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How worried about the election are you?

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1 minute ago, Coomer4Prez said:



I believe I understand the work a lot more than you do. Btw, a lot of those demographics will be voting for Trump. You'd be surprised at how much they prefer someone like him over Biden, Republicans are shaving these demographics off at numbers just high enough to potentially be favorable for them. Polls are, yet again, inflating people's hubris just like they did in 2016, relying on 538 (and others) as some sort of oracle as to the will of the people. We had dumb shits going on and on and on about how Trump was going to lose in 2016 and then it happened. This problem is only exacerbated by the fact that media is only showing what they want people to see and quashing anything that goes against established narratives. The support for Trump by minorities is a lot more extensive than you'd think.









But you know. These are just coons, uncle toms, race traitors and what have you. Sweep them under the rug and hope Biden can muster up enough votes to win.



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Just now, Coomer4Prez said:



I'm not worried in the slightest. I don't base my day around which asshole is going to be in charge of the United States. They're all shit stains as far as I'm concerned.


Cool, then maybe don't post in a thread that talks about people sharing their feelings and worries about the election? Oh, I forgot, you're just seeking attention as usual.

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Just now, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I don't trust the polls, I trust twitter accounts of black and brown conservatives who get boosted by the magasphere so I'm ready for the Trump Train


Hope he sticks around past election night so we can dissect the 100 things wrong with that one post.

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1 minute ago, Coomer4Prez said:



Ah yes, let's ignore that these inconvenient truths exist.


I think if minority voters were more evenly split between the parties, then your argument would make more sense.  But minorities (for the most part) are heavily aligned towards the Democrats. 


Trump isn't really helping his reelection chances if he marginally increases his share of the minority vote, while losing massive ground with seniors and women voters.  



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1 minute ago, Coomer4Prez said:



We'll see.


What do you mean, we'll see?  Upthread, you basically just cited the fact that Trump has higher minority approval now than he did when he was elected.  I then cite that he has lost massive ground with seniors and women.  Are you saying that isn't true?  

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1 minute ago, Coomer4Prez said:


I was specifically talking about the results of the election (e.g. whether or not Trump will be reelected or if we'll have Fräulein Kamala). I said "We'll see". That's what that means. You understand English, right?




I was raised as a non-binary antifan, so English is a second language to me. 

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Just now, Chairslinger said:

Dems will go from 92% of the black vote to 88% and the GOP will lecture them on how to better understand black voters.



Reminds me of something a friend of mine said earlier this summer. African-American, met him at the funeral of a good friend who died in 2016, and he posted something written in a way better than I could say.


"I say this with love. If there is racism in your heart, and you don't want the world to know you're racist. I promise you reposting content from Candace Owens, Brandon Tatum, etc. While praising them for their intelligence isn't the way to go. On behalf on all people who have even the smallest measure of discernment, I would like to say that its evident you gravitate toward them because they are black people who reinforce and validate a lot of racism and backwards thinking you hold on to. Just admit it. You'll feel better."

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2 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Dems will go from 92% of the black vote to 88% and the GOP will lecture them on how to better understand black voters.



Have you seen all these definitely still relevant rappers that have endorsed Trump? I hear Coolio is going to endorse him tomorrow. Take that, libtard.

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24 minutes ago, Coomer4Prez said:



I'm not worried in the slightest. I don't base my day around which asshole is going to be in charge of the United States. They're all shit stains as far as I'm concerned.

You sure dug up a lot of tweets in the interest of advertising the great orange shitstain, though.  I smell bad faith.

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1 minute ago, Coomer4Prez said:



Ah yes, I'm some secret white supremacist neo nazi because I posted some tweets from "unapproved sources" showing that things aren't all peaches and cream. I apologize senpai, will you give me smoochies and tell me everything will be alright when Kamala-San takes the throne?

That's exactly right

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3 minutes ago, Coomer4Prez said:



Ah yes, I'm some secret white supremacist neo nazi because I posted some tweets from "unapproved sources" showing that things aren't all peaches and cream. I apologize senpai, will you give me smoochies and tell me everything will be alright when Kamala-San takes the throne?

