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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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18 minutes ago, 2user1cup said:

Is he?



I think most of us here are rooting for Bernie or Warren, so these other candidates are charming or likable as long as they don't threaten to overtake those two.


Buttigeg started out as impressive and extremely intelligent. Now it's like, he's arrogant and are you really going to make a mayor president?


If Wang surged(giggity) no doubt people who currently find him nice and are impressed by his ability to carve out a niche where other big names have failed would find plenty of reasons to attack him.


It's pretty normal for a primary, I think. It's not like anyone on that stage is Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell, so when you read a puff piece about Wang being so nice, it's easy to like him. But when the cards are down, you still want you're preferred candidate to win.

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Democratic insiders: Bernie could win the nomination



“It may have been inevitable that eventually you would have two candidates representing each side of the ideological divide in the party. A lot of smart people I’ve talked to lately think there’s a very good chance those two end up being Biden and Sanders,” said David Brock, a longtime Hillary Clinton ally who founded a pro-Clinton super PAC in the 2016 campaign. “They’ve both proven to be very resilient.”


Democratic insiders said they are rethinking Sanders’ bid for a few reasons: First, Warren has recently fallen in national and early state surveys. Second, Sanders has withstood the ups and downs of the primary, including a heart attack. At the same time, other candidates with once-high expectations, such as Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Beto O’Rourke, have dropped out or languished in single digits in the polls.


“I believe people should take him very seriously. He has a very good shot of winning Iowa, a very good shot of winning New Hampshire, and other than Joe Biden, the best shot of winning Nevada,” said Dan Pfeiffer, who served as an adviser to former President Barack Obama. “He could build a real head of steam heading into South Carolina and Super Tuesday.”



Many moderate Democrats still dismiss Sanders’ candidacy. They believe his so-called ceiling remains intact and that Warren will depress any room for growth he might otherwise have.


“He can’t win the nomination,” said Matt Bennett, co-founder of the center-left group Third Way, adding that Sanders’ uptick is simply him “bouncing around between his ceiling and his floor a little bit more than people had thought he would.”


On the other hand, he acknowledged his staying power. “Not until the very end will people say to Bernie Sanders, ‘When are you dropping out?’”



A series of TV segments around last week’s Democratic debate illustrate the shift in how Sanders is being perceived. “We never talk about Bernie Sanders. He is actually doing pretty well in this polling,” former senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said on CNN after the event. “He’s actually picked up. And the fact is Bernie Sanders is as consistent as consistent can be.”


The same day on MSNBC, national political correspondent Steve Kornacki said, “Democratic voters like him, and if he starts winning, there could be a bandwagon effect.” GOP pollster Frank Luntz, who conducted a California focus group that found most participants thought Sanders had won the debate, said on CNBC, “I think you’re going to see continued movement. Sanders has been gaining in California over the past two months.”



Faiz Shakir, Sanders’ campaign manager, said political insiders and pundits are rethinking his chances “not out of the goodness of their heart,” but because “it is harder and harder to ignore him when he’s rising in every average that you see.” And he welcomes a conversation about Sanders’ electability, he said.


“We want that,” he said. “I’d love to be able to argue why he stands a better chance to beat Donald Trump than Joe Biden.”


  • stepee 1
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Deval Patrick doesn't make Michigan's primary ballot



The board unanimously agreed with a report from the Michigan Department of State that found Patrick, a Democratic candidate, failed to submit enough valid petition signatures to qualify for the state's March 10 primary ballot.


Sally Williams, Michigan elections director, said Patrick's signatures fell "well short" of the required number even before state officials checked whether those who signed the petitions were registered voters.


Patrick launched his campaign for president on Nov. 14 after Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson had already submitted lists of candidates for Michigan's ballot.


Because of that, Patrick had to submit 11,345 valid petition signatures by Dec. 13 to make the Democratic ballot. Patrick's campaign submitted 13,777 signatures, but after state officials examined the signatures, they reported finding only 8,660 that were potentially valid.


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I've noticed Buttigieg has been slipping in the national and Iowa polls. It's still strong enough, but it's not early December lengths. Iowa's the more relevant of the two.


That's likely why he's now going after Biden.



