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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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15 hours ago, Jose said:


Seems like there's backstory there. They were kind of trolling him.

And in what world should a possible president commit to never deport anybody ever? A ridiculous position.

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Bloomberg Takes Untested Path to 2020, Skipping Key Contests



Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s late entry into the presidential race highlights the deep philosophical divide animating the Democratic contest – putting his experience, his reputation and his fortune behind the argument that a pragmatic centrist pledging competent government is what’s needed to take down an unconventional president.



Bloomberg has added another layer of complications, saying he doesn’t plan to compete in the early nominating contests like Iowa and New Hampshire and will focus on delegate-rich California and other states voting on the March 3 Super Tuesday contests and beyond.


I feel Giuliani competed like this, but as the article states, Giuliani didn't have the money Bloomberg has.

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Also, it doesn't look as if any of us posted this: Bloomberg apologizes for Stop-And-Frisk



In the days since Bloomberg said, “I was wrong,” for pushing stop and frisk, Peart, 31, said he has heard reactions from elected leaders, community activists and civil liberties lawyers, everybody except the people who have actually been stopped and frisked.

What’s missing from the discussion, Peart said, is the ongoing impact the policy had on people like him.

The birthday stop wasn’t Peart’s first stop and frisk encounter. His scariest moment came in 2011 when he was stopped outside his Harlem apartment while he was on his way to the store. Two cops jumped out of an unmarked car and ordered him to put his hands up against a wall. Then they pulled his wallet and keys out of his pocket before asking him what building he had just left.

One of the officers asked which of the keys opened his apartment, where his 18-year-old sister was inside with two younger siblings. When the cop tried the key, his sister called him, but the police had his phone, and he couldn’t answer. Meanwhile, Peart was cuffed and searched and asked if he had marijuana. After a while, they explained that someone who fit his description was ringing doorbells in the building where he lived. They let him go.



“You don’t stop crime by stopping someone who has no intention of committing a crime,” Peart said. “Stopping someone on their way to work, on their way to school, on their way to the gym, that’s not stopping crime. You can’t stop someone for wearing a red hoodie. I can’t just be going to the supermarket?”


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1 hour ago, elbobo said:



Is there are reason for Warren's drop over the last couple of months? She went from tied with Biden for the lead on 10-8-19 to 11 points behind and below Sanders today. We are pretty much back to late August numbers for the leaders.

She's gotten some critical coverage, and it turns out she's not Bernie without the socialist label, and there are dumber centrist candidates to hitch yourself to if you are ok with that

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4 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

There have also been no primaries/caucuses, which will turn all those national polls on their head.


Currently, it's Buttigieg-Warren-Sanders-Biden in Iowa as far as leaders, with Klobuchar a distant 5th.


someone rings GIF

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Well the dream was nice while it lasted (both America as a whole and Warren as a candidate):


Warren tanks and Buttigieg surges. Biden stays in lead.



Biden: 24% (+3)
Buttigieg: 16% (+6)
Warren: 14% (-14)
Sanders: 13% (-2)
Harris: 3% (-2)
Klobuchar: 3% (-)
Yang: 2% (+1)
Booker: 2% (+1)
Castro: 2% (+1)⁰
Gabbard: 1% (-)


And bad news for M4A and progressive politics as a whole:



Medicare for All has grown increasingly unpopular among all American voters, as 36 percent say it is a good idea and 52 percent say it is a bad idea. In a March 26, 2019 poll, 43 percent said good idea, while 45 percent said bad idea. The highest support came in an August 3, 2017 poll when voters said it was a good idea 51 - 38 percent.


As the Democratic candidates debate over the direction of the party, only 14 percent of Democrats and independent voters who lean Democratic say that President Obama was "not liberal enough," while 80 percent say he was "about right."


The right-wing infobubble (fueled now in part by Russian subterfuge implicitly supported by the right-wing) is basically impenetrable. Man, the US is really fucked.

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4 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Well the dream was nice while it lasted (both America as a whole and Warren as a candidate):


Warren tanks and Buttigieg surges. Biden stays in lead.



And bad news for M4A and progressive politics as a whole:



The right-wing infobubble (fueled now in part by Russian subterfuge implicitly supported by the right-wing) is basically impenetrable. Man, the US is really fucked.


It's been a 4 way race for a couple weeks already.


Also, M4A used to be vague. Now it's seen as clearly single-payer. It was bound to lose support.

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As a model, M4A would save Americans money if run like every other western nation, and would also increase Americans' health (and reduce stress, bankruptcy, etc).


However...this hinges on the idea that as taxes go up (for M4A), companies will increase wages as they no longer have to compensate with medical plans. But let's be realistic - if most American employers were told that they could save $10,000 per year per employee, do we think that they would give 100% of that money back to the employees? No, they would pocket most of it because at this point the capital class is hell-bent on stripping the country of its copper wiring before it all falls apart anyway.


So for that reason I actually kind of understand why Americans are wary of M4A - as a model it is far superior to the current system...if run by other western nations. But an American-run M4A? It might actually be worse than what exists because of how much money would be diverted from people into the bank accounts of the wealthy (and would be protected by politicians).

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