My point was that you seem to be very enthused about Trump and yet say you are not enthused by any politician because they’re all shitstains.


The latter contradicts the former.

It’s kind of like someone saying they hate modern pop but then shelling out $120 for front row seats at a Bieber concert.


That’s all I meant.

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41 minutes ago, Coomer4Prez said:



I believe I understand the work a lot more than you do. Btw, a lot of those demographics will be voting for Trump. You'd be surprised at how much they prefer someone like him over Biden, Republicans are shaving these demographics off at numbers just high enough to potentially be favorable for them. Polls are, yet again, inflating people's hubris just like they did in 2016, relying on 538 (and others) as some sort of oracle as to the will of the people. We had dumb shits going on and on and on about how Trump was going to lose in 2016 and then it happened. This problem is only exacerbated by the fact that media is only showing what they want people to see and quashing anything that goes against established narratives. The support for Trump by minorities is a lot more extensive than you'd think.









But you know. These are just coons, uncle toms, race traitors and what have you. Sweep them under the rug and hope Biden can muster up enough votes to win.


A young American is documenting the stories of hundreds of German veterans of Jewish descent. Many lost family to the Holocaust while serving the Nazi regime.


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1 minute ago, Coomer4Prez said:




And all I meant was that there seems to be an inordinate amount of support among the very communities that are traditionally part of the democrat voter base. But yes, let's read enthusiasm where none was actually present.

Very curious how not every single black person is a democrat. Very curious :thinking:

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I'm very worried, not just about the election, but about what everything leading up to this moment means for the future of the country.  The fact that literally anybody with eyes or ears thinks that Donald Trump should be president is itself insane.  And after four years of watching things spiral helplessly out of control, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and the worst economic recession in generations, to still throw your support behind him and the sycophantic republicans in congress is essentially malicious and sociopathic.  I've always been hard left, but to some extent I thought that I understood the general tenets of conservatism and their merits.  It's abundantly clear now that those ideas are a smokescreen for the greed, racism and hatred that lives at the core of the republican party and within its followers.


I think the bigger issue, however, is that it's very clear that we will not rise to meet the existential challenges facing us in the next few decades.  I just don't see how it's possible given the intense social and economic division that has all but crippled our society.  That said, these things are far out of any individual's control, and while the scale and scope of suffering in this country and on this planet is overwhelming, there is always an opportunity to do the right thing, no matter how small it seems.  I want to note how I am humbled by the intelligence and compassion that I've seen on this board regarding everything going on right now.  There will always be internet bullshit (it's all over this thread!), but this place has served as an excellent resource and an oasis during these trying times, so way to go everybody, keep it up.

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2 hours ago, mclumber1 said:


My white male privilege shields me from worrying excessively about this election.  I voted for Biden and want him to win.  Not because I necessarily support him or his policies, but because this is a referendum on Trump and his ineptitude.  

100% this. I explained to my wife that if Trump were to win we are pretty much completely shielded from the worst of it. We are citizens, we are upper middle class, we have jobs immune to covid’s economy, our wealth has grown not just this year but during the last four. So, I don’t have any “self-preservation” worrying that many people unfortunately have to worry about. This doesn’t mean that I don’t choose to fight for those who are actually threatened by what this administration (all GOP really) are doing. 

However, I have a tremendous amount of worry over the democratic principles this country supposedly believes in. Seeing the Texas GOP try to eliminate 120k valid votes is just ridiculous. This is the beginning of an immense blitzkrieg of this behavior and Mitch has packed the courts appropriately. I’m of the opinion that if we don’t right the ship here in the next two election cycles (2020 and 2022), this country is beyond repair. 

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11 minutes ago, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

I'm very worried, not just about the election, but about what everything leading up to this moment means for the future of the country.  The fact that literally anybody with eyes or ears thinks that Donald Trump should be president is itself insane.  And after four years of watching things spiral helplessly out of control, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and the worst economic recession in generations, to still throw your support behind him and the sycophantic republicans in congress is essentially malicious and sociopathic.  I've always been hard left, but to some extent I thought that I understood the general tenets of conservatism and their merits.  It's abundantly clear now that those ideas are a smokescreen for the greed, racism and hatred that lives at the core of the republican party and within its followers.


