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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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Joe Biden Gets Wistful About Some Very Polite Segregationists (NOT The Onion!)


Addressing a crowd at a fundraiser in New York, Biden spoke about his belief in  unity and bipartisanship. And showing his incredible political acumen, he decided to illustrate his point by sharing just how well he got along with two of the Senate’s biggest defenders of white supremacy during the 1960s and 70s, fellow Democrats James Eastland of Mississippi and Herman Talmadge of Georgia.


Let's see what James Eastland said during the Civil Rights Era:



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Joe Biden’s Segregationist Nostalgia Is Even More Ignorant Than It Sounds


At first blush, Biden’s segregationist riff is disturbing. When you poke below the surface, gets even more disturbing. It suggests that he has not grasped any of the tectonic changes in American politics, and that he is equipped neither for the campaign nor the presidency.



For another, by citing segregationists, he is revealing the very reason the bipartisanship he longs for can’t return. The era of bipartisanship was built on suppressing racial conflict. The white South could only be cajoled into a coalition that supported bigger government by preventing African Americans from voting and, at times, outright denying them the benefits of government altogether. He’s invoking the most unappealing aspect of the bipartisanship era. You can argue that forging American consensus was worth the cost of suppressing racial conflict, but actually highlighting the grotesque moral costs of that era is a bizarre way to advertise it.


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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Yeah Biden is pretty bad. I really hope he continues to slide (to Warren's benefit). The greatest risk is that Sanders and Warren split the progressive vote, and that Biden slides in to victory.


My boy Butti going all the way to the White House. 

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5 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

It's not so much what PharmaBro Booker thinks, but rather that Biden blew off his advisors.


Oh, no, I'm glad you posted it, I agree. I just think it's funny out of the candidates that tweet thought to tell us what Cory Booker thought first was all, presumably because he's black. :p 

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10 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

"Joe, maybe don't use working with the guy who advocated the genocide of black people as an example of civi..."


"Nah, I'm good.  I was VP to a black guy so I got this covered here."


You gotta admit, being VP to a black guy is all the cover he's ever gonna need. It's ridiculous. People also forget Obama is half-white too. Trust me, that matters to some racists.


Edited: Added "some" for clarity. 

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2 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


You gotta admit, being VP to a black guy is all the cover he's ever gonna need. It's ridiculous. People also forget Obama is half-white too. Trust me, that matters to racists.

One drop rule, bruh. There is a whole subset of racists who find race mixing to be the highest of offenses.

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2 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

One drop rule, bruh. There is a whole subset of racists who find race mixing to be the highest of offenses.


I agree, I should have been more clear - that it matters to them in their President that at least he wasn't full black - and of course many racists still didn't care, I just meant some do make that distinction, and either way (whether Obama is half black or whatever) should not work as cover for Joe Biden. 

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38 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I agree, I should have been more clear - that it matters to them in their President that at least he wasn't full black - and of course many racists still didn't care, I just meant some do make that distinction, and either way (whether Obama is half black or whatever) should not work as cover for Joe Biden. 

"He's one of the good ones"

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Progressives pounced on the remarks, and two other White House hopefuls criticized the 76-year-old Democratic presidential poll leader over his comments at a fundraiser Tuesday night. But more than a half-dozen CBC members argued that Biden’s remarks were taken out of context and that the former senator’s call for decency is needed now more than ever.

“I worked with Strom Thurmond all my life,” House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the highest-ranking African American in Congress, said of the infamous segregationist senator. “You don’t have to agree with people to work with them.”



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I kinda/sorta get where the CBC is coming from.  However, this is about Joe Biden's sense of judgment...or demonstrated lack thereof.


There are dozens, if not hundreds, of political adversaries Biden could have used to make his point, but he went with the one who literally advocated African-American genocide.

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Dems are gonna fuck this up, aren't they?



Edit -


I think Warren/Pete is the right answer.


She's got actual policy ideas, she's a "firebrand" or whatever and will hit back at Trump's schoolyard shit, she's obviously passionate, they're both articulate, he's a veteran, she's a woman, he's gay, one's old, the other's young, etc. etc. Neither one should give the sense that we're being force-fed another tired, careerist politician (Biden). Biden's gonna look like a doddering old man with a checkered past, and will once again only garner the support of people who were gonna vote (D) no matter what. He's not gonna inspire anyone to vote for the first time or switch from Republican to Democrat. With regard to voting outcomes, I think he'd be a lot like Clinton.

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2 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

I certainly hope that all of those who have given "armchair analyses" of The Imbecile's mental state have the guts to do the same for Biden because right now I'm not seeing a whole helluva lot of difference.



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