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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Yeah, that didn't sway me away from a PS5 (apart from the fact the Microsoft ecosystem is a fantastic deal and I hope the pressure forces Sony to merge PS+ and Now into one, well priced package. Halo Infinite looked fun, but it also didn't look very progressive..
  2. Pre-season rugby training tonight, so we did: Quick game of football (soccer) as a 10 minute warm up Two 50m shuttles in 45s, 12x total Some passing drills Some running drills Another type of running drill Another type of passing drill Touch rugby It was good and great to get out on the field. Going to do some extras on Saturday to keep pushing the fitness. Found out as well, with working again for the last 7 weeks and doing more exercise, I've lost about 12lbs without even realising. I would love to drop the same again before September if I can.
  3. Finished The Testaments the other day and it was wonderful. I liked the Handmaids Tale, but really enjoyed the world that was created and The Testaments just takes that and goes with it. I read There’s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom in an afternoon and it was OK (not Holes) and now moved onto The Mars Room.
  4. It won’t happen but I’d love to find out how Metroid Prime 4 is progressing
  5. Online learning works for children that engage with it, but as a teacher you can’t make the day-to-day assessments you need to gauge pupil progress. It’s not a long term solution and you’d think the US would look at how the UK has approached reopening schools whilst the pandemic continues. There are however significant issues for children that were already progressing more slowly than their peers or children at risk who have no support. EDIT: when you write a post replying to the OP and not the third page comments...
  6. Yakuza Zero. The in-laws are down at the moment and as I’m sure they wouldn’t care for The Last of Us 2 and the fact I’m playing through it with my wife, I thought I’d carry on with this whilst my mother in law and wife make dinner. I’m finding it so much more enjoyable than I did at the beginning and although I don’t think I’ll become a series obsessive, I no longer feel like I’ve wasted my money. It was worth it for pool, darts and the arcade alone. UPDATE: I spent about 20 minutes trying to win a Squirrel in a UFO machine. What has my life become?
  7. Definitely this. I think IGN made a decent recap of the series to be watched prior to God of War 2018
  8. The tone of the story wasn’t that great, the gameplay whilst challenging didn’t have an interesting hook (they mentioned there were limited types of side quest, which made me think of Prototype which I really enjoyed for about 10 hours then became bored) and overall Jan and Jeff both mentioned they just didn’t think it was great That’s just two opinions though and I’d be interested to hear from D1P members
  9. I was going to buy this for my wife but listening to the Giant Bomb impressions I’m massively put off.
  10. I’m getting close to wrapping film around my PS4 and only having a small gap for our hoover to create a vacuum, then just see if it will clear all the debris inside it. The only concern naturally is it totally fucks it up but Jesus when playing TLoU2, we have to have the TV about 10 bloops higher
  11. I’m going to steal a little bit of our plot purely to grow herbs as it’s so much nicer when cooking
  12. Potatoes tomatoes carrots leeks spring onions courgettes cucumbers lettuce basil blueberries French beans runner beans we rented a plot so giving a few things a go
  13. 1998 and 2004 were always the two years that I felt had stupidly good line ups. RE4, MGS3 and HL2 make it incredible on their own.
  14. https://www.thegamer.com/n64-video-games-look-amazing-forgot/ There are some N64 games that I still play and don't find horrific to look at, but I do really wish I had a CRT to play them on rather than a 1080p television. Worse as I have a decent one at my parents house but my wife is adamant we aren't having it in our house as it would clutter the place up...(half the reason why, when we eventually move, I would love a loft conversion where I can stash my older consoles and a TV to play them on)
  15. A guy in my year installed UT on all the school computers so every IT lesson for the year was one big LAN party
  16. This thread reminds me I need to nag for more hours for next week and maybe this week
  17. i'm less about the overpowering heat but rather peppers that have an incremental, building heat. Sichuan style.
  18. Never IGN however about five or so times
  19. You can always make your own thread with the more specific title "What was the best game released from when you turned 18 until one day before you were 19".
  20. I would like to see the same TV to handheld link, without a dock. Then the natural progression of more powerful specs to keep things ticking along. I don't necessarily know whether I'd want to the controller to be detachable as with the Switch, just to create a more solid system overall.
  21. Bioshock Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Crysis Halo 3 Super Mario Galaxy Portal/Orange Box Mass Effect Rock Band Guitar Hero 3 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune God of War 2 My personal choice (today) goes to Bioshock as the first 360 game that I completed...it was a fantastic story to play through. Good lord though, that is an amazing list of games to choose from.
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