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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Mark Sanford to launch primary challenge against Trump



"I had planned to announce that back home this week. We had a hurricane come visit us on the coast of South Carolina so that sort of disrupted plans on that front," Sanford said in an interview on "Fox News Sunday." "But I am here to tell you now, that I am going to get in."

When asked why he was running, he said because "I think we need to have a conversation on what it means to be a Republican," adding that he thinks the Republican Party has lost its way on "a couple different fronts."

He becomes the third Republican to mount a primary challenge against the President. In April, former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld officially entered the race, and last month, former Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh announced his candidacy.


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Just thinking today about how with all the talk of packing the courts, if we had a credible (or even just respected) opposition party in the Democrats (and specifically the Democrats in the Senate) we could get a major piece of constitutional reform passed even this era. 


Democrats, if credible, could threaten to massively pack the courts from top to bottom unless a constitutional amendment is passed that places a term limit on the judiciary, phases out older judges who are past this limit over a 10 year period, and formally sizes SCOTUS in the Constitution at 9 justices.


Hell, I'd be ok throwing them a bone and placing term limits on legislators, but at a limit that is still pretty high like 4 terms for senators and 10 for reps, as an added enticement. (As of late, I'm becoming more and more in favor of limits)

  • stepee 1
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15 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


I don't know that Trump has ever taken a serious stance for "family values". Evangelicals like to pretend that he has though. So I don't know if I'll call him a hypocrite on that one. Which feels weird.


I think as if he has at points during his speeches at Christian gatherings and Liberty University.


But it could just feel as if he's doing that while faking his Christianity lol. 

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Just thinking today about how with all the talk of packing the courts, if we had a credible (or even just respected) opposition party in the Democrats (and specifically the Democrats in the Senate) we could get a major piece of constitutional reform passed even this era. 


Democrats, if credible, could threaten to massively pack the courts from top to bottom unless a constitutional amendment is passed that places a term limit on the judiciary, phases out older judges who are past this limit over a 10 year period, and formally sizes SCOTUS in the Constitution at 9 justices.


Hell, I'd be ok throwing them a bone and placing term limits on legislators, but at a limit that is still pretty high like 4 terms for senators and 10 for reps, as an added enticement. (As of late, I'm becoming more and more in favor of limits)

The last thing anyone should ever want is a constitutional convention, and you can't change it without that. And a 2/3rds vote (or is it 3/4?) is needed to ammend. What you are suggesting is almost impossible. 

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1 hour ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


I don't know that Trump has ever taken a serious stance for "family values". Evangelicals like to pretend that he has though. So I don't know if I'll call him a hypocrite on that one. Which feels weird.

Trump had no religious leanings at all, ever. He was also a democrat until Obama hurt his feelings. Everything Trump says and does is about opportunity. He doesn't give a fuck about any evangelical cause, beyond its ability to get him votes. 

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5 minutes ago, TheGreatGamble said:

The last thing anyone should ever want is a constitutional convention, and you can't change it without that. And a 2/3rds vote (or is it 3/4?) is needed to ammend. What you are suggesting is almost impossible. 

That's why you need a viable carrot and stick. The carrot is the amendment (2/3 vote in both Chambers, then sent to approval of 3/4 of states, God fucking no on a convention) and the stick is if you don't do it, and quickly, we pack the fuck out of the courts. There is no concern by the Mitch's of the world of the stick. They would laugh in the face of the threat of the stick by the current democratic leadership, because they are ineffectual and spineless.

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On 9/8/2019 at 8:50 PM, TheGreatGamble said:

The last thing anyone should ever want is a constitutional convention, and you can't change it without that. And a 2/3rds vote (or is it 3/4?) is needed to ammend. What you are suggesting is almost impossible. 

An Article 5 convention doesn't bypass the 3/4 ratification requirement, it just bypasses Congress. You could argue we wouldn't have the 17th Amendment without the threat of a convention. 

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57 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Hes still trending down.




That's what I was wondering for a while. I started to see the dip and wondered if it would be persistent. For a while, it was in the 30% range in 2017. After the bad tax bill, it was in the low 40% range and anytime it'd fluctuate, it'd go back to 42/43. Now it's hovered around 40.

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Warren is only 2020 candidate to accept invintation to RuPaul’s DragCon


This seems like low hanging fruit (hehe) and a no-brainer to who any candidate who is serious about LGBT outreach. But that’s the thing, she may be the only candidate who’s actually serious about LGBT outreach.


As I’ve been saying for months now, Mayor Pete is really uncomfortable being associated with LGBT culture.

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Biden camp thinks the media just doesn’t get it. The vice president’s allies say neither detractors in the media, nor his rivals on the stump, understand the root of his appeal.



“I don't know of anybody who has taken as sustained and vitriolic a negative pounding as Biden and who has come through it with the strength he has,” said a top Biden adviser. “So why isn’t the argument not that he's a ‘fragile front runner,’ but instead why is this guy so strong? How is he able to withstand this? Because it is unrelenting. Every story that has been written about Biden for a month has been negative! I would ask Warren and Sanders and these folks: He’s been pummeled for months. For months! So why is he going to fall apart now?”



Given Biden’s resilience and consistent lead in the national polls, his advisers range from bemusement to rage in their frustration with how he has been treated by the press and many liberal elites.


They brandish the many predictions of his demise as evidence of their more sophisticated understanding of the Democratic electorate. “He’s still leading the race nationally. He's leading in Iowa. It looks like he's in a dead heat in New Hampshire,” said the top Biden adviser. “I don't know why the story in New Hampshire isn't how Bernie Sanders went from sixty to fourteen. And why is it that Biden is beating Warren in Massachusetts? And he's way ahead in South Carolina. And this is all on the back end of really the most vicious press I think anyone's experienced. So that to me is a statement of strength. And anyone who's sitting around waiting for him to fall apart—you know what, it hasn't happened yet.”


To Biden’s advisers and allies, the gap between a press corps, as well as the wider online political class, that is largely in its twenties and thirties and a candidate who would be 78 at his Inaugural explains a lot about why the pundits and Twitter activists are so confounded by the former vice president’s resilience.



“You have a press corps in which most of them were in college when Barack Obama ran for president and they have fundamentally no understanding and experience in how politics works,” said a well-known Democrat backing Biden. “They have not really covered a true Democratic primary ever because there hasn’t been one since 2008. The 2016 race didn’t become a real primary until very late and the press corps never thought Bernie would win. And Bernie never got the treatment from the press corps that opponents like him typically get. So they haven’t seen this kind of race.”


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