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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Andrew Yang likes Biden (but honestly likes everyone). Some excerpts from an interview:


On Biden:



“I'd say I've had the most interactions with Joe, actually,” Yang told Yahoo News. “He actually came to me and said he's very concerned about the fourth industrial revolution and that if we automate away the jobs, it's going to be a fundamental threat to the middle class. And that made me really excited because I was like, ‘Wow, Joe is listening.’”


On Bernie:



“When Bernie told me he liked me, I was very happy because I'd been around him half a dozen times and I wasn't sure if he liked me.”


On taking a VP slot:



“I'm going to help get Donald Trump out of office and help us win, and that's in any capacity. Certainly, I want to be the nominee myself, but if I'm part of the team, I'll do my part for sure. If any of the candidates prevails and asks me to be their running mate, of course I would take a very long, hard look at it.”


On which candidates running against him could be in a Yang administration:



“I share text messages with half a dozen of the other candidates. I would work with many of them. And as president, I can't wait to enlist many of them to join the cabinet,” said Yang. “I get along with Cory very well, with Kamala very well. I miss Kamala actually on the trail. I have a lot of respect for Beto. He was always very kind to me from day one and had a natural interest in helping people. And the people that are still in the field, I've had conversations with Joe, Bernie, Senator Warren about trying to solve problems together.”


On adding a woman to the ticket:



“I would prefer to have a woman running mate because I think that organizations run better if you have strong male and female leadership at every level. The big test really is whether you have that degree of trust and comfort with someone because they have to be your partner, and you have to know that there's a real chance that they’ll be the next president.”



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All candidates who qualified for the debate have signed a letter with Cory Booker to relax the debate rules to allow more candidates.



The criteria have “unnecessarily and artificially narrowed” the diverse pool of presidential candidates “before voters have had a chance to be heard,” the letter reads. “As a result, candidates who have proven both their viability and their commitment to the Democratic Party are being prematurely cut out of the nominating contest before many voters have even tuned in — much less made their decision about whom to support.”


DNC says no because the rules were already agreed to by all campaigns:



In a statement to Politico, the party argued candidates had a chance to give their feedback on the process before it was adopted and “not one campaign objected” to it.


The statement continued: “The DNC will not change the threshold for any one candidate and will not revert back to two consecutive nights with more than a dozen candidates. Our qualification criteria is extremely low and reflects where we are in the race.”


DNC Chair Tom Perez reiterated this position in an interview with the New York Times Sunday, and said the lineup for January’s debate will definitely depend on both polling and donor rolls. However, Perez said he may consider tweaking the qualifying requirements for debates in February, March, and April.


On one hand, there are strong contenders who are being left out. On the other hand. Andrew Yang carved a spot over congresspeople like Booker and Gabbard and a former Cabinet member in Castro, which could also mean their message just isn't resonating. Plus no one cares about Delaney.


Plus, I totally get having all of them there considering we've already done 10-person debates this year, but a debate is better when there are fewer people so you can go more into the back-and-forth, which you can't really do without screwing over people's time anyway in debates with more participants.

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3 hours ago, Massdriver said:

If the social democracy wing of the party wants to win, Warren and Bernie should swallow their pride. Run Bernie as president and Warren as VP with Bernie giving a pledge that he will hand the reigns over to her after his first term. Maybe that would be enough to overtake Biden.



Have Warren for Prez and Bernie for VP so if Bernie kicks the bucket during the term it's less of a problem and you don't have to make any pledges that might get awkward if you don't want to live up to it. 

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 Just lol


So what, exactly, is going on here? The evidence seems overwhelming that, despite the campaign’s repeated denials, Pete Buttigieg has had knowledge of, and at least some active participation in, the maintenance of his Wikipedia presence. This is not a crime. It’s just a deeply weird thing to deny. Two potential scenarios come to mind.


One possibility is that the two accounts have two different people behind them. Garg, who self-identified to Wikipedia as a campaign staffer, is indeed Hanumang06. But when he proved unable to prevent the Peter Buttigieg page from being deleted, Buttigieg or someone else very close to him took matters into their own hands by registering the Streeling account. Having seen the issues Garg ran into by acknowledging his campaign affiliation, Buttigieg or his new agent would have insisted that Streeling was “not affiliated with this candidate’s campaign.” In the spirit of the cover-up, when asked about the Streeling account, the campaign would have asked Garg to take responsibility for both. This scenario, though entertaining, feels a bit too conspiratorial.


In the other, perhaps more likely case, Garg really is ultimately responsible for both accounts, but worked closely with Buttigieg and/or his campaign to raise the young future mayor’s profile. In this case, Garg would have to be either such good friends with Buttigieg or such a staunch supporter that he would feel compelled to semiregularly tweak Buttigieg’s Wikipedia presence. He would also have to have an interest in the man who played at Pete Buttigieg’s wedding, as well as Buttigieg’s favorite watch brand. This scenario is more honest and almost aboveboard, except for the persistent denials by the Buttigieg camp that he or his campaigns knew anything about any of it. As in the first case, here the campaign would have to be so eager to dispel the notion that Pete Buttigieg would ever use Wikipedia for self-promotion that they’d even lie about Buttigieg having known someone else was editing his page on his behalf.


Either way, unless somebody repeatedly hacked into various Buttigieg campaign computers and used that access to grab photos for Wikipedia and forge a photo permission in Buttigieg’s name, Mayor Pete is, for whatever reason, trying to conceal the truth about his relationship to Wikipedia. 


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Klobuchar wants to complete her tour of all 99 Iowa counties by year's end.



Visiting all 99 counties in Iowa is known as doing a "Full Grassley," after Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who made it a point of pride, and is a feat other presidential candidates have touted over the years. This election cycle, the first to complete it was former Maryland Rep. John Delaney, who has not hit Democratic National Committee thresholds to qualify for the debate stage since summer, when those requirements were lower. Klobuchar's count includes public and private meetings with voters.


The bold made me lol

  • Haha 1
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