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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I think that, but as a character I don't really know how they would make a fun/interesting game - maybe just a VR experience? I would enjoy a Suicide Squad game and, probably because I've just started playing it again, if they used Hitman as a model with set missions, where you could use specific characters/methods to complete each part - blended with some big set pieces.
  2. It is indeed a great game and also one that I've also never completed in full. I've gotten to the Island twice, but the first time (on Gamecube) was spoiled by my memory card corrupting and losing all my saves (including those for Paper Mario, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 1&2, Tales of Symphonia...the list goes on). The second time was on the Wii, which I've lost/left somewhere. I should really just buy the game on the PS4 during the next sale, book in a weekend where I have nothing on and marathon it.
  3. I just caught up on the announcements and the two things this has prompted have been a) I’ve had Braid on Steam for about six years and never played it and b) I really should buy Control as it is so down my alley, it could be called Gamer.tv Way
  4. I wonder if the next Nintendo console will be part of their current trend of failure-success (Gamecube - Wii, Wii U - Switch) or will the changes in the company mean they remain in a good position going forward.
  5. I forgot to mention, despite the recent controversy, I wanted to re-read the Harry Potter series. As I've been working nights pretty much throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, I've decided to listen to them using Audible. I've just finished The Order of the Phoenix and, after reading the series from about 9 years of age, despite not being the best written books (I think that's part of the challenge about having to adapt a style of writing to the age of the audience), the universe is just amazing, so well fleshed out and interesting to learn about. There would be something to be said about a series based around the Ministry of Magic.
  6. I think SSFIV is the most I've ever played a fighting game. I wasn't good at all, but I enjoyed the online (and I think won...10 times, which felt like an achievement) enough on both the 360 and the 3DS.
  7. At the moment, nothing. Come September, I’ll be spending about 3/4 of my pay check on bills, some on paying off my credit card and the rest in my savings. My wife is off work for a year now, so we thought it was best that we save as much of her maternity pay as possible and only have her buy food and baby things.
  8. Folklore B It's a good album, although maybe half the tracks feel like filler and a lot of the writing behind the songs relies on lazy/stereotypes. Abbey Road (2019 Remastered) A I’m not a massive Beatles fan, but this album could have been released this year and would be heralded as unmissable.
  9. True, but you wouldn’t have any of the additional content or quality of life improvements from a new release
  10. A great game and one that’s really suited to handheld play. I restarted it the other day and couldn’t really get past the slow burn intro but may give it another go when his is released, just to play along with others.
  11. It just isn’t a selling point for me, just a nice option. More importantly, if I did have a huge number of previous hen games to play (that I wanted to), I suppose I wouldn’t just play on the console I’m assuming I already own.
  12. I don’t know whether the ability to play old games should be a selling point for a new console.
  13. I'm the same. I've previously attempted Ganon (but not beaten) and fell off after just looking for shrines to improve my stamina and then looking for arrows/better equipment. Realistically, it would take a day to finish the game and feel satisfied but I've just not got to that point in my life yet.
  14. That looks excellent and I'll definitely give it a go. It still baffles me that in the UK, I've never found a restaurant that offers deep-dish pizza as it hits all the right notes for me.
  15. I’ve found it hard to care for the last three generations at launch when so much of the releases are available on the last hen consoles (and restricted by then as well).
  16. So major parts of the north of England have been returned to lockdown and with the number of people travelling around the UK now it’s the summer holidays, I’m counting the days until we’re back to two months ago.
  17. Well...Dwyane Johnson certainly understands [American] Football and possibly with his brand recognition, it might grow through that. Or, maybe he's going to pay slightly more than the CFL and ruin them to seek his revenge on his football career.
  18. I’m kind of just waiting for The Mars Room to be over. It’s a god book, but not the lost mind blowing thing I’ve read. I might go and pick up one of those ‘summer blockbusters’ that have no real value outside of being page turners designed to be read in a couple of days.
  19. Can you stagger works so the oven is the last part to come out and be moved. Then for the changeover period, I’d go with a gas camping cooker so you can still make a load of one pot stuff
  20. I’ve been buying and selling through Facebook marketplace and it’s been fantastic. It’s also full of free or low cost items people are trying to get rid of after all the Corona Virus clear outs.
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