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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. As I'm making the thread, I'll add one ruling that if you have multiple jobs, that would be 10 words per. Teaching Assistant: Private school helping with lessons, decoration, behavior and clubs. Customer Service Admin: Helping customers with broken electrical items via e-mail and telephone.
  2. The Witcher 3. I'm now starting to to open up a bit in the game, I did have a period of having no idea what to do next, but luck came to my rescue and pushed the story along. I'm a big fan of it so far (as discussed with Legend) and this will definitely carry me through to Autumn.
  3. I would start be seeing if anyone you know is looking to move/rent somewhere, then go from there.
  4. In a perfect position now to do sone Joe Wick workouts. 90% burpee related
  5. They have the code for the first one, but it would take a total ground up remake to make it bearable (something that Konami should really do whilst the general populace cares about horror games). The final build code was indeed lost and so that was the reasoning behind the poor update for 2 (3 from what I remember reading, was OK). It's trash though that modders can take the PC build and make it look good, but a company of paid professionals can't. Then again, Konami as a company are pricks and I'd love for them to die a death.
  6. Hell or High Water - 8/10. I really enjoyed it and have had in on my Amazon Prime list for quite some time. I felt no remorse for either brother and as a rarity, would have enjoyed an extra 10-15 minutes of build up about their family life (both previous and current). Either way, well worth my time. I was going to watch either; Jackie, The Prestige or Blade Runner 2049, but have opted for some PS4 instead.
  7. So I'm definitely into the Witcher 3. I'm a fan of fantasy and I love it with the gritty overtones that it's showing. My only hope is that there isn't too much needless patter within the game as I plan on mostly just burning through the main story and more chunky side quests.
  8. Lord yes. But that's part of the fun.
  9. My new favourite is the now or never shit after going for an early morning jog. Dicey but satisfying.
  10. That's tempting and the great thing about where I live is it's very 'indie', so we have a good number of board game shops, model shops etc. It's just a case of going along, though they're also terribly advertised.
  11. Much like the secret life of Bruce Wayne, anal is all about prep time.
  12. I'd love to try out D&D, MTG (and after today's Youtube binge, Warhammer 40K) but the entry requirements for all of them are just well above me. It's a shame they generate revenue because it would be so much easier to play them on consoles (for little old me at least).
  13. Well, they're going to make a prequel series, so there's always a chance of that? Maybe the LotR's series coming out in 2022 will be the next 'big' one.
  14. I will more than likely make that progression with my work background. Or management within Education.
  15. e They might as well make him live with dementia and every so often, just show an old episode of Cheers of Frasier.
  16. I recently re-watched the series and it's truly an amazing spectacle. I'm also more than OK with the fact that they are releasing 7 episodes, each roughly 90 minutes long. I just wish that I had the willpower to hold off from watching each week and then indulge in an almighty binge session.
  17. So, my stag party is in roughly 280 days. The main activity is going to be a 4 hour wrestling school event, where we get to dress up, have entrance music, learn the basics and then have a Royal Rumble. It's going to be recorded and given to us, so I want to make sure I look the part (as best I can do at least). So whilst I wait until I've passed my driving test (and will have a spare £224 a month to play with) I'm going to make use of the 'free' gym at my local park. Session 1 has just been completed. Overall: 50 push ups 75 crunches 50 seconds of pulling up to a bar and holding on (I can do some pretty shitty pull ups at the moment, so this seemed like a better starting point) 50 squats 100 lunges 25 chest dips 50 tricep dips 1 pyramid circuit (20m, 40m, 60m, 80m and 100m intervals) 2 miles jogged It wasn't overly hard which was nice, though I'm nowhere near the pinnacle of fitness I was during my naval application many moons ago, but I reckon I can get back to that by September.
  18. So along with Metroid Prime (of which I played...10 minutes the other day as it's just a bit unplayable on the bigger television that we have) I tried out The Witcher 3. I did start the game up towards the beginning of the year, but with Persona 5 looming in my mind, could never get into it. I've literally just completed the first contract and it's fun (though I'm glad there's a robust fast travel option). I'm hoping this will keep my going now for a few months, then I can play God of War over the winter.
  19. The dream: be a teacher with a focus on coaching rugby. Currently: work as a teaching assistant, work in a call centre but will be coaching this autumn. The answer is somewhat, but it will hinge on being accepted for teacher training after this October.
  20. Speaking of Veganism, thinking of giving it a try in August to see how tricky it is to adhere to. Plus it's a good excuse to eat well and learn some new recipes. /threadhijack
  21. I signed up for my local library yesterday Admittedly it was to print something, but as I'll have work and studying to do this summer I'll make use of it.
  22. It was a three part mixture for me. My Dad had a Commodore 64 that I played from about 3 years old. It must have been the summer when I was 5 or 6, my sister got a MegaDrive for her birthday, which I played endlessly, as well as my Mum bought me a GameBoy (from her explanation, it wasn't so much a present, but she said it was our first long car ride and she thought I'd be a nightmare). Then I've had a games console available pretty much from then on.
  23. So Underground Railroad has been finished and a very worthwhile. It's made me want to learn more about the reality of the railroad (less about the treatment of slaves in the South during the era). I've decided on reading the Silmarillion (not just for the Nokra upvote) and so far, after the introduction, if this is the tone of the remainder, it's both very interesting and a bit of a battle. I've also got a book called Total Rugby which is seen (at least in the modern era) as the definitive coaching guide, something more helpful as I'll be completing a youth coaching qualification this Autumn. Then I think I'll read something a bit more straightforward.
  24. I'm hoping to successfully apply to be a teacher this October. It's hard as although I hold a degree (the minimum standard to apply) it's 'Ordinary' which does not exactly say much about me academically (typically, on completion of sufficient credits in the UK, your scores are totaled and an overall grade is then given - 1st, 2:1, 2:2, 3rd and then at the bottom of the barrel 'Ordinary'). But I feel it's a career path that I can get genuine enjoyment out of and more importantly, with experience would have the skillset to be in private education (namely where the money is). It's the only thing I've wanted as a working adult, to feel proud of my job. So far I've been in full time work for 4 years and have never really felt satisfied with what I was doing. It made enough to live in a house, buy things etc, but it wasn't something that made me happy. It's why I left a management role (where I would suggest I'd develop, jump up two tiers and then move on within the next 3 years or so) to get experience working in a school. But how about you, are you happy not loving your job for the paycheck, or do you prefer to potentially be paid less, for feeling like you are doing more?
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