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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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1 minute ago, RedSoxFan9 said:



So wait... is Bezos steering the coverage in the Washington Post or not? You seem to be implying two different things here. Which is it? Is this gonna be the new reason why Bernie doesn't get the nomination and the new excuse for the Bros to not show up when he doesn't? in '16 it was the DNC that kept him from the nomination... now it's Bezos and the Corporate media? Shit... I wonder how he would fare against the Right Wing Media and The Russians :hmm:

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2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


So wait... is Bezos steering the coverage in the Washington Post or not? You seem to be implying two different things here. Which is it? Is this gonna be the new reason why Bernie doesn't get the nomination and the new excuse for the Bros to not show up when he doesn't? in '16 it was the DNC that kept him from the nomination... now it's Bezos and the Corporate media? Shit... I wonder how he would fare against the Right Wing Media and The Russians 


good god

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Just now, stepee said:

It’s like I have to listen to bernie constantly to remind myself I do like him, it’s just his supporters are so like trump supporters in their clan like devotion that turns me off.

Same here... I have a guy on my Facebook he makes me HATE Bernie despite me actually liking him a bit. I do think that momentarily attack on the media thing Bernie flirted with then walked back came from desperation and ego. Then common sense prevailed.

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Same here... I have a guy on my Facebook he makes me HATE Bernie despite me actually liking him a bit. I do think that momentarily attack on the media thing Bernie flirted with then walked back came from desperation and ego. Then common sense prevailed.


And since the original posts Bernie walked it back anyway yeah and said Bezos isn’t steering it. So I guess now we have to decide if we believe him or not or something.

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3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Same here... I have a guy on my Facebook he makes me HATE Bernie despite me actually liking him a bit. I do think that momentarily attack on the media thing Bernie flirted with then walked back came from desperation and ego. Then common sense prevailed.


criticizing the media is bad? Trump has destroyed liberals' brains

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4 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

WaPo editors know what will happen to their careers if they hire leftists or promote labor friendly ideas. Bezos doesn't need to micromanage the Washington Post to get the results he wants.


I can't be the only person here who has read Manufacturing Consent. 


Oh I've read it... I've also worked at a major News network and have sat in on editors meetings about coverage. The biggest thing News organizations are worried about these days is getting sued and losing because of the rightward shift in the courts. Is corporate news an issue that should be paid attention to? Yes. But not in the way that Bernie is trying to slyly sell to his devotees.


2 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


criticizing the media is bad? Trump has destroyed liberals'' brains


Who said that? No one said that at all. 


2 minutes ago, stepee said:


And since the original posts Bernie walked it back anyway yeah and said Bezos isn’t steering it. So I guess now we have to decide if we believe him or not or something.


Bezos got to him clearly.


Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Why do you people even bother? lol

 Because I'm STUPID and like banging my dumb head up against brick walls obviously :cry:

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Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Hey, whatever floats your boat. 


All this stuff has just really worn me down. I don't even view the CEb as much as I used to. Shit's fucking stupid and downright depressing.


I do like my sock sharing. But Warren is doing good and I really like her so hopefully she will at least get a high position.

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5 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


Oh I've read it... I've also worked at a major News network and have sat in on editors meetings about coverage. The biggest thing News organizations are worried about these days is getting sued and losing because of the rightward shift in the courts. Is corporate news an issue that should be paid attention to? Yes. But not in the way that Bernie is trying to slyly sell to his devotees.


that isn't what is being discussed. Bernie was pointing out the lack of leftist voices in corporate media.

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