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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I've changed my mind three times in writing this post. Initially thought N64, for the memories, then Gamecube because it was my teenage console. However, Xbox 360 runs in and steals it like a champ. First experience of online gaming, a load of great games to enjoy, great controller, great store set up.
  2. I know that feeling and it's not even hot in SW England. I can't wait for it to dip under 20C so I can at least run more than 4 miles without being more sweat than man.
  3. I do need to ask, what purpose to anal beads really have?
  4. Surely not to late to come in with a nice maroon
  5. It's interesting as although I never owned one, I always felt the PSP had a great library and was a very good companion to the PS2 with the smaller/off-shoot iterations of major franchises. I am still tempted to buy one, though more of the reasons for owning them can be found on the PS3 for nothing.
  6. What do you do for a living? I'm not exactly thrilled at the amount I work at the moment and I look forward to (hopefully) moving back down to a more regular 37 hours.
  7. Just to preempt any of you, Switch will not be part of this. I have handhelds that I love (Game Gear, Game Boy, Neo Geo Pocket: Colour) but I think we an all agree that DS Lite is H.O.A.T. A great library, backwards compatibility with the GBA and the library is pretty special. Even writing my non-words about it, makes me want to buy a new one (I last owned one in I think 2009) and indulge in some N64 level, 2 screen gaming.
  8. Just at night? Fuuuck. Practically ripping my dick off every other hour I'm awake
  9. Increase taxes, make all the problems go away with the money, have a special clause where £1 per month, from each person goes to me. Never work. Maybe blow up something with an RPG.
  10. We all enjoy 168 hours a week to do as we please in, but I was wondering just how I spread these hours out. So, just looking at the big hitters (and being sensible with my timings) Work: 53.5 Travel: 6 Sleep: 42 Eating/Drinking: 5 Bathroom: 2 Free Time: 59 hours per week It's an interesting perspective (at least for me, being about me) to see the actual amount of free time (give or take a few hours) that I actually have access too. Naturally, not all of these hours are used for fun things, in fact most are probably just moving about the place, cleaning etc, but even then, it's a decent amount of time to make use of. The reason why this thread came to me was running home from work today, I was trying to work out why I feel like I have no leisure time to make use of and now the reflection that if I actually made the effort to have more fun, I probably would do. Anyway, have a quick add-up of the above and let's see how free you are (and more usefully, if anyone would like to add in more options to show a truer reflection, please do).
  11. Nothing like a penalty shoot out to really settle the English nerves.
  12. Still plugging through Persona 5. I just want this Palace to be finished so I can see the resolution to the story. I do really wish I still had a decent handheld console, it's such a great alternative to traditional gaming.
  13. Currently watching GLOW Season 2, it's an incredibly entertaining show that makes me wish it sometimes took itself a bit more seriously. I also decided to start watching Game of Thrones before work in the morning, most recently watched the Battle of Blackwater. It's a pleasant reminder that it's one of the best things that has ever been on television. I am also making an internal pinkie promise to watch The Soprano's and The Wire this summer.
  14. I would agree, she's one of the few that have transcended to the mainstream a bit more. Like James Deen, but without the rape accusations
  15. It's either amazing or the choreographer really phoned it in.
  16. It's pretty irritating how well stocked the US Netflix library is compared with our paltry UK one.
  17. I could really go for a Nintendo Racer with the F Zero approach to gameplay, but the DKR approach to vehicle choice.
  18. I'm more than ready for this. Hopefully fill that Rick & Morty/Big Mouth hole in my life at the moment.
  19. That's definitely a pretty full on year. My year has been a pretty good one. Engaged in January Found out I'll be an uncle in January Left my management job to work as a Teaching Assistant (still working part time at my old job) Finally starting to learn how to drive after...11 years of putting it off They have been the big hitters. I both can't wait until October as I'll submit my application for teacher training, but if I'm not accepted it will be an interesting decision as it takes a year to reapply so it can take an eternity to arrive. Suffice to say, depending on how everything falls, 2019 could be a very interesting year off the back of this one.
  20. Prequelle - Ghost American Dream - LCD Soundsystem I really want to like Ghost and the actual composition of the songs is very good. The mixing however, just comes out as incredibly flat to me. LCD Soundsystem were decent, when it was good it was a pleasure, but it strayed into 'boring' territory a few times also. Just for some nostalgia, going to listen to The Black Parade when I walk to work today.
  21. I'll be playing nothing over the weekend, just a bit too busy (unless it's very early on Saturday, but then I'd rather tidy and walk the dog). I'm aiming to try and complete Persona 5 in the next 10 days of so, 65 hours in and on the last palace so, depending on how long that takes... I'm almost more excited just to play a different style of game now, but I want to see it through.
  22. Running and stretching are the agenda. Then after the 11th of July, I'll be looking at 3 circuit training sessions a week, 1 longer cardio session and 1-2 small, recovery ones.
  23. Victoria & Abdul: 6.5/10 - a perfectly serviceable movie, that for me crossed the line to humorous (or tried to at least), too many times. Darkest Hour: 8.5/10 - I really enjoyed this. The art direction was simple, subtle but otherwise well done.
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