Buttigieg knocks Biden on Iraq War resolution: 'Years in Washington is not always the same thing as judgment'

"Well, I certainly respect the Vice President, but this is an example of why years in Washington is not always the same thing as judgment," Buttigieg told Iowa Public Television in a Sunday morning interview while campaigning in the state. "He supported the worst foreign policy decision made by the United States in my lifetime, which was the decision to invade Iraq."

Biden has faced criticism for his support of the war, though he later became a vocal critic of the conflict. In 2002, then a senator from Delaware, Biden voted in favor of the Iraq War resolution, which authorized President George W. Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refused to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by United Nations resolutions. The Senate passed the resolution in a 77-23 vote, with support from both sides of the aisle.

The intelligence used by the Bush administration that claimed Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction has since been discredited, and support for the war has declined in the years since it began.

Biden has said his vote for the Iraq War resolution was a "bad judgment," and that he "was outspoken as much as anyone at all in the Congress and the administration," in the lead up to the 2003 invasion -- though a CNN fact check into Biden's claims found that Biden defending his vote well into 2003.


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7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Crypto enthusiasts? Check.  Gamers? Check.


I mean, you could win it all on those demographics alone.


...anyway, being 100% serious now, if he doesn't win the nom, at this point I think he has a decent chance of being the VP pick for whoever does.  Probably needs to at least make the next debate, though.

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Has anyone noticed that the Berniebros haven't really been that insufferable lately? I know my boy RSF is gone, but I don't see that much complaining on Twitter as usual either. Plus, Bernie's last debate performance was by far his best imo. It's almost as though AOC is advising him.

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20 minutes ago, Jose said:

Has anyone noticed that the Berniebros haven't really been that insufferable lately? I know my boy RSF is gone, but I don't see that much complaining on Twitter as usual either. Plus, Bernie's last debate performance was by far his best imo. It's almost as though AOC is advising him.


I think I became a Berniebro, so I find myself sufferable. :isee: 

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Donahue did a good interview with Bernie after he won his mayoral race. Bernie was 30-fucking-9. Makes me very impressed with how I aged. :lol: 



My favorite line is: “My goodness, how could this happen in good old conservative Vermont?”

It seems like so long ago, but Vermont and New Jersey going Democratic in 1992 was big news at the time. New Jersey went double digits for Bush in 1988 and Vermont was around 4 points for Bush after decades of mostly Republican voting on the national level.

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33 minutes ago, Jose said:

Has anyone noticed that the Berniebros haven't really been that insufferable lately? I know my boy RSF is gone, but I don't see that much complaining on Twitter as usual either. Plus, Bernie's last debate performance was by far his best imo. It's almost as though AOC is advising him.

It probably has to do with you liking Bernie now more than you did in 2015-2016. 


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16 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

It probably has to do with you liking Bernie now more than you did in 2015-2016. 



I'm sure that has a part, but this last debate he wasn't condescending nor saying stupid crap like "I wrote the damn bill" as in the past. 

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I liked the damn bill part. :blush: 


Because at the end of the day, I thought they were significantly more condescending to Bernie and that he claps back more than he takes a cheap shot. Ex: Delaney saying, "I've been in the industry and it doesn't add up!" Brah, you've spent millions and haven't done shit in the race, wasting your money instead of using it to promote fairer economic policies; FOH with you saying you know more because you handle money. So did the guys behind Lehman Brothers.

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5 minutes ago, Jose said:

I wrote the damn bill was cute the first time. I enjoyed it. The 4th time it was like stfu bro.

The first time was great because it was so off the cuff and was a huge stfu to the powerlifter version of Paul Ryan. Every time after was indeed lame and just trying to replay that first scenario.

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On 12/25/2019 at 7:05 AM, Jose said:

I'd choose Booty over Yang in a heartbeat.



Why? Booty is your run of the mill vanilla safe centrist corporate approved milquetoast Democrat who has clearly "sold out" for all that sweet donor money. He can't even be bothered to have more charisma than a fruit fly. 


Maybe UBI doesn't turn out to be the answer, but it at least starts conversations. Booty can't even commit to being gay in case that's a turnoff for you (not you specifically, just "you" in general). 

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