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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:


Dems won 90% of the black vote. Black voters being 12% of the total votes in 2018. Is the winning strategy about targeting that 10% of the 12% you didn't win? If Dems win in 2020 it's because more white people voted blue. That's not to say Democrats can take their vote for granted, but winning requires more than that, a lot more.

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Elizabeth Warren scores an endorsement from the Working Families Party.



On Monday, the Working Families Party, a grassroots political group, announced that it would back Warren in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. After a three-month decision process, Warren got 60 percent of WFP’s vote and Sanders garnered 35 percent. Half of those votes are determined by WFP leaders and the other half by its members.


This is a big deal for Warren: WFP has local branches and works closely with unions, activists, and organizations across the country. It has real connections and resources that will be valuable to the Massachusetts Democrat’s campaign.



WFP national director Maurice Mitchell emphasized that people are “lucky to have two strong progressive candidates leading in the race.” Mitchell continued, “Senator Warren and Senator Sanders have both shaped the ideological terrain on which this campaign is being waged. They have proven an effective team on debate stages and in the polls, and we hope that partnership continues. We’re proud to call both of them allies in the fight for a more just America.”



In an interview with the New York Times, Mitchell emphasized that making an endorsement decision right now isn’t just about Warren, Sanders, or whatever candidate the group is going to back — it’s also about organizing against the current frontrunner, Joe Biden. He’s encouraging other progressive groups to get off the sidelines, pick a candidate, and start pushing back against the former vice president as well.


It's drawn the ire of some Sanders supporters. On a related note earlier this year, there was some pushback to Sanders getting the DSA endorsement due to his stance on reparations. 



Earlier this year, Democratic Socialists of America endorsed Sanders. As with this scenario, the move was not without controversy: Some of DSA’s members had asked the group’s leadership to withhold its endorsement over the Vermont senator’s stance on reparations. (The independent Vermont senator has declined to back reparations for the descendants of the enslaved in the United States, arguing that broader anti-poverty programs will help address inequality and that it’s not clear what the term “reparations” means.) DSA’s members had already voted 76 percent to 24 percent to endorse Sanders, and the organization’s leaders went ahead.


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Lewandowski 'very, very close' to announcing Senate decision




New poll finds Harris’ support has plunged 13 points in Iowa



The new survey, conducted Sept. 14-17, shows Harris sliding into sixth place at 5 percent, with Biden at 25 percent retaking the lead he lost over the summer. Harris recently embarked on a statewide bus tour and was the first in the field to run ads in Iowa. The Harris campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


The former vice president is statistically tied with Warren, who is at 23 percent. Pete Buttigieg, meanwhile, moved into third place, with 12 percent of those surveyed saying they’d back him for president.


Biden’s 8-point gain since July is a sign he’s rebuilding the losses he’s faced in the first-in-the-nation primary caucus state as he struggled to catch up organizationally with Warren, who began laying down infrastructure in the state in January. Biden has ramped up his visits to Iowa and increased his level of staffing to become one of the largest campaign organizations on the ground. Warren though, has steadily gained support and is widely considered to have the best organization statewide.


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