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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Running and stretching are the agenda. Then after the 11th of July, I'll be looking at 3 circuit training sessions a week, 1 longer cardio session and 1-2 small, recovery ones.
  2. Victoria & Abdul: 6.5/10 - a perfectly serviceable movie, that for me crossed the line to humorous (or tried to at least), too many times. Darkest Hour: 8.5/10 - I really enjoyed this. The art direction was simple, subtle but otherwise well done.
  3. I've started to download a new album on Spotify to walk to work. Toxicity, really didn't care for it outside of the singles.
  4. Spiderman Life is Strange 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 I've still got a healthy amount of games to play through (God of War, The Witcher 3, Assassin's Creed: Origins and Horizon Zero Dawn) so bar RDR2, I'm not exactly clamoring for a new game.
  5. I would more imagine DayOnePatch: Origins...where it's updated, new but old. All at the same time.
  6. I've gone classic. However, looking for a new avatar I did find this.
  7. Driving lesson, tidying the house, rugby on television and then cooking. A nice Saturday.
  8. Persona 5 or Metroid Prime. Though I'm tempted to delve back into Breath of the Wild.
  9. At this point, mine has been in operational for 14 years and would be internet vintage. Despite the fact it was stolen from a television programme in the UK that hasn't aired for...12 years.
  10. I may play some games on the Wii U and use handheld mode, purely for this thread. So maybe Breath of the Wild.
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