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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. I think like most things, it had a strong first book when the idea was fresh and the protagonist had a clear direction and characterisation. Then like most sequels, it had to find reasons for things to progress which always leads to a lowering of quality. (unless there was a clear plan for three books, in which case, it's just not that great)
  2. Question, outside of America, where else has broadband data capped? I have unlimited, 49.27Mbps download and that seems fairly standard in the UK for not that much money (I pay £38 a month and could get the same result, for cheaper if/when I switch with my contract renewal).
  3. I’d be in for it, but not for big budget games that most (not yet I) are looking to play in 4K. Give me a selection of smaller, indie games however that usually cost £5-15 on a streaming basis, I could be keen.
  4. Supplements I've found are good if you're coming out of workouts either absolutely shattered, mainly they're great to save having to eat the same kind of foods fairly endlessly. Do some research, buy some if they seem like they're help, try it for a month and see. I've been terrible in regards to weight training for the past month, it seems that having time off and then coming back just ruined the routine (the same excuse for everyone that doesn't take things seriously enough, I know) - but I've been running still and I'm always walking everywhere which does help. Either way, the challenge of the week is: Run 15 miles Walk 25 miles Weight train/circuit train twice This goes on top of the current system of 15 good meals = one cheat meal, which I know is a poor reward system, but it makes the world a happier place.
  5. I was driving yesterday so didn't drink, but did have some Manny State beers (Brewdog 0.5%) and they were OK.
  6. In that case, I redact my statement to say 'whichever is the somewhat current Tegra.
  7. Release Tegra 2 edition and carry on as before. There was the report of the two new SKUs going into development.
  8. Really shitty about the car but I know I found, after getting used to it, walking to work was so much better than commuting. The only downside is leaving the house earlier and when it rains.
  9. I really liked Breath of the Wild, like most people, but it would be nice to have a more structured approach and story for a sequel. Although as mentioned, I would prefer a 'sequel' which uses the engine and location, but isn't an exact follow on.
  10. I'm doing my best to read children's literature along with regular reading material, so I went with Northern Lights and it's great. Really enjoying it (and will read the series, so long as I can polish them off by the 10th of July so I can borrow from our school's library).
  11. After watching Killing Eve Season 1 (a definite 9.5/10) Season 2 has released and so far, it's been great. Phoebe Waller Bridge is a great writer of things that are so odd, yet routed in some basis of reality.
  12. I'm sure I'm the minority on here, but I have so many games that are carried over from 2017/18 to play, not counting the few releases from this year I'm interested in (and help me if I end up buying a Switch for either my birthday or Christmas this year).
  13. Unless this reviews spectacularly, I feel like a 'quick look' will be all I will need from the game.
  14. My plan this week is to finish off RDR2, Breath of the Wild and if I can be bothered, Hellblade (I'm about 1/3 of the way through I think, though it's been about a year since I played it).
  15. I had a decent Monday work-wise, however I have no enthusiasm to work my evening job this week. I just really, really want to leave it now, not in 6 weeks time.
  16. Apostle: 8.5/10. A good bit of Netflix horror playing out like a mixture of The Villlage, The Wickerman and Pans Labyrinth. Not the best ever, but very solid.
  17. The first game is on the list to have a go at over the summer. It's one of those situations where all the reviews are overall positive, but I can't see it looks that inspiring to me.
  18. As the title suggests, what games do you remember watching someone else play, or on the flip side, have had other people happy to watch you play and not felt an incredible sense of boredom or frustration that you weren't both playing, or doing literally anything else. Resident Evil games are always fantastic games to be enjoyed passively. With RE7, my partner really enjoyed coming along for the ride, without actually playing the game. I've also enjoyed similar experiences with RE2 (on the N64 of all things) and REmake on the Gamecube. I think it's the length and the potential collaboration for puzzles, mixed in with some good old morbid curiosity. The Zelda games (bar Breath of the Wild) are also in a similar mould for the same reasons. The last that I can think of, although a very 'time and place' situation was GTA3. My best friend picked it up at release (so he was 12, I was 11) and I quite happily watched him play that, mixed in with using his laptop for an entire weekend.
  19. I always enjoy E3 and will more than likely watch the Giant Bomb coverage for Nintendo and then Youtube for the remainder. I can't say I've actively looked forward to one since Breath of the Wild was first shown.
  20. Red Dead Redemption 2. I’m on Chapter 6 so doing my best to see of the main game this weekend. I do feel I won’t get the most out of it, like most open games, I play for the story and aim to finish all the main missions, but games like this need the kind of commitment I only had when I was in my early/mid teens and could commit weeks to 100% competing things like Wind Walker.
  21. I'm guessing with their current playbase and then those that joined with it being free on PS+ mean a 'yes'.
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