I think the bigger issue, however, is that it's very clear that we will not rise to meet the existential challenges facing us in the next few decades.  I just don't see how it's possible given the intense social and economic division that has all but crippled our society.  That said, these things are far out of any individual's control, and while the scale and scope of suffering in this country and on this planet is overwhelming, there is always an opportunity to do the right thing, no matter how small it seems.  I want to note how I am humbled by the intelligence and compassion that I've seen on this board regarding everything going on right now.  There will always be internet bullshit (it's all over this thread!), but this place has served as an excellent resource and an oasis during these trying times, so way to go everybody, keep it up.



That is definitely discouraging.


I always thought that climate change was such a dangerous threat because it presented us with the perfect "boiling frog" dilemma.


But the way the GOP has sucessfully run a near identical playbook for a crisis that is repeatedly punching us in the face as we speak shows that the ice caps could melt tomorrow and Fox's primetime shows would only need a few episodes to convince 100 million Americans it's no big deal.

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2 hours ago, Ominous said:



I mean in 4 years the Democrats decided on the least exciting candidate they could find, outside of having Clinton run again.  I still think Biden wins, but if he loses it's because the party can't figure out that going middle of the road does nothing to excite anyone. The other side would try and make Ronald Reagan look like a leftist socialist if he ran as a Dem, so you might as well actually run one at this point. 


Democratic leadership isn't actually left wing. I imagine they rather commit suicide then have an actual socialist running for president.

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I had a rough start to my phone banking shift today and that really worried me given that I was talking to Pennsylvanians. However, by the end I ended up speaking with more people that hadn't voted and were voting for Biden than people that professed to be voting for Trump. 


I will note that we were told during orientation that we would mostly talking to friendlies, so it's possible that I was speaking to a bunch of Democrats that have turned Trump Republicans in the last 4 years, but I really have no way of knowing that. 


So overall, on the scale of "how worried I am" I'd put myself at about a 7 or 8. 

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34 minutes ago, Coomer4Prez said:




And all I meant was that there seems to be an inordinate amount of support among the very communities that are traditionally part of the democrat voter base. But yes, let's read enthusiasm where none was actually present.



Bur you know that.

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1 minute ago, Fizzzzle said:

Wait when the fuck


Sorry, I don't mean to get into personal biz

Heh, you have been gone a long time. I'm bi. I mentioned it here, I dunno, a few years ago? I mean, it's easy to pass since I'm married to a man and all. I finally came out in general this year. It was kind of funny, since a lot of people who know me in person weren't surprised. Hell, I had multiple coworkers assume I was a lesbian when they first met me, then I mentioned my husband and they were surprised. I dunno, I'm not overly feminine, but I'm not butch, either.

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I voted for Biden, but I also think he fucking sucks. So does Kamala Harris. One of them made their careers off of locking up black people for weed, and.... oh wait, so did the other one.


I kind of wish they could have some kind of town hall specifically targeted at discussing all the fucked up shit they've done over their careers that did nothing but help the rich, and why they think it was wrong. Instead they just kind of pay lip service and pretend they weren't the ones supporting the system. The Republicans (assuming they lose, which isn't for sure) probably would have won if it was anyone other than Trump running.

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2 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

I voted for Biden, but I also think he fucking sucks. So does Kamala Harris. One of them made their careers off of locking up black people for weed, and.... oh wait, so did the other one.


I kind of wish they could have some kind of town hall specifically targeted at discussing all the fucked up shit they've done over their careers that did nothing but help the rich, and why they think it was wrong. Instead they just kind of pay lip service and pretend they weren't the ones supporting the system. The Republicans (assuming they lose, which isn't for sure) probably would have won if it was anyone other than Trump running.


It still be hard for Republicans even if it was Trump. The things that need to be done to manage Covid is an anathema to them. 


I do agree though. I think I read on resetera that Harris votes to the left of Bernie but it just looks bad with all the police violence protests.

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