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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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16 minutes ago, Chris- said:

Why bother with this conversation? RedSoxFan doesn't even argue against the notion that Bernie supporters are assholes, he just tries to rationalize it.


Though strangely, he can't handle the same "don't be nice" attitude when applied to him.

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19 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:


You're right, it's about image. And his supporters look like assholes, which makes him look bad, making his image worse. This makes him less appealing. It's like how Obama had more appeal than Clinton even though she had more experience. Politics isn't about ideas (if it was, technocrats would be President), it's about getting elected. Being mean can certainly work, but not if you're running on a "let's help people" campaign. 


I also don’t think most people really care if Bernie supporters are assholes or not.  Some people, especially on this board, need something to attack Bernie with because what he stands for is good and they don’t want to admit they oppose it. 


It all boils down to liberals not being able to handle criticism from the left. 

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1 hour ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


I also don’t think most people really care if Bernie supporters are assholes or not.  Some people, especially on this board, need something to attack Bernie with because what he stands for is good and they don’t want to admit they oppose it. 


It all boils down to liberals not being able to handle criticism from the left. 


I support him and I hate the zealousness of his supporters. I like Warren better though, which makes me a nazi liberal in many of their eyes.

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2 hours ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


I also don’t think most people really care if Bernie supporters are assholes or not.  Some people, especially on this board, need something to attack Bernie with because what he stands for is good and they don’t want to admit they oppose it. 


It all boils down to liberals not being able to handle criticism from the left. 


This is seriously in, "they hate our freedoms," territory.

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34 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


I support him and I hate the zealousness of his supporters. I like Warren better though, which makes me a nazi liberal in many of their eyes.


Same. I like his policies. I like his consistency. But Warren is very much the same in terms of policy and I like her delivery better.

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2 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

I prefer Warren because I think she is a more effective communicator. She is really good at selling her policies without being condescending or appearing like she is talking down to anyone. 

But Bernie called dibs on those policies, he said them first

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list of the first debate participants is out


Those candidates are:

how in the world are they going to give 20 people equal time is beyond me, if they don't there will be nonstop screams of bias and the fix is in. I do not envy the moderator in this one. 

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19 minutes ago, elbobo said:

list of the first debate participants is out


Those candidates are:

how in the world are they going to give 20 people equal time is beyond me, if they don't there will be nonstop screams of bias and the fix is in. I do not envy the moderator in this one. 

Only 10 will be on stage at once, most of these candidates probably end up in senate bids using funds they gained from this and know hey have no shot in hell.

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8 hours ago, SilentWorld said:

I think we can all agree that either Bernie or Warren would make a great president.


I do. I don't even care if Bernie individually doesn't get traction with all he's doing; if he makes progressive policies more understandable so people aren't scared when they hear about "guvment," if he continues to point out corporate socialism supported by people who scream about it the most, then I'm happy. 


My concern with him is all this time, he doesn't really know how to get into detail with his policies; he just talks about them in more generalized terms. Meanwhile, others have done the heavy lifting. Reminds me of some of his vocal supporters, honestly.

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8 hours ago, SilentWorld said:

I think we can all agree that either Bernie or Warren would make a great president.

Eh.  While I can’t imagine him being much worse than our current president, my biggest problem with Bernie is that he strikes me as an ideologue—that, unlike Warren, he hasn’t thought through how to actually implement his policies.  Whenever he’s been pressed on the details he hasn’t been able to produce much that’s concrete. (Or rooted in reality)


Ideologues tend to make bad or at least subpar presidents, even when many of their ideals are, broadly speaking, on ‘the right side of history.’  (Think about Wilson’s foreign policy, for example)

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Here are the lineups for the debates:

Night One: June 26
Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey

Julián Castro, former housing secretary

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York

John Delaney, former representative from Maryland

Tulsi Gabbard, representative from Hawaii

Jay Inslee, governor of Washington

Amy Klobuchar, senator from Minnesota

Beto O’Rourke, former representative from Texas

Tim Ryan, representative from Ohio

Elizabeth Warren, senator from Massachusetts


Night Two: June 27
Michael Bennet, senator from Colorado

Joseph R. Biden Jr., former vice president

Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind.

Kirsten Gillibrand, senator from New York

Kamala Harris, senator from California

John Hickenlooper, former governor of Colorado

Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont

Eric Swalwell, representative from California

Marianne Williamson, self-help author

Andrew Yang, former tech executive


Kind of annoying that Warren is separated from the rest of the top 5.

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5 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

Here are the lineups for the debates:

Night One: June 26
Cory Booker, senator from New Jersey

Julián Castro, former housing secretary

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York

John Delaney, former representative from Maryland

Tulsi Gabbard, representative from Hawaii

Jay Inslee, governor of Washington

Amy Klobuchar, senator from Minnesota

Beto O’Rourke, former representative from Texas

Tim Ryan, representative from Ohio

Elizabeth Warren, senator from Massachusetts


Night Two: June 27
Michael Bennet, senator from Colorado

Joseph R. Biden Jr., former vice president

Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind.

Kirsten Gillibrand, senator from New York

Kamala Harris, senator from California

John Hickenlooper, former governor of Colorado

Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont

Eric Swalwell, representative from California

Marianne Williamson, self-help author

Andrew Yang, former tech executive


Kind of annoying that Warren is separated from the rest of the top 5.


fyi, your link is to WaPo's home website. :p 


Second night is definitely more stacked, though Beto/Booker/de Blasio are big names even if they aren't polling like Buttigieg/Biden/Sanders.

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10 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

fyi, your link is to WaPo's home website. :p 


Second night is definitely more stacked, though Beto/Booker/de Blasio are big names even if they aren't polling like Buttigieg/Biden/Sanders.

Odd, since I got it from the Times. 


I agree it's not completely a kids table, but I'm also not too worried about Warren standing out until the field narrows a bit.

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