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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris says she would fund her health care plan by rolling back one of the few changes in President Donald Trump’s tax law that Democrats actually wanted.

The California senator wants to fund her version of Medicare for all, which she says would allow Americans to buy into a public-run option or keep their private insurance, by taxing domestic and offshore profits at the same rate.

That could face resistance within her own party, because it would unwind one of the few parts of the 2017 Republican tax law that Democrats helped develop, even as it may resonate with voters who want to see corporate America pay more taxes.

The tax overhaul passed without any Democratic votes and largely no input in the drafting. But prominent Democrats -- including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal -- had in the years before that pushed to make it easier for U.S. companies to operate globally, a change that Republicans ultimately included in their 2017 tax law.


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23 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

It's not just Trump. It's an entire party of white supremacists.




Dude has something like eight siblings and they ALL cosigned an op-ed in their local paper calling the guy a douche canoe. 

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On 7/16/2019 at 10:39 PM, SFLUFAN said:

@sexy_shapiro - I'm curious as to what you think about this critique of Mayo Pete by Dale Peck (who is also homosexual) that was published and then unceremoniously unpublished by The New Republic as being "homophobic".


My Mayor Pete Problem: He's smart. He's nice. And he just might be the devil.


I'm interested as to your perspective - thank you much!


I apologize for the super late reply. It’s been a hell of a month for me and there was a lot to unpack in that piece. And I have complicated feelings about it as a whole, with a slight lean towards agreeing.


I will say that there has always been something about Pete that has rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn’t quite place my finger on it until reading this piece. Pete does seem very calculated. Every decision he has made in his life seems to be focus grouped. The writer is definitely on to something there and I’d like to elaborate with my own observations.


There are some gay people who react to being pushed to the margins of society by pushing hard right back. This is where you get gay culture such as drag and camp, ways of expression that are mean to highlight the ridiculousness of mainstream culture.

Pete is the type of gay who reacts the opposite way. Instead of pushing back against the society he has raced head on to be accepted by it. He so badly wants to be liked by the straights. He goes out of his way to not be “that kind of gay”.


And what bothers me the most is that he seems to look down on gay culture. It’s fine if he doesn’t like Drag Race. I understand if it’s not for him. But he can’t even seem to acknowledge the positive impact that show has had in the gay community. People call Pete the gay Obama, but even Obama had more of an appreciation fo African American art than Pete does for LGBT art.


My largest complaint towards the piece is that the writer seems to assume there’s a universal gay experience. There are a lot of share similarities that most gay have gone through, sure. But I’m not sure if our experience is universal enough to make such broad generalizations such as Pete being an undeveloped human being for not spending a large part of his life single. Yes, some gay men find that having a lengthy period of sexual freedom can be very cathartic. Some aren’t meant for that life and settle down as soon as they can. It’s lazy for the writer to make such a statement.


But if the big question is whether this piece is homophobic... I’m gonna ultimately say no, but a lot of that has to do with context. If a straight person was writing this piece I would feel a lot ickier about some of the conclusions he came to.


The piece is flawed but I’m overall I’m glad to see a queer writer who is willing to openly question whether we can even call Pete one of our own. It’s a discussion worth having.

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@sexy_shapiro - no worries at all about the late reply and thank you for making it so very thoughtful!


Just by way of comparison, I asked another homosexual acquaintance of mine to read the piece and he came to the exact opposite conclusion as you :p  This is his response:




If anything his homophobia is self hating, but there is a level of vitriol in there that also comes across as stuck up and arrogant. I would probably hate a gay guy like that to the core. I don't know if it is homophobic overall, but he's basically trying to downplay anything positive that Pete could do, and the Mary Pete thing is as homophobic as you can get from a gay man.  It's the whole "them" vs "us" for gay people, it's fucking stupid.



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Peck was right and therefore he had to die. Outraged liberals bombarded the magazine with complaints and hours later the story was removed from the site, replaced by an editorial note calling the story ‘inappropriate and invasive’ and expressing ‘regret’ over its publication.

I can’t stop laughing. Some were even calling for the scalp of an editor, just to make sure they got the message. The worst kept secret in American politics is the party that once pretended to stand for free speech, liberty, and tolerance has absolutely no room for such things today. The young AOC-colytes are as keen to snuff out any freethinking gadabout in their ranks who remembers life before Will & Grace as they are to imprison Trump supporters.

What do you think of this article?

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44 minutes ago, 2user1cup said:

Look at them - that type of young (white) people have always existed. They just kept it behind their gated community before. 


Yeah, that's true. My concern is whether this is coming from pro-Trump parent brainwashing first or certain parts of the internet first. Either way, we lose. 

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