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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I'm sure any PlayStation 4 owner has suffered this. Where the thumb stick rubber will wear away and look disgusting. To rectify, do the little thumbstick covers work well or would it be better to just buy a new controller. Not to say the don't work, bit I just hate the way it looks.
  2. It's pornography nostalgia and pretty much the only one I can name but. Alicia Rhodes. 13 year old memories.ot her being some freebies thing on TV.
  3. The Home Screen or Start Menu would have been my (poor) suggestion, though I know it sort of clouds general gaming over general discussion. Spawn Point also doesn't sit with me, mostly as I don't love the word 'spawn' in general.
  4. Watched it this morning and after really hating the tone, ended up really enjoying it. Genuine laugh out loud moments, though as with all movies outside of the MCU main canon, it's hard to care about the antagonist.
  5. In the last week or so, bar being at a wedding and drinking a stupid amount... Guv'nor wine (very sweet, but very drinkable) A nice Scottish gin (pine needles and blackberry flavours) Golden Hen beer (currently drinking, will probably drink a lot since it's Saturday and why not) Easily the most I've drank in the past 4 months or so (bar the odd night out)
  6. Persona 5. I've finished the last 'boss' and so waiting for the change of heart. Then some end game content and I can finally put this game to rest. I've really enjoyed P5, but I'm looking forward to seeing the end of it so I can get into something new. EDIT: I should have stopped myself at 'some end game content'...though I'm staring down the barrel at 76 hours, with maybe 4 to go. Suffice to say, I'm not going to play a JRPG for a long, long time. Despite the fact they are fantastic value for money, I need at least some instant gratification from my games.
  7. How to make vegan cheese...though I do not want to tread that path.
  8. Finished Return of the King and found the ending so much more enjoyable than I did when I first read the series (and wanted it to pretty much end after Gondor). I really appreciate the transition to the 4th age and all that it meant. Read When We Were Orphans over a few days and it was really, really good. Depending on the year, maybe not award winning, but certainly a must read book. The one thing I loved (and as someone that would love to write, made me envious) was it took a fairly linear, straight forward story but wound a very compulsive narrative around it. Now reading the Underground Railroad, at about the 160 page mark and it's fantastic. Horrible for the tone it takes (almost carefree in comparison to the words and situations described) but an apparent great representation of the era (1820's American south).
  9. Bullet for my Valentine - Gravity: Forgive me lord, but I did want to know how they sounded. I enjoyed Scream. Aim. Fire back in the day as a gym/running album but this was fairly piss poor. 4/10 Next up, Opeth when jogging tomorrow and after listening to the first song (can't remember album name yet), it was surprisingly groovy.
  10. Hereditary: 7/10. It was well worth a watch, just to enjoy a good spin on a fairly familiar set up. The Impossible: 7/10. Vastly different to the expectations that I had, very full on for it's subject matter. Inglorius Basterds: 9/10. Probably my favourite Tarantino movie The Hateful Eight: 8/10. Enjoyable and well worth watching, though in the weaker end of the spectrum for me.
  11. I would really like a good Superman game, but I just don't see how they can do it.
  12. I have not for a very long time. The sea though is a completely different matter.
  13. Just to the situation she was in I suppose. I don't think prior to us/the police appearing she'd actually looked down.
  14. I was with my friend after the England game and a few beers and only happened to look across the road as we were walking. We both went across, asked if she was OK and were then joined by 3 other guys also just walking home. I think we spent maybe 10 minutes talking with her whilst the police were contacted and made there way over. Then probably another 10 as they approached her, sent us away one by one and then talked her into climbing back over the barrier. It was pretty horrific to see her reaction (shaking legs, blank face) and the fact that she may have jumped and killed herself. Suffice to say, quite a dicey thing to see.be part of. Though huge credit to a door man and former marine who did most of the talking of our group and the police who managed to both make her safe and ensure she will get help if needed.
  15. After working as a Teaching Assistant (main job) since April I'm looking to apply for teacher training this October working with 4 - 11 year olds.
  16. Unless I know I'm not going to leave the house, I'm a 2-a-day kind of guy.
  17. War on Drugs: A Deeper Understanding - very Springstein, late Pink Floyd and some trash. All in all, enjoyable though a bit shit.
  18. Like: Jalapeno's and Pineapple Dislike: Mushrooms and I suppose 'meat'
  19. The classic temptation to try out BB again because someone makes it sound fun and not a fucknut cunt.
  20. Yep, though I've also been the Manager that incorrectly paid. Both instances, it was resolved either next day, or depending on the amount in the following weekly paycheck.
  21. Lily Allen - No Shame: 5/10. Still a very good lyricist but a number of the songs just felt there rather than contributing something to the album.
  22. Not that I can recall. We did have Unreal Tournament set up at school, so more LAN than anything...but that would have been maybe 2007. The 360, if anything was my first true experience (playing Gears, Halo 3 and CoD4). Prior to that, I never felt the pull as most of my gaming was single player (it seemed at 16/17, most of my friends either played FIFA, or had stopped altogether).
  23. On a training course the other day, a nice lady told me to watch this. With that kind of recommendation, how could I refuse?
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