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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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On 1/17/2020 at 3:48 PM, CitizenVectron said:


Where is the evidence that the poll is manipulated? Online polls have proven themselves to be pretty good the last few years. This isn't a case of companies doing self-selected polls, it is still weighted and sampled.


You have Eliott Morris saying it's crap and RCP doesn't even count it on its average. Pretty good evidence, I'd say. I would like to look at the poll's methodology, but I haven't found where I can even do that anywhere.

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2 hours ago, Jose said:


I wonder if this tiresome bullshit of always crying about fake media abuse will work in the GE. Hopefully!

The media deserves every bit of criticism it gets for not calling out objective lies and falsehoods, something that only some have done starting recently with regard to what trump says. Why should Biden get a pass? Why did they change the byline here? I’d expect them to do the same of any candidate, and call them out for obvious lies. 

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As a follow up to my previous post about Bernie’s comments to the NYT editorial board, it’s worth noting that Sanders has been making the “class, not racism” argument for a long time including about the government harassment campaign against MLK.

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It's kind of funny that the clip is being used against him when he's supporting Jesse Jackson for being on the side of poor people.


Bernie gets MLK's message. I don't think many Democrats do past, "Be nice to black people." MLK's positions match his far more than any other Democrat and definitely any Republican.

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12 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

It's kind of funny that the clip is being used against him when he's supporting Jesse Jackson for being on the side of poor people.


Bernie gets MLK's message. I don't think many Democrats do past, "Be nice to black people." MLK's positions match his far more than any other Democrat and definitely any Republican.

Biden said black people need to keep the record player on for kids just lol. He ain't perfect but is by far the best candidate remaining on race

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I would be more likely to just shrug my shoulders if he was saying “We can’t make racist people stop being racist, but we can help fix the down stream affects of racism in wages, criminal justice, education, housing, etc. with my policies that help all lower and middle class people.” 


But that isn’t what he is saying. He is straight up said to the NYT editorial board that economically disadvantaged whites are swayed by appeals to racism not because they hold racist views but because they are economically disadvantaged. He thinks fixing economic issues for poor whites will make them less racist.


Did the solidly middle class whites who fled the cities for the suburbs in the 50s just need to get even wealthier to stop running away from black and brown folks?

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"The long journey ahead requires that we emphasize the needs of all America's poor, for there is no way merely to find work, or adequate housing, or quality integrated schools for Negroes alone.  We shall eliminate slums for Negroes when we destroy ghettos and build new cities for all.  We shall eliminate unemployment for Negroes when we demand full & fair employment for all.  We shall produce an educated & skilled Negro mass when we achieve a twentieth century educational system for all"

- Martin Luther King Jr.

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It seems the implicit argument is that there is racial resentment, but material interests can keep some (but by all means not all) of that in check. So material insecurity can lead to greater racial resentment, as you can blame the Jew, the black, the Mexican, (people you already have some animus against) for why your job is lost, or the plant across town is closing.


I think the pure class based analysis lacks the effect of race or racism has on the American experience (and the best known critiques of capitalism come from Europe, which has a different history with regards to race and class that America does) and Bernie's thoughts seen to be classically European which is a flaw in his reasoning.

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The New York Times editorial board endorsed the two leading female candidates for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination on Sunday, throwing its support behind Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.


The board’s decision to back not one but two candidates is a significant break with convention, one that it says is meant to address the “realist” and “radical” models being presented to voters by the 2020 Democratic field. While arguing that President Trump must be defeated, the board does not take a position on the best path forward for Democrats, writing that both approaches “warrant serious consideration.” (The editorial board is separate from the New York Times newsroom.)




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