results saying the “quality controls” need to be fully explained before results come out, which they know isn’t going to happen.

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Harmed: Pete. He bet the farm on Iowa and his likely solid performance has gone by the way side 


Helped: Biden got murdered tonight but basically gets to ignore the result because the only thing people will be talking about is the mess. That’s why his team is already highlighting it, not that they need to.

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1 minute ago, 2user1cup said:

Warren Camp heard that the caucus chairs didn't know the caucus rules and were miscounting groups of people during the different rounds and misdirecting people in the process which resulted in skewed results 

I just heard that on CNN.


That ... might be a problem.

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1 minute ago, osxmatt said:

I just heard that on CNN.


That ... might be a problem.

It happens EVERY caucus though. The stupid formulas they use trip people up every time.

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