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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I'll give him a call, but it's hard to buy for a retired man that has a big pension, a lovely house and had a massive payout at retirement. Maybe a book...
  2. Sorry for the terrible link, but this seems like a dicey thing for IGN to like... https://freeimage.host/i/J4iBVt
  3. It’s an interesting story merged with all of the OK ideas that have become mainstay in gaming this generation
  4. This is the right approach to a Zelda game (or at least the next proper sequel). I loved the BotW open world approach and the focus on key abilities, rather than items, as a means of solving puzzles. I think I would like a slower approach to unlocking them, to provide a staggered opening of the world, or at least entry to certain key areas. I would also love a return back to puzzle based dungeons, each with their own character. It's been a while I admit, but whilst locating the Divine Beasts felt interesting, completing them was much less so. Give me a bit of tradition with forests, water, fire, shadow, spirit, wind, sky, mini-dungeons and small trials (which were wonderful) with that freedom and I couldn't think of a better game to play. Oh, and only have breakable special weapons, but provide a core of medium strength weapons that do not break, just so you have something to fall back on.
  5. I found we have Dragon Age: Origins on PS3, so I've tried that out. I'll be honest, I prefer Mass Effect, but it's been OK for the bit that I've played. The combat system is sort of lost on me, so I tend to just hack away with my character, occasionally use a potion, switch to move someone...but that's about it. Update: After my small chat with Bloodporne on the Breath of the Wild thread, I ended up playing the Gamecube version of Ocarina of Time and completed Dodongo's Cavern. Now that's a game that, despite being 22 years old, still feels beautiful to play.
  6. The Isle of Man has fully removed any lockdown restrictions, bar free travel to and from the island. They've been virus free for a number of weeks, all possible cases have been tested and (despite some criticism over abuse of power) have been very, very strict on people breaking lockdown - either significant fines or arrests. Then where I live, we're all still told to wear masks, R-rate may be over 1, but it's fine and we'll open shops so people can queue for 2 hours to buy cheap clothes.
  7. I was thinking about playing through the Claire scenario earlier. The RE8 announcement trailer gave me those spooker feelings that need addressing.
  8. Actually this, give me "The Shadow Man" and take the concept, atmosphere, and bring it up to a modern standard.
  9. I feel like everything but Thief were good purchases, although I can't say I've ever liked the look of Medieval. 8/10 from me.
  10. I can't say I've played more than a tiny bit of Shadowman (about 20 years ago, on my friend's Dreamcast) but I do remember wanting it and the fact that the N64 magazine I used to read, rated it 93% and decent for mature audiences - also the same score they gave Jet Force Gemini. Not much of this post is relevant, but that's what happens when you drag up something from 20 years ago...
  11. This thread feels like the real world situation of bumping into someone's back with your back in a night club and they turn around and scream "what the fuck's your problem, bro?" right in your face.
  12. It’s going well again though it’s now 5:42 and it’s starting to feel like a push I think my plan will be to go home and sleep for a few hours and finish off some assignment work and maybe some gardening or cleaning
  13. Time to head off for shift #1, the worry is that I went to bed at 5pm, but I'm not sure if I slept of not (I don't remember falling asleep and there were random things on TV, but if not then I just lay in bed for 4 and a half hours, without moving. Either way, this will more than likely feel like a long one.
  14. It's a pity this hasn't made it's way to at least PS Now. I enjoyed P5 and have heard (from this forum mainly) great things about P4.
  15. It's something to do with new copies coming with significant in-game currency. It works out cheaper to buy a new copy of the game, rather than buy them from a console online store. At least I think that's the case, since I assume by this point, everyone that wants to, must have played GTAV by now.
  16. What is Nintendo's rationale for not including digital sales with it's games?
  17. Checked my shifts for next week: Monday: 1am - 9am Thursday: 1am - 9am Friday: 1am - 9am At least I get paid a tiny bit more for working before 6am and if it carries on, I'll have more in my savings than I expected to have,
  18. I don't think I could do it full time, however I fell asleep after the Sont event last night and had the best nights sleep I've had in years.
  19. Apart from Horizon, I didn't really see any games that felt like any kind of step up from what we're seeing now on the PS4 (I know, from a technical level that won't be true, but for an informed person, nothing wowed me). I'm not going to buy a PS5, probably until next August at the earliest, but the reveal didn't really change how I felt about that and it seems my next purchase, when they're back in stock at a reasonable cost, will still be a Switch
  20. I'll let you know that one in three months. Work wasn't actually too bad, the lecture now though is horrendous. It's not that interesting (cognitive load theory and teaching biology to children) and I'm now hitting the point where I just want to close my eyes and let the sleep wash over me. I can't even have a snooze because the lecturer asks for some form of engagement every 15 minutes or so (group discussions, feedback, polls, quizzes or quick presentations)
  21. Then you're welcome to move to Basingstoke and open a corner shop as you're now (potentially) that English.
  22. The UK has made it ok for lonely people to bone so long as they promise to only bone that one person
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